♀ T h e F i n d e r » [ Christopher Antoine ]

—i am  Christopher Antoine

And I want the truth, the real one

░“Your name, child, what is your name?”░

►► Name: Christopher Antoine
►► Birthdate: 02/03/1994 ; 19 (International)
►► Ethnicity: French-Korean
►► Ulzzang: Ahn Jae Hyo
►► Backup Ulzzang: Kim Min Jun
►► Height: 1.82m 
►► Weight: 57kg
►► Appearance: Chris is born with natural violet eyes and sandy brown hair. It's a mixture from his French father and Korean mother; and these genes gave him the looks what others call 'to-die-for' but he, himself despise it since his looks and muscular built attracts too much attention for his liking.  He also has a wasp tattoo on his left shoulder blade which he got on his 16th birthday -secretly. He also received a q-ray bracelet from his parents on his 16th birthday. Later on, Chris and his love interest will share couple rings that he would wear around his neck on a necklace.
Who are you..?

►► Traits:Ambitious, athletic, self-confident yet insensitive.
►► Personality:Holding posts as Senior Inspectors at a very young age in various cities and even countries -in a very short time-, Chris would refer himself as a 'warrior' in his work field. He is a natural born leader and is always seen to hit the gym, even during break hours at the office. Chris is more of an outgoing kind of guy, but sometimes could bore people with his desire to success in everything he does. Chris is hardly overlooked by people since he has strong physical presence. But sometimes, working in this field, where work comes first before anything else, leaves Chris to become somewhat insensitive toward others, even his own love interest sometimes. And at times, he would be cocky due to his achievements. Oh and yes, he could be obsessive, but when it comes to the woman he loves, things could go awkwardly cheesy.  

►► Background:Chris has to transfer to Japan for a promising work post as a Liutenant with a higher salary wage. He received the post as soon as he heard about it. Easier said, he is sent to solve a 'Bus Incident' case dated on February 4th that involved with the death of a civilian and the injury of 4 other passengers; which his parents were also in it. Basically, his father; an ex-military under the French army met his Korean mother and they fell in love while she was in France, learning the culture and language of the country as she was a French tutor in Korea. Growing up, his father always taught him to be perfect, to reach for the stars, and to be emotionless. Since he was a child, Chris never knew how exactly to reciprocate towards emotions, although he is logically an outgoing person later in the future, but his father has nurtured him with an army-based personality.  Chris is excellent in his academics and also in sports since his school years. Later on, he finished school at a young age and decided to enter the crime fighting work field and became a police officer. He climbed up the ladder with his own effort and he is respected by his colleagues. His reports are excellent, his field skills are amazing, and he is the perfect officer a department would snatch away at the slightest chance possible. But, among all the officers in his department, he is the most insensitive and one who does not follow the order of his superiors well, at all. And finally, since he moved to Japan to solve the incident, he is faced with -the first time ever- a case he finds difficult to solve. 

►► Likes:

  • Horror films
  • Murder investigations
  • Meditating 
  • Working on his own
  • Books

►► Dislikes:

  • Chocolates
  • Clingy and whiny people
  • Backstabbers
  • Dogs

►► Fears:

  • Chris is afraid that he would fail to impress his parents, especially his father
  • He is always confident in whatever he does, but the truth is, he gambles with his life and he is afraid that things would go wrong
  • Chris is afraid of having a relationship with woman or even date one
  • Chris has a fear over spiders and he would sweat a lot more than an average person doing a physical activity

►► Hobbies and Habits:

  • Reading
  • Hitting the gym anytime possbile
  • He would give insensitive remarks if he is annoyed
  • Chris would scratch the back of his neck when he talks to the opposite gender
  • Swimming
  • Playing basketball
  • Practice shooting

►► Trivia: 

  1. He has photographic memory
  2. Chris is a sharp shooter
  3. He totally dislikes waiting for a person who can't decide to order at the front of the line while there are many others at the back
  4. It is difficult to see him smile although he is an open-minded person
  5. Chris has a lousy sense of humor and tried hard to make jokes when he is with his love interest
  6. Chris could speak in several languages well, namely: English, Korean, French, Japanese, Chinese (Mandarin) and Spanish

►► Quotes:

  • When people asks how could he remember stuff that easily, he goes like : 'People have photogrphic memories, it's just that they don't have the film.'

To love is to sacrifice... screw this, I'm jumping her.

►► Name:SNSD's Kwon YuRi
►► Occupation:Hacker; YuRi is in the IT Department and they solve crimes together in one or two cases back in Korea  
►► Personality & Relationship:YuRi is the office mouse in her department. Most guys would bully her and take advantage of her. Chris knows that she has a hidden beauty and he would always protect her from the other guys. During the period of their crime-solving together, Chris had fallen head over heels for this geek beauty and ever since then, he would always find ways to flirt -awkwardly- with her. YuRi is quiet around people most of the time,and she would be extra shy when she is with him due to his superiority and self-confidence; that she lacks. He would help her build the self-confidence she needs and in return, she helps him with his cases -secretly. The two fools would fall for each other and later on he came up with the idea to give her a couple ring. In return, she gives him a necklace; which he wears all the time together with the ring. They would end up as the office's secret lovers and she follows him to work in Japan.

►► Backup + occupation: F(X)'s Sulli; patissiere
►► Personality: She would be just like Chris in terms of self-confidence and does what she is best at; baking and creating dessertsWith love from your screwed and ed up child.

►► Family:
► Father|Alexis Antoine | 57 | Ex-military Officer / Martial arts instructor | Married | Close
►► Personality + Relationship: Alexis or better known as Alexis Sonsengnim is a respected and fierce soldier during his younger years as a soldier and a captain of his own troop. He retires earlier than usual to shift to Seoul, South Korea to tie the knot with the woman that he loves. While he is a martial arts instructor, he is a very disciplined man and he likes to keep everything in order. The students respects him and treat him like the respectful instructor he is. At home, it would be no different than he is at his doujo. Personally training his own son, Chris and his father have a very good bond although he was forced to learn martial arts skills at a very young age.
► Mother|Kim HyeNa | 54| French tutor| Close
►► Personality + Relationship: Chris is especially close to the one woman he thinks as important as his father is to him. HyeNa is a caring mother and a good wife. She takes good care of both her husband and her one and only son. Despite her husband's teaching their son all the military stuff, she would still find time to mould her son with characters she deem useful in the future, although Chris does follow the insensitivity her husband bore. She would push through her son's academic ability and help him through his schooling years, and she feels very blessed and thankful to have such a brilliant son. 
► Siblings|NONE
►► Personality + Relationship: NONE

►► Friends:
Lee DongHae | 19 | Partner / Inspector | Best friends
►► Personality + Relationship: Chris is very close to DongHae since they started in the Police academy together. They've been through a lot together and Chris values his friendship with DongHae more than anything. Around DongHae, he is more cheerful and less cocky since they know each other well and Chris doesn't feel the need to compete with DongHae since DongHae is a very good guy. 
► Shim ChangMin | 24 | Deputy Chief | Friends
►► Personality + Relationship: ChangMin came across Chris while he was still in the Academy. He had handpicked the two boys into his department. They are close in terms of superiors and workers. Sometimes, they would even go and have a drink together during free times or to celebrate on a case he manage to solve. ChangMin is a very down-to-earth superior and everyone who works under him respects him very much. 
► Kwon 'GD' JiYong | 22 | Mobster | Not-so-friends
►► Personality + Relationship: You can say that they are totally the opposite. JiYong is well-known in the dark side of the world as he leads his boys and underlings as a mobster leader. Chris actually saved GD's life during one of his investigations. Hence in the end, GD wants to repay him and would help Chris on his investigations whenever they are able to help him -which is all the time- and Chris and GD respects each other since they could do well in their field of work.  
Call me!

►► Comments/Suggestions: Everything in this app that you created seems fine. And sorry I've adjusted a few. Hopefully, this app would reach your level of expectation. If there is any unsatisfactory, please do let me know and I'll do my best to correct my mistakes. Thank you so much for your time. Enjoy reading :)
►► Scene Requests: Slight with love interest (maybe) and some funny fluffs. I'd love to see the awkwardness in Chris (maybe)
►► Activeness and what should I call you?: Hi, AJ. You can call me El :) And my level of activeness is 9/10

░“Here's your ticket back to Wonderland!”░

AJ's ©


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