» Spotted ⋮ « Diamonds » ⋮ Han Yoojin


» Spotted


    < Diamonds>    


Han Yoojin & Bang Yongguk



Spotted Quote: “ Safety zones? Hm.. I found a lot


Username : Chyahwang        Activity Level (/10) : 8/10       What should I call you : Min


Name : Yoojin, Han

Nickname : 


Age  Date of Birth : 18 ⋮ 13 May, 1995

Ethnicity  Nationality : Korean ⋮ Korean

Place of Birth  Hometown : Incheon, South Korea ⋮ Incheon, South Korea

Languages Spoken : Korean (Fluent), English (Fluent), Russian (basic)



From the Mirror :

Ulzzang : Hyojin, Park

Pictures : 1 ⋮ ⋮ 3 ⋮ 4 ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ 

Back-Up Ulzzang : Geumhee, Lee

Pictures : 1 ⋮ 3 ⋮ 4 ⋮ 

Height  Weight : 163 cm ⋮ 44 kg

Blood Type : O


Appearance : She has black, long straight hair. She has black rounded eyes. She has mily white skin. She has regular piercing on both of her ears.

Style : She loves to wear something cute. She loves to wear colorfull shirt, oversized shirt with cute print, accessories, etc. She also loves to wear high-top sneakers. Sometimes she will wears skirt that combined with leggings. And you will always see her wear backpack wherever she goes. In cold weather, she will add more layers on her outfit by adding more hooded jacket and coat. she will look like this, this, this or this.  


Inside your Brain :

Personnality :

"I’ll tell you the secret ways…" She’s an active girl. She will run here and there. You will rarely see her being quiet for long time. At first, you will see her sitting in a bench near by a class and then in a blink of eye, she’s already on the yard. Her childishness is the thing that makes her become like this. She’s an adventurous girl who always searching for something new. 

"I’m a good girl, you know?" In some times, she turns become a good girl. She becomes a pretty and quiet girl. This will happen when she has dinner with her family. She shows her grace to her parents. But in facts, she is a mannerly girl, but she isn’t the manner-strict one. She’s flexible anyway.

"Where’s my cotton candy??" She’s a childish girl behind her parents’ knowing. She becomes very childish because she never has the chance to enjoy her childhood time fully. She didn’t get that much attention from her parents because they were too busy with their work. Officially, she’s a 14 years old girl who trapped inside the body of 18 years old girl. Sometimes she's a bit stubborn. She won't listen to the others' words except if she wanted to. She's also well-known as the troublemaker. She did it because she wanted her parents' attention.

"Deep inside, I’m…" She’s a wise girl. Even though her childishness level is higher, she still can be very wise. She isn’t a type who easily does everything without thinking the risk after doing those things. You can say that she’s a deep thinker. She’s also a lonely girl. She doesn’t have that much friends because they know that she’s a daughter of the current chairman of Unmyeong. She's also a type of girl who is impatient. She can not wait for long time. Waiting is the most thing that she hates.

Qualities Active, adventurous, discernment, grace, wise, brainy, mannerly

Flaws : childish, stubborn, lonely, impatient, troublemaker

Likes :

1 → Chocolate

2 → Mint

3 → Choco Mint Ice Cream

4 → Cereal

5 → Snow

6 → Spicy foods

7 → Fluffy animals

8 → Grape Juice

9 → Cotton candy


1 → Worms

2 → Bugs

3 → Thunder

4 → Green Veggies

5 → Strawberry flavor

Habits :

1 → Chewing minty bubble gum when nervous

2 → Stomping her foot when irritated

3 → Her ears turns to red when lying


1 → Drawing

2 → Singing

3 → Cooking


1 → She has phobia of clowns and balloons

2 → Her clothing size is M

3 → She has small scar on her waist because of an accident when she was 8 years old

4 → She really loves cotton candy

5 → She always bring sweets, phone, perfume, wallet, earphone, and permanent markers inside her bag

6 → She loves fairytales

7 → She has a hamster named Poyu

8 → She loves pink and purple

9 → She's allergic to seafood


Biography :

Background :

Yoojin was born and raised in a rich family. Her father was formerly a staff inside Unmyeong while her mother was a pediatric doctor. Both of them were very busy. They often left Yoojin alone in their big mansion. But sometimes her father brought her into Unmyeong and let her played alone around Unmyeong. Her parents always gave her everything that she wanted. But they never spent their time to play with her. They also paid more attention about manner to their daughter. They taught her how to be a mannerly girl in front of a lot of people. They never gave her a chance to played with her friends. This made her became very lonely, but she still can enjoy her life. As she grew up, her parents decided to put her into Unmyeong.

As the time passed by, her father became a chairman of Unmyeong. And 80% of the population inside Unmyeong knew about this because when her father was being a staff of Unmyeong, they often came to Unmyeong together from the same car. some of the teachers in Unmyeong sometimes introduced Yoojin to the other student as the daughter of him. and conclusion was, 80% percent of the students already know that she was a daughter of the current chairman. This made him turns became a cold man, so did with her mom. They became colder as before. They became a bit arrogant. At this moment, she still has not that much of friends. She often walked alone around to visit her secret spots inside Unmyeong. She wanted to get lot of attention from her parents. She started to do some troubles inside Unmyeong with her childish act. Her father, who became concerned with the troubles that would appear in the future, then looked for a bodyguard to protect her daughter. And then… He found this guy.

Lifestyle : She comes from rich family. She lives in her own mansion in Incheon, which isn't that far from Incheon


Any Family Member Worth Mentioning? : 

1 → Father (Unmyeong's Chairman) | Han Joohwan | 52 | OC | alive | strict, hardworking, cocky, honest | yes

2 → Mother | Jung Sera | 49 | OC | Alive | Hardworking, funny, independent, responsible, cocky | no

3 → Cousin | Han Sanghyuk | 17 | VIXX | Alive | Funny, easygoing, humble, caring, respectful | Yes


Social Circle :


→ The Bodyguard


Friends :

1 → Juniel | Solo | 18 | Single | English Club | -- |

Personality in few words: Shy, funny, honest, responsible

How you met: They met for the first time when Juniel entered Unmyeong and tried to find the Music Class. She accidentally bumped with Yoojin. She asked Yoojin about where is the music class and Yoojin showed her the way

How you act around each other: They became a close friend after few meetings. They talked a lot and Yoojin often brought her into the secret spots around Unmyeong

Classes taken: Music instrument: Guitar, singing, Programming I, Mandarin Language



Rival :

1 → UEE | After School | 19 | Dating | -- | Swimming team

Personality in few words: Cocky, over-confident, sarcastic, bossy

How you met: They met in the dance class. In the middle of the practice time, UEE suddenly appeared from the door and called out her bestfriend with loud voice. Her voice distracted the whole class. She didn't say sorry to the teacher and just went out after that.

How you act around each other: Yoojin already put UEE's name into her blacklist. She saw her in disgusting glare. While UEE who already know that Yoojin was the daughter of Unmyeong's chairman often bullied her. They sometimes fighting each other

Classes taken: Swimming, Ancient history, Diffetential calculus



Heart to Heart :

Name : Yongguk, Bang

Backups : TOP (Big Bang), Junhyung (B2ST)

Age  Date of Birth : 19⋮ 31 March, 1994

Ethnicity  Nationality : Korean

Place of Birth  Hometown : Incheon, South Korea

Languages Spoken : Korean (fluent), Japanese (basic)




Personnality :

“I don’t need lot of friends…” He’s an anti-social. He became an anti-social because he focused on his work; to gain money. Actually, there was a warm side of his that can’t be explored by ordinary people. He hid it behind his strong appearance. He loves kids anyway. He has charismatic appearance. Being an anti-social was his own chose so that he can focus on his job to gain money for his family. He need the money for the treatment of his mother who suffered from cancer.

“Don’t make a mess with me” He’s a good fighter. He went to a school which has many fighter students. They made gangs. And they often fight each other because of some problems. Yongguk also involved in these fights. Because of that, he learnt a lot about fighting and being a good fighter until now. He became very harsh and dangerous when angry. He will kick down all of his enemies.

“I’m at your service, sir.” He’s a deference guy. He will put all of his life to his job that he currently do. He’s very loyal to his master. He won’t let any little mistakes disappointed his master. He will do his job with all of his heart. Sometimes he’s over-worked until collapsed without noticing his tiredness level.

Qualities  deference, loyal, warm, caring, charismatic

Flaws : anti-social, over-worked, harsh, dangerous.


Background :

He was raised in a normal family. He was a good boy who loves to help for his parents to work. His father was a driver while her mother was a florist. Little Youngguk has no friend because he can’t speak until he was 5 years old. He became a lonely boy. He went to a school nearby his house and became a smart student.

When he was entered the high school, he became a fighter boy. He always involved in some students fights. He often went home with some bruises. This made his parents became angry. They would like to make him dropped out from school if they found out he involved into a fights once again. But he didn’t really care about the warning from his parents.

After days passed, her father passed away because of an accident. His father’s death made him sad and he decided to quit from the school. He started to found a job to help his mother. Not long after his father’s death, he found out that his mother suffered from cancer. This made him depressed. He needed a new job with high salary to help his mother. And luckily, he found a job to be a bodyguard for a daughter of Unmyeong’s chairman. And he officially became a student in Unmyeong.

In Unmyeong, he met with The School's Ace. He found out the he has some good personality and strong appearance. Later he knew that The School's Ace was a sport maniac. They talked a lot and became a friend. He felt that he matched a lot with The School's Ace. That was his reason why he befriended with The School's Ace.


Classes Taken : Basketball, Dance, Japanese Language, Oriental History, Oriental Literature

In need of a dorm? :          [ x ] Yes          [ ] No


How you met : They met inside the chairman's room. Yoojin's father introduced Yongguk as her bodyguard started from that day on.

How you act around each other :

It was a bit awkward at first. Basically, Yoojin isn’t a girl who loved to be attached with another people when she walked around to her favorite spots during her boring day. But she tried to comfort herself that he can protected her from the bullies that might came from the other students.

For Yongguk, it was his first experience to be a bodyguard of a girl; especially the girl who is a daughter of the school’s chairman. He never has been this close to a girl before. But he tried to adapt with her personality so that his ‘master’ wouldn’t be disappointed with him.

How you want your story to go : Yoojin can accepted the condition that Yongguk will always follow her wherever she goes; except to the bathroom. And Yoojin started to befriended with him. They became a close friend after some periods of time

How you want your story to end : Happily and ever after! xD Yongguk tell her the whole stories about his life, especially about the condition of his mother. Yoojin who touched after hearing his stories then talked to her father about Yongguk's reason to be her bodyguard. She pleaded to her father to help Yongguk. After some long arguments, Yoojin's father finally understand and help Yongguk's mom. He paid all of the treatment to cure Yongguk's mother and finally she recovered from the cancer.


School Life :

Classes Taken : Drawing I, Music Instrument: Violin, dance, Film making, Russian language, Baseball, volleyball

Why are you at Unmyeong : Her father forced her to go to Unmyeong and she agreed.

How is your school life : It was ordinary life. The interesting part was she knew lot of secret spots around Umyeong and often helped the other to sneaked out of Unmyeong. But the annoying part if her school life was..... some students often hissed her because she's the daughter Unmyeong's chairman.

How do other students view you? : They often said that she's the troublemaker princess even though she's the daughter of the current chairman. But they also wanted to say thankyou to her because she shares some secret spots to sneaked out of the class.

What do you think of the 'Spotted' page? : It's interesting!! She loves to read some hot issues around Unmyeong. She often write in spotted page about the secret spots too.


What do you plan to do in your life? : Making a free-school for the kids; the new one that doesn't have any relation with Unmyeong


Dorm Life :

In need of a dorm? :          [ ] Yes          [ x ] No

How many roomates? :          [ ] 0          [ ] 1          [ ] 2          [ ] 3   

Indicate the hour you leave the dorm : In the morning

Indicate the hour you come to the dorm : In the evening

What other activities do you do in the dorm :

Do you have any restrictions or demands concerning your dorm attribution? :


Questions :

Questions :

1. How exactly did she marked every corner of the school? figurative mark or literal mark? She marked it with small red cross that noticeable for her.

2. How does she feel about her family? She felt that her family needed a bit "treatment". Because she admitted that her family was a bit cold to the other. If she has a chance, she really wanted to change her family's personalities.

Student Body & Staff :

Anyone you want to see as a student? :

1 → Taeha | Speed | 19 | Dating | -- | Baseball team |

Personality in few words: Funny, ambitious, affable, brainy, cheerfull

Classes taken: Baseball, Singing, Introduction of Space Science



Anyone you want to see as a teacher? :

1 → Zinni | GLAM | 28 | Dating | Dance Class | She loves to divided her class to be some small groups and let her stundents to expresses their feelings by making new choreography after giving some basics for them | Choreographer


Anything Else? :

Comments? : My 2nd application! I'm sorry for some grammar mistakes >< I hope you'll like this one too~ Tell me if I did something wrong, kay? xD

Scene Requests? : When Yoojin was about to walked back to her mansion, she was attacked by thugs. And Yongguk involved in another fight with the thugs. Unfortunately, the last thug knocked Yongguk down. He got lot of bruises. Yoojin with a little courage, then hit the last thug with a block and saved Yongguk. Yongguk apologized for his failed but Yoojin ignored him and brought him to his mansion to cleaned up his wounds.

Questions? : noooope~

Suggestion Box : n/a

Password :




Back to the Story...




Useful Info :

Pre-established relationships :

  • Mrs President and The School's Ace are siblings. < Networked > & < Two of a Kind >
  • The Musician and The Photographer are friends. < Lyrical > & < Shot & Broken >
  • The Runner and The New Girl are childhood friends. < Shot & Broken > & < The Love Trap >
  • The Childhood Friend and The Wannabe Actor are childhool friends. < Friendzoned >
  • The Bodyguard is friend with either the Rebel or The School's Ace. < Networked > & < Paper Stars > or < Two of a Kind >
  • The Lady is the daughter of the school's chairman. < Diamonds >
  • The Gambler is friend with The One with no String Attached. < Tiger Toes > & < The Love Trap >
  • The Runner used to go out with The One with no String Attached. < Shot & Broken > & < The Love Trap >


Available classes :

  • Natural Sciences : Biology (Pluricellular OrganismsEvolution and Diversity of the LivingAnatomy), Chemistry (Introduction to ChemistryClassical Chemistry (also Wet chemistry), Organic Chemistry I and II), Physics (MechanicsElectricity and magnetismOptics, Modern Physics), Earth Sciences (Introduction to Earth sciences), Space Sciences (Introduction to Space sciences)
  • Social Sciences : (All disciplines include 3 classes: Introduction to [course][course] I and [course ] IIAdministration, Anthropology, Communication, Economics, Geography, Linguistics, Political Sciences, Psychology, Religion Sciences and Sociology
  • Formal Sciences : Mathematics (Differential Calculus, Integral Calculus, Linear Algebra and Geometrical Algebra, Probabilities and Statistics), Computer Sciences (Programming I, II and III, Algorithms and II, Graphic Design)
  • Performing Arts : Dance (at general request), Film (includes film history, filmmaking, acting), Music (includes instrument training (at individual request), singing and music history), Theater (includes acting history, acting, scenography)
  • Visual Arts : (All disciplines include 2 classes: [course] I and [course ] II)  Art history, Drawing, Painting, Photography, Mixed Medias and Sculpture (I and II)
  • General : Philosophy (RationalityHuman BeingEthic and Politic), Physical Education (Martial Arts, Swimming, Basketball, Baseball, Soccer, Badminton, Tennis, Volleyball, Yoga, Jogging, Mountain Biking, Fencing, Spinning), Languages (Korean, Mandarin Chinese, Japanese, English, Spanish, French, German, Arabic, Russian, other available upon request), History (Ancient History, Middle Ages History, Modern History, World History I and II, Occidental History, Oriental History), Literature (World Literature, Literary Theory, Occidental literature, Oriental Literature, Creative Writing)




The Checklist :

[ x ] Everything that remotely looks like a link is hyperlinked.

[ x ] The pictures of the stars have been replaced by the ulzzang and the love interest (150x150 px)

[ x ] Password?

[ x ] Delete all author's note and parenthesis.

[ x ] Make sure it's not hidden 

[ x ] The Application is titled correctly. Title shoud be: » Spotted ⋮ « Chosen Story » ⋮ Character's name. You have to replace 'Chosen Story' by the story you chose to apply for and write your character's name.

Ask if you have a question, I'll be glad to help.







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