Wishlist! Saram's New Girl Group! "Lucy Jo"



"Lucy Jo"




Hello ! {}

Username : Edragonista

What can i call you ? : El


It's Me ! {}




"L  J"


Name : 

  • Chinese - Lucy Jo Fong Hua
  • Korean - Jo InNa

Nicknames? : 

  • LJ
  • Lucy
  • InNa

Age : 19

Birthdate : 5/25/1994

Ethnicity : Chinese-Korean

Blood Type : A

Birth Place : Hong Kong, China

Home Town : Hong Kong, China

Languages :

  • Chinese - fluent
  • Korean - semi-fluent, learning
  • English - fluent
  • French - basic

Personality : 

LJ is kindda sensitive, no, she is a sensitive person. LJ could be hurt by even the smallest thing and she could be unnecessarily sensitive at times, this would probably be her biggest flaw, but it is her most obvious personality. She has her own way of thinking, then interpreting and finally misunderstanding things. But, she is a very nice and considerate girl by hiding her own thoughts and consider about others and takes care of her surroundings. LJ is also a hopeless romantic. She would indulge herself in a fantastic, dreamy world where she forget all logical minds and the harsh reality. But, despite her romantic mind, she is very -extremely- afraid of boys. Unexpectedly, she is also a stubborn perfectionist who likes everything to be in order and dislikes dirty places. LJ also easily breaks things, especially when she is angry or jealous. 

Around her friends, LJ would be the popular girl who is perfect inside out. But, every time her friends decide to hang out after school, she would politely decline and goes home early to pick her little sister up at the local kindergarten and later on school. She is also a brilliant student since she would hate seeing imperfections in her report cards. With the teachers, she would be respectful with them and the other students sometimes call her: 'Teachers' pet'. With her family members, she loves her little sister very dearly and would always protect her since their parents are always away for work. 

Background : 

Her step-father and mother are always away for their work and LJ is left to take care of the house and her younger step-sister. Her father died when she was 5 and later on her mother remarried and she was gifted with a beautiful younger sister. Although they are half-blood related, LJ adores her younger sister very much. LJ would always go home early to fetch her sister from school, to go for grocery shopping, clean the house and cook for herself and her little sister. LJ is very independant and she would always be there for her little sister. In a way, LJ is like a housewife even before she got married. At school, LJ joins the dance club and on weekends she would always bring her little sister along with her to school to practice with the other club members.

It can be said that LJ is talented in dancing and she always like to go with the flow. She would also choreograph for the club's performance either on school festivals or the like. The school she attends to is well-known for their dance club and would always be invited to perform during dance competitons. One day, when they were invited to perfom in a variety show called 'Star King' in South Korea, LJ was approached by a man who introduces himself as: 'Saram Entertainment's Talent Scout' and told her to sign under them as their trainee. She had second thoughts about it, considering her little sister who is still small and is living alone without their parents. When she told her parents about it, surprisingly, her mother and step-father agreed to it and tells their daughter to grab this good opportunity since things like this doesn't appear twice. Her mother readily retires and became a stay-at-home wife and takes care of the family. 



Whoz That Girl ?! {}



"Kim Yura"


Idol Name : Girls Day's Yura

Links : 1-2-3-4-5-6



"Lee Q-Ri"


Back-up Idol Name : T-Ara's Q-Ri

Links : 1-2-3-4

Height : 1.64 m

Weight : 49 kg

Style :

LJ usually dresses according to the season and go for clothes which she deems comfortable yet cute


Them <3 {}


Family :

  • Jo Kwon | 42 | Step-dad | He is a very busy man and he travels a lot due to his job. He keeps a good relationship with his step-daughter and he even adores the girl. Later on, he becomes a huge fan of hers when she joins Saram Ent and debuts under Wishlist | Pilot
  • Cheryl Son GaIn | 40 | Mother | She is an understanding mother and knows about her daughter's wishes despite being away from home most of the time. She is a very happy-go-lucky mother who is open-minded about things, most of the time. Although a bad cook, she decides to stop her modeling career and finally settles herself at home. Taking care of her younger daughter was quite a task at first, but later on, she got used to it and loves being a housewife | Former model
  • Lilian Jo Chun Hua | 12 | Younger sister | A very bright and cheerful little girl, she is quite understanding and tries her best not to put her sister into trouble. She always pray that she would grow up soon so that no one has to make sacrifices just to take care of her. She loves her elder sister dearly and they would always go to LJ's school so that she could watch her sister dance. Lilian is a die-hard Lucyfer fan and would always be #1 | Student

Best Friends :

  • Audrey Chan AiShan (OC) | 19 | Undeniably, Audrey reminds LJ of her mother. Physically, she has a stunning beauty with long wavy auburn hair, pale skin, round greyish-brown orbs and cherry lips. She is an outgoing person who is loved by everyone and she is very popular just like LJ. Only Audrey knows about LJ's sacrifices at home, so that's why she never forces her friend to hang out with them and instead she would always hang out at the Jo household | Student

Friends :

  • Members | Varies | Different personalities | Wishlist members
  • Shim 'Max' ChangMin | 25 | He is a quiet yet caring person. ChangMin and LJ would contact each other sometimes to ask about each other's well beings or to congratulate on either person's success. ChangMin is also funny and sarcastic that LJ would always laugh at his jokes or sarcastic remarks. Although he is childish at times, but they like being in each other's company if they meet during shows or if they meet by accident | TVXQ member

Rivals :

  • F(x) | Victoria Song | 25 | She is a kind leader to her members. Victoria is well-known as a leader and she became more popular after she was casted as on-screen wife with 2PM's Nichkhun in We Got Married -oh and don't forget the haters too. She is also a gorgeous lady with stunning features | It isn't a war-like rivalry. To LJ, she considers herself challenged by her own countryman's success and she strives to be better than Victoria in any possible ways, especially in the entertainment world and make her sunbaenim proud

Love Interest :

  • SJ | Cho KyuHyun | 25 | He is a very funny person and she likes him very much for his sarcasm and his witty comments. The fact that he is the 'evil maknae' also makes LJ like him since he is the type of boy that she likes. He is her bias for as long as she knows that he exist in SuJu. KyuHyun is also a serious person when he is needed to be and the playful side of him is also present. She find it very cute that he is a gamer and he plays 'Starcraft' a lot

How they met? :

They meet during LJ's first time visit to South Korea; namely in the show 'Star King' where her school's dance club performed live in a foreign country's TV show. When they interviewed the leader, she publicly announced that she is a: 'devoted conKyubine' when LeeTeuk asked her who she likes among the KPop idols. They even gave her the opportunity to hug KyuHyun and she could have faint if it weren't for the reason that they have a final performance. Later on, they meet again when SMEnt offered her the chance to dance along the SuJu members; namely EunHyuk and DongHae when they perform 'I wanna Love You' at a concert in Hong Kong. That time, KyuHyun had bullied her and said harsh things that her sensitive heart couldn't contain anymore and cried in front of a guy for the first time. He didn't know she was a sensitive person, and finally he tried to pacify her. LJ was so afraid at that time that she jumped at the slightest touch KyuHyun made. He then grabbed her cellphone which was beside her and he called his own number.  

Back up Love Interest :

  • EXO | Huang 'Tao' ZiTao | 20 | Tao is the mysterious kind of guy who gives this: 'Stay away from me' aura. Tao would be the quiet one and is always determined when he does something. Like KyuHyun, LJ is affected by his persona as a 'mysterious maknae'.

How they met? :

They met back in Hong Kong; at the airport, she was on the way to fly to Incheon, South Korea. He was on the flight too, with the rest of the EXO-M members. She was lucky enough to be able to sit beside an idol but she fails to notice him since she was too nervous to start her life as a trainee. While she was studying her Korean on a little notebook, she started with a few sentences and she came to a difficult part. When she thinks tha she pronounced it the right way, the passenger next to her suddenly laughed and corrected her. She was very surprised when she saw that it was EXO's very own Huang ZiTao. She introduced herself to him and he did so too. She felt really comfortable with his presence and the mysterious male actually helped her study Korean until they reached South Korea. She thanked the guy profusely and before they departed, Tao had given her a little panda phone strap which she treasures dearly.  


She's Here ~ {}



"Cinderella Soul"

Likes :

  • Bubblegums
  • Watermelon
  • Blonde hair
  • Children
  • Fresh poultry
  • Cherry blossoms

Dislikes :

  • Backstabbers
  • Seawater
  • Tomatoes
  • Bullies
  • Smokers
  • When her cellphone's battery bar is low

Hobbies :

  • Dancing
  • Cooking
  • Writing short stories
  • Choreographing her own dance moves

Habits :

  • Dance for hours until she could no longer stand up when she feels stressed out
  • Bites her lips when she couldn't express her feelings
  • Shower a person with medicine after medicine when the person is sick
  • Cooks many types of dishes when she is extremely happy
  • Her left ear would twitch if she is lying

Trivia :

  • She appeared in Ailee's 'I Will Show You' MV
  • LJ also appeared in Teen Top's 'Be Ma Girl' MV
  • LJ appeared in one of SuJu's concert to dance on 'I Wanna Love You'
  • She is an extreme ELF and a devoted conKyubine
  • LJ would always offer food to other people and she never gets mad at people if they take a piece of food from her plate, even if it's her favourite dish
  • LJ would always carry around the tiny cherry blossom bookmark that Lilian gave her as a good luck charm
  • She also wears the baptism ring her mother gave her all the time
  • LJ carries the panda strap Tao gave her on her Galaxy S3
  • She doesn't allow people to touch her face
  • She is very picky when it comes to food but she is fine with cooking anything
  • LJ finds it very scary to sleep in the dark


"L . Jo"

Stage Name : L.Jo

Persona : Cinderella Soul

Position : Vocalist, lead dancer, visual

Group : (According to authors' choice)

back-up position : Main vocal, face

Personal fan club name : Lucyfer

Personal fan club color : #ff6666 



"Vocalist, lead dancer, visual"

Trainee Years : 3 years

Trainee Life : 

LJ has little problem about conversing in Korean, since she was learning that language back in Hong Kong. She does misses her family, but she stays strong since her mother always reminded her that golden opportunity appears only once. She has to practice hard on her vocal training. Although she just started singing, but according to the trainers, she has potential in singing. Sometimes, she would be quiet during training until people are afraid to even talk to her, but most of the time she would converse with other fellow trainees well.

LJ always bring over food when she comes for practice and the dishes she brought are always the tripled in amount since she likes sharing with the rest of the trainees. When she finds it hard sometimes, she would give her little sister a call and Lilian would always sing her sister's favourite Chinese song. Other times, she would get in touch with ChangMin and asks for his advices which are very useful most of the time. Plus, her life in a foreign country is just fine since her parents support her financially well even after she debuted

Weakness : 

  • Singing, but she is trying to improve herself though
  • Rapping, yup, never make her rap, you'll end up in fits of tearful laughing
  • Dancing, it is her best but she would be very disappointed for the whole training session if she makes a mistake


Girl Get Yo A$$ Over Here !



How Did you Find out about Saram Ent.? :

I found out about Saram Ent right after the talent scout approached me. When I got back home, I Googled about them and I am not really surprised since I've never heard of it. They are a new label in the entertainment world

What Did you think when you found out you passed ? :

I'm just glad that I could be a part of a new entertainment family. Although I don't know what the future holds, but the company's systems and organization seems fine enough that even my former model mother who worked in various modeling agencies trusted the company. Hopefully, the first bacth of trainees including me would be able to succeed as Saram's very first debut of girl group

Who do you wanna thank for supporting you?:

First of all, I'd like to thank God because without Him, there would be no chance for me to stand on the stage, to be able to present what little talent I have. Next would go to my family who are always supporting me and are very understanding. Next goes to my fellow Wishlist members who are always by my side whatever happens -I love you, awesome geeks- and my greatest gratitude would go to Saram Ent who accepted me as a part of their trainee and later on as a debuted artist. No one would acknowledge us girls if it weren't for Saram Ent's hard work and never ending support!

Please Say a Message to your Parents / Siblings :

Hi abeonim, mama and Lilimei. I hope all of you are doing well. I'm doing great over here. The company treats me really well and everyone is so nice and caring towards me. I miss you guys so much. I promise that I would be back if I have the chance to do so. Please take a good care of yourselves. Abeonim, please don't work too hard and and stress yourself out over there. I'm really looking forward to meet you if I come back to Hong Kong. Mama, do use all the products I sent you. I really thank you and abeonim for giving birth to me. I hope I make the two of you proud. Finally, to my lovely Lilian, study smart and be a good girl to abeonim and mama. I hope you'll keep up the good work in your studies and excel even more in sports too. Stay healthy, I love all of you. 

If you werent a idol what would you be doing ? :

Maybe I would have graduated as a university student back in Hong Kong. I would be a fresh graduate under the course of Culinary and try to find jobs at restaurants or hotels. Or with my good results, I might even opt for overseas studies if I get a scholarship. I've never dreamt big, but becoming an idol is like a gift sent from the above, even when that kind of work field never reached my mind. 

Do you like your group?:

Being with a bunch of different personalitied girls make me understand people better and had given me the chance to mingle well with people. I'm quite sensitive, so I have to learn to withstand pressure once I'm an adult in the future. Yes, I like my group very much since the girls are very kind and friendly, considering the fact that I am a foreigner. They would teach me a lot of stuff and the girls distract me from missing my family too much. I love the girls, the group and the company very much


Bye !{}

Comments :

Hi there. I hope my app is fine. I'm fine if you want me to change. And I'm really sorry for adjust some of the parts. I've added a 'Love Interest' section under the 'Them <3' part. Please, don't be angry. Anyway, thank you so much for your time. Hope you'll enjoy reading :)

Suggestions : 

Nope, no suggestions from me. Sorry :/


  • Some fluff between LJ and her love interest or the back up
  • A little drama concerning her family
  • Funny moments among the members
  • There could also be scenes where she is hurt by the media's comments of her

Password : Why can't DongHae and EunHyuk be together?!




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