[ suit and tie ] : Heo Rin









 USERNAME  Edragonista

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 NAME  Heo Rin; initially Yuki Heo

- Rin, Yu : the name her friends call her

- Yuki : the name her family calls her 

- Star : the name she earns when she joins the mafia for her star tattoo
 BIRTHDATE  4th of February, 1993 
 ETHNICITY  Korean-Japanese

- Korean : she learns it at school; 4/5

- English : she learns it while she and her mother ran away to USA; 5/5

- Japanese : she learns it from her Japanese mother; 5/5 

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 FIRST CHOICE  Ahn Su Kyung 
 VISUALS  1 / 2 / 3 / 4 with gallery 

 SECOND CHOICE  Angela Yeung Wing 
 VISUALS  1 / 2 / 3 / 4 with gallery 

 DESCRIPTION  Physically, Rin has a tall built which she have her father; whom she will never meet, to thank for and Japanese features which she is thankful of from her mother. Rin likes to keep her hair long most of the time and takes care of it well. Towering over other girls at the height of 1.73 metres, she is hardly overlooked added with the cat-like piercing eyes with the dangerous glare she sometimes give other people. She keeps up a good body shape and she is muscular for a girl. Rin has the intimidating aura around her and even boys would feel hostile around her.

As for her clothing, despite the fact that she is a deceased mafia's daughter, she would never avoid flauting the figure she has and her mother loves to doll her up since she was a girl. Casually (1 / 2 / 3) she would opt for jeans and more skin-revealing clothes or dress, but other times, she would go comfortable over y (1 / 2). When she have to go for parties or formal dinners, she would go with little dress styles with heels (1 / 2)

She would option for comfy clothes while she works out or just have a run down in their neighbourhood area especially when she ran away with her mother in USA (1 / 2). As for her accessories, she wears a minimal amount of them, just a little bling of necklace and stylish earrings. There is also a certain cross necklace that she never takes off since she was 16. Rin also dones a tattoo along her waist and a star tattoo on the back of her neck.   


 KEY WORDS  Athletic, stubborn, confident, perfectionist, intellectual, humourless

 PERSONALITY  Having the athletic gene running wildly across her bloodstream, Rin likes to work out when she has the time. She would take up dual-like activities, basically martial arts and she is good at various skills such as the Jiu-Jitsu, Aikido, Kickboxing and especially Krav Maga. She would go to the gym for hours just to tone up  certain parts of her body or just run on the treadmill to loosen up herself. She would also go off for a run at the beach or at the local park when she doesn't want to head to the gym. She is an active member at the doujo and boxing arena. You could say that the boys are intimidated yet mesmerized by her powerful figthing skills and dreamy good looks. She would even take her mother to one of her monthly battles and her mother would be so scared out of her dear life but stay with her daughter nonetheless. 

With an air of confidence around her, Rin is able to carry herself on her own. She always think that she has to be strong for both her mother and herself. If she is not confident, she would feel lost and she hates that feeling. Other than that, she is also intellectually excellent. She could excel well in her academics and she is also street smart. Her reasoning and thinking matures well before she even reached her legal age and she could use her brain well. Rin is what sometimes people who knows her really well would call: 'Beauty and Brain'. Rin is also a perfectionist who likes everything done in a proper and orderly manner. The perfectionist her would get things done as soon as possible with perfection. 

But, Rin also has some flaws in her which she is unable to hide especially the humourlessness. She could understand jokes well and laugh at them when she feels like it, but there is just no sense of humour in her. Even when she tries to make simple jokes, it would be awkward and sarcastic instead of funny, so in the end Rin would just keep quiet and stop trying. The girl is also very stubborn, like a bull, her mother says most of the time. She would make her own decisions and once she gave something a final thought, she would never turn back from the decisions she make. 

 BACKGROUND  Initially, her father is a well-known mafia with units after units of underlings almost all around Japan. Her mother was the woman who melted the Korean man's heart of steel and they vowed to live together for the rest of their lives. Unfortunately, her father had many enemies and most of them wants to take him down since they said that he is unfit to rule anymore since he has softened after his -secret- marriage. One night, their house was attacked and Rin and her mother made it out of the attack. But her father, stayed behind to safe the diamonds of his life and sacrificed himself. He was killed mercilessly and Rin never knew about it until she turned 16, when her mother and her shifted to Seoul, South Korea.

When they escaped, her father's most trusted man had helped them until they reached the airport. There were others who managed to follow them and luckily at that time, Rin was still a baby. You could just imagine how thankful her mother is for Rin did not even make a sound which resulted in them never figuring out that her mafia father had a daughter. They flew out to Chicago with a new hope and RIn and her mother reside there over 12 years or so. There, she took up several martial arts classes and found them relaxing and she likes the feel of sweat coming out, bathing her muscles with the workout they need. Even her mother supported her since she showed passion in what she was doing but sometimes her mother would ask her to stop whatever she was doing because Rin reminded her mother of her father a lot. Then, Rin's mother decided to move back to Tokyo, Japan since she misses the Asian land, but she was afraid that the gang who attacked her family would still hunt them down. So, Rin's mother decided to go for South Korea instead.

Finally settling in Seoul, South Korea, Rin took baby steps to learn the language and the culture of the country. She could easily adapt to the new surrounding but it would never be the same as Chicago. After about 3 to 4 years later, she found a secret chest beneath the Earth's surface in the little garden of their cosy apartment. Rin then discovered the true identity of her father and she cried at the thought of her father who was brutally murdered in the hands of a backstabber. Her mother came home to find her daughter clutching her husband's cross necklace. Her mother finally confessed her father's true identity that night on her birthday and Rin accepted the truth with an open heart. She would never hate her father since she knows that her mother loved her father dearly. Her mother, who longed to be with her husband for a very long time, died in her sleep as she took sleeping pills while her daughter was away at school. 

Since then, Rin would always be reminded of the gruesome images of her father's death, her mother's serene look as she no longer breath the same air as she does and the other collection of pictures which her mother had kept away from her for the 16 years of her life. And since then, she vowed to find the organization that took her parents' and her happiness away. 

 LIFESTYLE  Rin works at a local florist just around the corner of her apartment in the heart of Seoul. At the little florist shop, Rin would be this useful co-worker who helps her boss who is absent most of the time to chase some skirts while she runs the fragrant little shop on her own. While towards the customers, she would be their walking, talking floriograph dictionary. She attracts the customer with her wide knowledge on the meaning of flowers and the shop runs well with her ability. She keeps a good relationship with her boss, although he did try to hit on her sometimes, she would just ignore him and would give him her death glares. She would work from morning with a lunch break, and goes home in the evening. On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, she would either head off to the doujo or the boxing arena alternately or sometimes, would hit the gym. After that, she would be free and do whatever she feels like doing.


  • Well, as you know she lives alone in the little apartment Rin and her mother used to live in
  • She had the tattoos after she was left orphaned
  • Rin would never take off the cross necklace that belongs to both her parents
  • Rin has the habit to keep her hands in balled fists when she feels shy
  • She hates it when drivers disrespect roadcrossers and just zoom off without stopping to let people cross
  • Rin eternally hate people who throw cigarette buts on the floor and squish them -even if the said person is her superior, okay maybe not
  • She feels that there could be monsters lurking around her bedroom even before her mother's death and after her mother's passing, she couldn't sleep for almost a week
  • Rin is also afraid of the thunder and she always run into her mother's embrace when thunders rumbled at night. And again, after her mother passed away, she would cry in silence while clasping both ears shut with her hands




 MAFIA HISTORY  A year after her mother's death, Rin is still a lost soul. The night of her mother's death anniversary, she decided to go to a nearby stall to have some drink alone. It was still peaceful and she was fine all by herself. Suddenly, she was approached by a few men in dark suits and they even asked her to spend the night with them. All she did was glare at them and looked away. One of them slapped her hand when she was about to drink her soju and that made her extremely mad. Wrong move, dude, wrong move. She got up and landed a few puches and kicks to the two of them and they managed to get away from her. But, for Rin, if she didn't see blood, it isn't enough for her. So she decided to chase them and so, that's how she ended going against a dozen of loan sharks on her own. While she was battling alone -half bruised, half drunk- a guy with jet black hair came and fought together with her. They worked well together despite the fact that she is drunk at that time.

When all 12 men were down, kissing the ground before Rin, she laughed out loud and collapsed to the ground, beside a bloodied, disoriented loan shark. She felt herself being carried up by the coal black-haired dude who fought with her less than a few minutes ago and she sprang away from him; getting ready into a fighting stance. Little did she know, how much stronger and clear-headed the guy is comparing to her at the moment. With a single snap on the back of her neck when they dueled, Rin couldn't fight the strange feeling of sudden blackness that engulf her. When she was awake, she was already lying on her bed; head still cottony from the previous night's occuring. Then she sensed a presence in her room and looked at the door, the man who fought with her and against her was leaning on the door frame with a little smile. How she hated the victorious smile he held.

He then told her that she was no ordinary girl and said that a girl like her couldn't possibly handle 12 men alone. She kept quiet as he continued. Then, the stranger introduced himself as a short 'Tao', he proposed that she fight with him or fight against him. He even revealed that he was a mafia. Cold sweat broke out and she raked her cottony brain to think properly. Instead, she made a deal and asked to have a duel with him once again. If she looses, she will follow him and if she wins, he would be her slave. Tao agreed and they battled a week later. She lost and became a part of EXO. There, she started to train handling firearms and more combat styles together with the other members. 

 MAFIA LIFE  Rin is undeniably comfortable around the mafias. Maybe it's because of her father's blood that flows strongly in her that she could get used to live around this kind of environment. She is better know as 'Star' around them for her neck tattoo since she hardly talks around them for she thinks that each and every one of them are her father's enemy. The only person she could trust is Tao; who helped her through to get accustomed with her new life and since he beat her in their battle. Being a hitman and Tao's current apprentice, Rin is well taught to get used to firearms and she has her personal favourites which vary from handguns, sub-machine guns to sniper rifles and namely they are: Blaser R93 LRS2; sniper rifle, Heckler & Koch MP5A3; submachine gun and Para-Ordnance P18.9; handgun. When she is summoned for missions by Tao, she would always be on time, and carries out her missions well. Rin never complains as she thinks of her job as a hitman is just for practice and to find her father's murderer.

She is efficient at what she does and is contantly seen with Tao. But, sometimes during her missions, there were times when the victims would annoy her and she would beat the crap out of the person's life instead of using one of her favourite babies. With the others, she is quiet and only evaluates people from the way they talk or act. She wouldn't even laugh much when people crack jokes. This is one of her virtues that not many really like, but that personaltity suits her well as a hitman. They need ruthless people, and Tao did a well job in accepting her deal. Most of the time, they would make fun of her, and not to mention, crack jokes about TaoRin, where she would blush madly and lose all her 'murderous fists' and 'y huntress' personas. Although she is strong with the fist, excellent with the firearms, but emotinally or in relatonships, she and she would always be the joke of the others when they talked about the hitman. 

 STRENGTHS  Combats, firearms, field work, escaping, merciless
 WEAKNESSES  Family, techies, office work, thunder





[ Co-worker ] : Lee YiJun / 21 / Alive / Hacker / Optimistic, quiet, polite, creative, liar, judging
→ The only person other than Tao that she feels most comfortable with being around her especially the peaceful silence they share. It's weird right? I know. But this is what makes it the crack in the story. They are both quiet in person and are polite towards each other. Rin would sometimes stalk her new found friend during her work hours at her art studio and with the income she gets from being a hitman, she would sometimes purchase an art piece or two of YiJun's. Although she is a little judgemental, Rin accepts the other's company and enjoys watching her get on her work with her computer and techies stuff. 


[ EXO-M ] : Huang 'Tao' ZiTao/ 23 / Alive / Hitman / Athletic, selfless, funny, responsible, childish
→ Tao is like the total opposite of her. He is funny and selfless, which of qualities that are not found in her genetic pools. Once he won against her, Rin lost the deal she made and she follows Tao into the world of mafia. She could trust no one, but Tao was proven innocent as she hangs out with him most of the time. They would hit the gym or doujo together at night after her working hours after she followed him into his mafia world. She find his childish side rather cute, although she would never admit to it. Rin would think of it as a one-sided thing and aren't hitmen' supposed to be ruthless and emotionless?  

how you two met: They met during the fight that broke out during Rin's mother's death anniversary at the stall, where he helped her go against half of the dozen men, since she already took out six of them on her own despite her drunk self. 



  • During one of her missions, one of the members would interfere or maybe one of the family members of the target would interfere with her work
  • Her humourless self would lead to people trying to take her down
  • During one of her missions, she has to do it while it was raining. That time it was totally dark and thunders rumble. She would feel really lost and is forced to abort the mission while Tao or Kai replace her

 COMMENTS  Sorry if I did a lil lengthy on the 'Mafia History' part, or most of the parts I could say. Can't seem to stop myself. Alright, hopefully my app reached your level of acceptance. I really enjoyed writing this app. I'd look forward to do more of this. Anyway, good luck in choosing applicants. And thank you for your time :)

 PASSWORD  once you're in you can never get out ( I really love this movie, so I'm sorry for using a male actor ) Oh, and I just reread the proper example. Gahh I might have missed my chance if I hadn't look through the story again. Hi Cass and Lili. We might not know each other, but I'm really happy that I came across this apply fic. I'm really looking forward to read this fic even if my character is not choosen ~(^_^)~





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