✦ Graceful ✧ Rose




— reality

Username : CandyLady

Nickname : Candy

Activeness :10


ayee, 'sup?

Name :Song Jangmi

Nicknames :Jamie because when she told her friends at middle school what her korean name was,they said it sound kinda like jamie + Shikshin since Jangmi likes to eat food a lot.

English name :Song Rose 

Birthdate+age :February 14th,1995 + 18 years old

Birthplace+hometown :Jeju City,South Korea + Honolulu,Hawaii

Ethnicity :Hawaiian-Korean

Blood type :A

Languages :Korean(Fluent),English(Fluent),and Hawaiian(Basic)

Height :170cm

Weight : 55kg


what i love

Personality :Jangmi is a strong-willed and emphatic person who puts all her heart and effort into the things she does.She is stubborn and straightforward, often calling others out for their weaknesses and delusions.She is the type of person who consistently tries her best to aid and support the people around her. Jangmi is a bit of a worrier and concerns herself with the welfare of people she cares about but she would not every show it to anybody..She knows exactly how to turn a mistake into a thing to be happy about or laughed at. She is a glutton when it comes to food calling herself a 'food warrior' since she love to eat.She gets a thrill out of being scared, unlike most people. She also seems to have a very high amount of skill in that regard,whether it's acting scared or scaring others.She gets along well with others and tries to help them whenever she can.She Often bottling up anxiety in order to get along with others.She usually holds in her emotions until she finally can not hold it any longer which may happen anywhere at anytime.She was know as female Minho when it comes to sports since she joined every sports that was available to her in middle school just so she could have something to do after school.She was the captain of the soccer team,cheerleading team, and softball but decided to give up that position since she can only handle the stress and pressure of for only so long. 


Background : She was born in one of the most extremely wealthy and powerful mafia family in South Korea and alittle of Hawaii.Her father and mother were originally part of the mafia called "Dragon" which was run by her grandfather/father dad and where they met; They took over the business when Jangmi's mother, Nani, became pregnant.They chose her name when Nani parents gave her roses when the find out she was pregnant and Nani wanted to use that name.Back in her home, Jangmi shared a good relationship with the mafia members that live in the estate or visit  as well as, presumably, her mother, until she passed away from drowning when Jangmi was 11 years old.However, because her father was overly obsessed with his business and money, he had neglected his daughter until she was 15 years old and spent time with her at breakfast,Lunch,Dinner,and on weekends.When she was at least an week old,her parents and "Dragons" move to Hawaii because Jangmi's mother,Nani,wanted to live in her birthplace again.She did not know what her father business really was until her mother died and she heard him talking about it on his phone.

She was home school until middle school because her father thought it was best for her to make some friends.Just as she started to make friends,her father got marry to an women who looked just like her mother which cause an riot in the house after everybody found out she was pregnant with the next mafia boss.After she gave birth to Jangmi little brother,She ranaway with some of their money which shock everybody since she seemed nice and kind.


Likes :

  • Sweets
  • Hello Kitty
  • Music
  • Anime
  • Harry Potter
  • Books

Dislikes :

  • Bugs
  • Bully's
  • Pictures
  • Party's
  • Snobs
  • Dirty Nails

Hobbies : 

  • Reading
  • Training
  • Watching Tv
  • Playing sports

Habits :

  • Glare when looking at people without trying
  • Bit lips when nervous
  • cry when super happy or sad
  • Blush around cute boys
  • Comment on everything if she can

Fears :

  1. Animals
  2. Fire
  3. The Dark

Trivia :

  1. Favorite Song is Fiestar"Vista"
  2. Favorite Male Group is B.A.P
  3. Favorite Female Group is GLAM
  4. Favorite Solo is Lee Hi
  5. Ideal Type is someone who can make anybody or is just funny to her
  6. Idol Type is BTOB Ilhoon
  7. First Kiss in the 8th grade
  8. Had an total of 3 boyfriends
  9. Was almost bitten on the leg by an dog
  10. Role Models are BoA and Lady Gaga

Special skills :

  • Can Sound like ET
  • Can play all types of sports
  • Know Ballet


hey, i'm pretty.

Faceclaim #1 : EXID LE

Faceclaim #2 : EVOL Yull

Style :

Casual - o o o

Formal - o o o

Dormwear - o o o

Airport - o o o

Swimming/Beach - o o o

Features :She always wear a necklace her parents gave her when she was 5 years old


— sky's prince

Love Interest 1 : Ricky or Yoo Changhyun

Age :February 27,1995 +  years old

Group :Teen Top

Personality :He is very cute and funny which is why he is so popular with girls and you know Jangmi is one of them girls.He is super funny and weird which is alright with Jangmi since that is like her ideal type.He like to harass  in a funny way but when it comes to Jangmi then he do it in a mean way so she can no longer like him which never work.He is humble when it comes his looks and always talking it only because he is healthy.When he start to get really mad or stress  he keep repeating in his to just smile.He is know for being loud in Teen Top with his partner in crime Niel but tend to get quite around girls  that are cute to him.He is blunt about his thought which hurts people feelings but he have to like you for him to say sorry.

You met : After Debut,Teen Top and Graceful appear on a variety show together as the only guests.

Interaction :

Him-He act mean to Jangmi becasue he dislike her but said that he told them that he mean to her because he like her and he do not want to.He act nice and sweet to her when they in public but when it just them or around their members,he like to insult her and make fun of her crush on him which he know hurt her feelings.When he smile at her that mean he happy to see her but it only last for a few minutes for he remember to act mean to her to stop his feelings which always lead to an glare.


Jangmi-She flirt with him and say they are soul mates even though he give her a mean response back but she never care even if her feelings and pride get hurt.She always prove in public and in private that she like him which is why only a few people call her their idol type since they know who she like.She like to hug him which he push her back and when she try to kiss him then he move out of the way which make her either kiss a wall or someone else.When he act nice to her in public,Jangmi likes to use her aegyo on him which make him blush a tiny bit. 


Love Interest 2 : Jung Daehyun

Age : June 28th,1993 - 20 years old 

Group :B.A.P

Personality :Same

You met :Before Debut,She went to an B.A.P fansigning and happen to shake Daehyun hands.

Interaction :Same


— up to the skyhigh!

Stage Name : Rose

Persona : The Motherly Shikshin

Individualistic :Petals + #ff0000

Position 1 : Main Rapper,Sub-Vocalist,and Designer

Position 2 : Maknae,2nd Lead Vocalist,Sub-Dancer

Voice twin : T-ara Jiyeon

Rap twin : 2ne1 CL

Sing twin : SNSD Sunny

Dance twin :N/A


— happy families?

Parents :

Mother ||Song Nani || 39yr ||Ex Mafia member and was an Teacher || She was known to be very sophisticated, wealthy, well-mannered and thoroughly immersed in Hawaii culture.People say she was very polite and has a good taste in fashion.Because of her nature, some people can't be honest with her or think of her as pitiful which lead to bad results for them sometimes.|| 5


Father ||Song Reowook| 38yr || Mafia Boss ||As stated by others, he is a very scary person with no care in the well-being of others unless you are family, preferring to do whatever it takes to get what he wants.He has full confidence with his own strength and power, and dislike to work together with anybody due to the fact he like to do work on his own.|| 3


Siblings : 

Little Brother || Song Jehyun || 6yr || Student || He is considered annoying by most of the people he meets, but by his family, he is also considered as someone dear to them.He is know to be very self-confident and views himself with high regards, but he often ends up crying over small things.|| 5


Bestfriends :

Male || Choi Junghan || 18yr ||Student/Waiter || He has many childish personality traits despite his age, calling himself a child in a man's body. One such trait is his love of sweets to the point of nearly developing diabetes. He is mostly seen eating or drinking something sweet, with strawberry milk being his favorite. || 5


Friends : 

Female||Kim Seolhyun || 18yr || AOA || Despite her generally kind and nurturing demeanor, she carries a hidden domineering streak, under which she is capable of commanding the obedience of everyone around her, including people her members.She has difficulty accepting these kindnesses however, due to either awkwardness or just not wanting to accept their kindness. || 3


Female || Seo Youkyoung || 20yr || AOA || She is an impulsive, lively, and air-headed girl, who acts or talks impolitely, much to the annoyance of her members.She is prone to seemingly logical ideas lacking in common sense, but takes it to the greatest degree by doing it on a regular basis || 4


Female || Lee Ha Ya or Lee Hi || 17yr || Solo || She is a very quiet and polite girl, which leads to her often being ignored in conversations involving the more dynamic people around her.She has a very playful side to her as well, despite how shy,awkward,and quite she is. || 5


Rival :

Female || Bae Suji or Suzy || 19yr || Miss || She always wants people to see her as a simple and sweet girl and is always kind and generous towards others, though this is merely a deception. In truth, she is arrogant and will not hesitate to use abusive language towards others or bully them for no reason. She even tries to make ammends if a fan sees her true personality which might ruin her reputation. || They were friends at first until Jangmi told her who my crush was and she started to show her true color.Jangmi and Suzy stop being friends and really became rivals after Suzy choose Jangmi crush as her idol type which made them start to hate each other and made Jangmi think about was they really friends in the first place. || Heavy 


— it is the ending...

Anything else? : Nope!

Soundtrack suggestions :

  1. B.A.P ' No Mercy'
  2. Evol 'Get Up'
  3. EXID 'I Feel Good'
  4. Glam 'I Like That' 
  5. 2NE1 'Clap Your Hands'
  6. 2PM ' Hands Up'

Comments : Hello,how are you?

Scene request :N/A



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