Diamant ♦ Kpop super group ♦ Kang Sunhee ; Sun ♦



Kang Sunhee |The Shy Unnie


♦ Shall we get started 

AFF username:CandyLady

Profile link: Click!

Activeness (: 10

♦ Getting to know you

Name:Kang Sunhee

Other names:Miss Sports


Age :23 years old

Birthdate : July 1st,1990

Ethnicity :Korean


Birthplace:Busan,South Korea

Hometown:Tokyo,Japan and Busan,South Korea

Height : 156

Weight : 53kg

Blood type:A

Languages : Korean(Native) and Chinese(Conversational)

♦ The face behind the person 

Idol name : Sistar Hyorin

Links: 1 2 3 4 5 6

Back up idol : Sistar Bora

Links: 1 2 3 4 5 6

♦ Hello there!

Personality: She is very shy and polite which some people tend to about.She is trying to becoming more confident and braver as time goes on, and she always tries to be of help wherever she can. Sunhee is a sweet and kind person but can be strict when it is needed. She is also a bit clumsy since she failed to hit her younger sister who was very near to her because she trip over nothing.She retains her intimidating atmosphere no matter what emotions she states she feels.She does not like asking for help but like to help others which  causes some unwanted trouble.Since Sunhee is shy,she try to hide her cuteness and yness through her shyness attitude but always fell to do so.Sunhee uses some different words or phrases for normals words, although people only notice this in weird situations or when they are on TV.Sunhee likes to draw mangas but is horrible at drawing and her storylines often make little to no sense. She has a tendency to stumble over her words when upset which makes people never understand what she is saying.She has trouble interacting with people, as she is easily embarrassed.When it comes to sports,the members count on Sunhee because when she was in middle school through high school,she was on the track team and soccer team which people found shocking since they thought she at sport since she so shy and quite.Since Sunhee is very quite that leads to her often being ignored in conversations involving the more outgoing people around her until she make an noise so they can notice she is still their.She carries a hidden domineering streak, under which she is capable of commanding the obedience of everyone around her which always shocks people.

Background:Sunhee grew up in Busan and started playing track and soccer in primary school, continuing through junior high. When she was 14, her family moved to Tokyo due to her father's job that wanted him to make their company know in Japan and Sunhee soon found herself alienated from the classmates at her new school. This led her to feel uncomfortable and was the start of her quietness and more shyer personality.When she joined the school's soccer and track team, she met with opposition from its regular players but also encountered Arisa, who became her first friend at the new school.On her fifteenth birthday,Sunhee discovered that she was not truly related to her mother but her biological mother was an close friend of her father but she had died while giving birth to Sunhee.


  1. Books
  2. Sweets
  3. Babies
  4. Harry Potter
  5. Anime
  6. Tea


  1. Bugs
  2. Bully's
  3. Snobs
  4. Movies
  5. Jazz
  6. Heels or Wedges


  1. Reading
  2. Playing Sports
  3. Drawing
  4. Writing
  5. Cloud Watching but if raining the watching TV


  • Favorite Song is Sistar"Loving U"
  • Favorite Female Group is GLAM
  • Favorite Male Group is B.A.P
  • Favorite Solo is IU
  • Idol Type is Lee Joon
  • Ideal Type is somebody who can make anybody laugh even when they are mad or upset
  • Never been kiss because Arisa made her kiss an frog and the whole school saw it
  • Daddy push her in a pond after she got mad at him
  • Yell or cry silent when she is angry
  • Arisa stole her track and causal clothes while she was taking an shower so she had to look for her at school in a short towel

♦ La famille 


Kang Saewoon l 48yr l CEO of an famous Video Game Company l He has a strict personality when it comes to people abiding to the rules.Though he has a stiff attitude, he is also very caring especially towards his friends and family. l Father

Kang Mina | 45yr | Nurse | She has a gentle and obedient personality and dearly loves her husband, but when he is gone, she has a rude and cruel personality and couldn't care less about Sunhee.She usually has a straight face and can hardly be read. | Adoptive Mother

Song Taeyoung | 40yr | Was an Teacher | She was overall very cheerful and willing to lend her help to others, though her unique brand of help isn't always effectiveShe had a slightly arrogant attitude and often made her boyfriend (Sunhee Father} buy things (namely food) for her. | Mother

Best friend:

Sato Arisa l 23yr l When Sunhee first join the track and soccer team,Arisa went up to Sunhee in the locker room and demend to be her friend since they both was on the soccer and track team  l Gave Sunhee the nickname Sun,live in a 2 bedroom house with Sunhee and her husband,and a Trainee at DreamTea.

Friends :N/A

Interesting moment in your family:One day Sunhee and her parents was shopping at the mall for so back to school clothes which was ok at first until Sunhee father pick up bras and told her to get them while girls who went to her school saw and started to laugh.

♦ I hate you!!

Rival name:Jung Nicole



Reason for rivalry:Nicole and Sunhee want the same boy which was not an problem until Sunhee saw Nicole almost kiss him one day which cause an full out war between them.

♦Love is in the air

Love interest:Lee Jinki

Age:23yr but 24yr in december


How you met:Diamant and SHINee was both inteview at the same time on Music Bank and they stood next to eachother


Back up love interest:Dongwoo

Age:22yr but turning 23yr this year


How you met:They both appear on the same TV show as the only guest and as soon as Sunhee walked in the room,she fell on Dongwoo


♦ Almost there!

Stage name:Sun

Persona:The Shy Unnie


How you got into the company:Sunhee and her best friend sended in a duet of themselve sing and the were ask to join which they said yes to.

Years of training:7 years

Position :Leader,Main Vocalist,Dancer

Back-up position:Composter,Main Vocalist

Fanclub name and colour:Sun Rays + Yellow and Orange

Singing twin and links: Sistar Hyorin|| 1 2
Rapping twin and links: N/A
Dancing twin and links:T-ara Hyomin || 1 2
Speaking twin and links:T-ara Soyeon || 1 2


Suggestions:They can sing-

  1. Apink "Hush"
  2. After School "Flashblack"
  3. Gi "Beatles"

Sub Group if 2 members:

  1. Davichi " Love and War"
  2. Davichi " Turtle"

Sub Group if 4:

  1. Sunny Hill "Midnight Circus"
  2. Evol "Get Up"

Sub  Group if 3 members:

  1. Orange Caramel "Magic"
  2. TTS " Twinkle"



Any scene requests? : Nope

Password: My favorite Group is Fiestar and for bonus my favorite company is YG because I am a big Lee Hi fan


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