❝ travellers ↷ run away! — Hwang Chaeyeon


  i'm a traveller! ↷ Hwang Chaeyeon.



USERNAME : Chyahwang

NAME : Hwang Chaeyeon; Charlene Hwang
AGE : 19 years old
BIRTHDATE : March 27, 1994
ETHNICITY : Korean, French
LANGUAGES SPOKEN : English (fluent), French (Fluent), Korean (conversation)
HEIGHT + WEIGHT : 168 cm + 48 kg

HOMETOWN : Incheon, South Korea
BIRTHPLACE : Lyon, France
FAVOURITE COUNTRY : France, South Korea, Japan

PERSONALITY TRAITS : kind, auxiliary, active, leader, ambitious

She’s an auxiliary girl. She doesn’t hesitate to give help to the other. She will always give her hands to the other as long as she can help them out. She’s well-known as the teacher’s pet too.

She’s a type of girl who is very kind to the other. She always smiles to the other. You will rarely see her in bad mood condition. Even though she’s a rich girl, she doesn’t like to show it to the other. She isn’t a cocky girl anyway.

She’s an active girl. She loves to do lot of things. You will always see her walking here and there with lot of things to do. She’s also good in sports such as baseball, volleyball, and also basketball.

She’s the current chairman in her class. She can be the leader for all of her friends inside the class; she’s also a clever student. As a transferred student from France and then moved to Australia, she’s good in English and French

But sometimes, she becomes ambitious. She won't stop until she gets what she want. She will do anything that she can do for the things that she wants.


This was her 2nd times studied overseas. At first she studied abroad to Australia, and then she moved to South Korea.

At first, she got chosen to study abroad to Australia. And her parents decided to come along with her moved to Australia from France. They stayed there for few years. There in Australia, she became a smart student. She got a chance to studied overseas to South Korea after took a difficult test. She learnt about Korean easily. And when it came to the announcement day, fortunately she won over the other students to study abroad to South Korea.

In Korea, she easily adapted with the new environment. And here, she was chosen to be the chairman of her class because of her leader-like personality.


» Spring She loves spring because she was born in Spring. She loves to smell the scent of the blooming flowers.
» Sweet She loves sweets because she loves the taste of it. Candies and bubble gums are her favorites
» Lilies Because of her mom's habit when she was living in France. Her mother always placed a vase full of lilies in her room every morning.
» Chocolate ⇒ She loves the sweetness of chocolate. She assumed that chocolate can calm down her mind
» Fluffy animals Because her parents also loves fluffy animals like dogs and cats
» Backpack ⇒ She loves backpack because she can bring lot of things inside her backpack
» Cotton Candy ⇒ Again. She loves the sweetness of it and she also loves the colors of the cotton candies.
» Lego ⇒ She loves it because she can make lot of things with these legos


» Worms ⇒ because she found out that worms were really disgusting.
» Carrots ⇒ She said that carrots has weird smell.
» Tofu ⇒ She hates the taste of the tofus
» High-heels ⇒ Even though many people said that she's a fashionista, she hates to use high-heels because it made her legs aching so bad
» Grape juice ⇒ Again, she hates the taste of it
» unpunctuated person ⇒ Because she hates waiting
» Roller coaster ⇒ She hates it because once she tried to ride roller coaster and she get dizzy. she even vomited after riding the roller coaster


» Bring lot of sweets inside her backpack
» Her ears will turns become red when embarrassed
» Blowing her bangs if bored
» Chewing bubble gum when nervous


» Drawing
» Cooking
» Reading comics


» When people entered her room without her permission
» When someone come late
» When there are no sweetes left inside her backpack


She’s a rich girl. In Korea, she lived alone, because her parents needed to run their works in Australia. She lived in an apartment that her parents bought for her.

In daily, she loves to spend her times by reading comics in her room. Besides reading in her room, she also loves to walk around in a shopping mall. But she isn’t a type who wastes her money for buying lot of clothes. She loves to buys some news comics. And besides reading comics, she also loves to read scientific books for her study.

When around people, she's very humble. She's always available when you need her help; as long as she can help you. There's no big different when she's around her family. She loves to be around the kids. She loves to babysitting them.


» She loves to listen to hiphop song. She also loves ballad songs. Her favorite songs are The Quiett's Get My Shine On (ft. Verbal Jint), and Brian Joo's Let This Die (ft. Tiger JK)
» Her favorite colors are black, red, and purple
» She has twitter account @itschemmy
» She can't whistling
» She always use this pendant for her luck
» Her favorite singers are Younha, Brian Joo, and Gummy
» She's a left handed
» She's a half Korean, half French
» She has 2 siberian huskies named Chiyuu and Foxy
» She's allergic to dust, roses, and shrimps


She will easily attach with a person who is very talk-active. She also loves to hanging around with a person that has good sense of humors. Besides that, she loves to attach with honest person, easygoing, and also person who can listen to her problems and help her to solve the problems.


Sometimes she loves to hanging around with a person who is a bit sarcastic. She also loves to attach with a person who has the same hobby with her; reading comics or drawing.



She hates to be around with a person who is bossy and harsh. She also hates someone who has no respect to the other people. She also hates dishonest person. Traits: Bossy, harsh, dishonest, disrespectful

ULZZANG 1 : Sukyung --Ulzzang
ULZZANG 2 : Yeon Jihee/Aru -- Ulzzang


She loves to wear anything that basically makes her comfortable to move around. Because she’s an active girl, she loves to wear skinny jeans or leggings. She will also wear girly tops. She sometimes wears oversized t-shirt too. When the weather is cold, She loves to wrap them with a coat.

She also loves to wear sneakers. She will refuse if you ask her to wear high-heels. She loves to wear accessories for her hair. But she prefers to wear snapbacks than anything else. Don’t forget to mention that she loves to wear backpack for daily school life.

PLOTLINE : The Target -- third victim
COMMENTS : Sorry for my grammar mistakes >< I love this story! Tell me if I did something wrong so I can fixed it asap :)
CODE Traveller's Journey




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