I'm Back! ...with fic recs.

Sweet Dreams



  Well hello strangers ♥ (beware of shameless advertisement)


 HOW ARE YOU GUYS?! I'm not sure how many (if any) of you are subscribed to any fics that I am author or co-author for, but you probably noticed that they're... dead. They're dead.


But rest assured: Not for long! Exams and class finally over, I have a smidge more time on my hands to write- I'm already working on an update for Hollow and soon will get to work on the other stories that I am co author to: 

Writing a Letter


In a final attempt to contact an old friend, an inmate on deathrow writes a letter to him.
Characters: Junhyung(B2ST) & Sunggyu(INFINITE)


 This is one that me and my sister have been working on, it's my turn to update and I will! ...Soon. Yay for crack choice of characters..? 


You're My Obsession and My Forbidden Love [M] 

  After his parent's untimely death, Junhyung moves in with his guardian, a friend of his mom's. There he befriends, reluctantly, the son of his legal guardian, Jung Ilhon. Uneasy with the prospect of creating new familial bonds, at hitting 18 Junhyung moves in with a friend, leaves for military service and returns to find a completely changed Ilhoon. He'd become, in manner and personality, a younger version of himself.



A fic by my lovely lovely friend , she started this one a while ago and has a load of subscribers but got busy so I said I would help- and oh the irony of life, I suddenly became really busy too. OTL But this too will soon be updated so if you are one of the rare JunHoon fans out there, click subscribe! :'D 


Last bit of shameless advertisement, I promise xD but I've started doing a few posters here and there for fics that friends wrote, and the stories (click on images) are pure awesome so be sure to check them out! If my crappy skills have caught your attention, feel free to request a poster, banner, or whatever graphic you need! ^^ 



Just Run by ThexxMoonxxHides

Easily one of the best Block B fics I have read, striking imagery and a sort of bluntness that I personally don't see very often. The story centers around the original character of Ming-Jun, and the people around as she discovers them, and herself. 

 Check out the description, I think you'll see why I like it so much! 

Not everything has a purpose. Not everything is useful. Not everything has a deeper meaning. Sometimes when you're dipped in dark times and there's no reason to stick around, run. Just run as fast as you can. 

It isn't running away if you have a direction to go. 





All Things Foreign by BaiLingLing 

You may have seen already when it was advertised last month or so. TaoHun shippers! Subscribe for fluff, crack and everything EXO with the added ridiculousness that comes with life as a higschooler in a foreign country. 








So I guess that's it for now, grand announcements of coming back and ucoming updates, a load of ads (don't let them go to waste, I promise they are completely worth looking at!) and now, good bye. 


Love you all! ♥




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