Graphic Design Academy/School/Training Camp

Someone should really start one of these.

It's like graphic tutorials, but with a school setting. Where there are teachers/students and the students have to apply and such. 

I just think it'd be I so bad at making posters, but there's no one to guide me or anything. :'( I don't know the basics of making a decent poster and just kjad;lkfjs;laflkadslkaj. 

I need a tutor. ROFL!!

Maybe I'll make one and become someone's student. 

This sounds so retarded.

I feel like I'm on drugs.

Maybe the fried chicken got to me. 

I'll probably make it. I can bet on it. It'll fail and I'll probably go sulk in a corner. Worth a try though. xD


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...okay omg im begging you on letting me do this now. the ideas for this is going wild in my head. i have like so much planned out. OMG. PLEASE. I WANT TO DO THIS.

REUHFNJMDLERKWNFMDKRE/rolls like a buffalo who was given too much sugar
OMFG I NEVER THOUGHT OF THIS.IT'S SUCH A GOOD IDEA. know im really considering on trying to make this... maybe?... omg i think i want to. do you mind if i borrow the idea and make it? i'll be sure to credit you!!! ; u ;