What did they do to him?


I was gone for like...two days??

But thiseu, RAINBOW! XD


Seems legit.


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kamoi_mac #1
SM is just playing with these boys hairs!!
poor maknae's hair...
cathyokrane #3
I really hope changing their hair colors
starry_diamonds #4
poor Sehunnie being the victim of crazy wanna be Picasos of SM.
iAmWeAre #5
OMG they are damaging the poor kids scalp TT~TT
ohh.may.gwad!!!!! i just know today and i think im going to cry right now!!! ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
엣엠 짱!! ㅠㅠ
sehunahhhhh im sorry for not protect you XC
Omg theyre going to ruin his hair! How many times have sm dyed it already!?!
wow. the rainbow . just. sm. excuse you but his hair ain't your toy but uhm. just. NO.
Annie1216 #9
There's something called a "chalk dye". It's just chalk in his hair.....i hope.
I was gonna say "isn't this an old picture?" but nope, apparently it's not.
vnazngirl #11
Poor sehun I bet his hair is so dead and damaged
KyuMinLover123 #12
Holy f-ing sh** sm ain't playing around they really want us to suffer
My gosh SM please stop screwing around with sehun's hair he'll go bald if u continue and rainbow wtaf?? Shame on you SM shame on you