The One Overused Item in Fanfiction

You think you've seen it all with all the maid fanfictions, geek x kingka fanfictions, but there's one thing (no 1D reference intended) that's used in 99.8% of stories. That's right, it's: ddudbokki! Here's a picture in case you didn't know what it is (if you didn't know, you haven't been on AFF for long): 

Let me paint a scenario for you: the guy and the girl goes to a ddukbokki restaurant late at night. The guy somehow knows the ahjumma who runs the shop, so he gets it for free or at a discounted price because he's so nice and polite. Then, they start eating. The guy starts feeding the girl ddukbokki and the girl acts all cute and whatnot. Or, the girl gets ddukbokki sauce on her lips and the guy reaches over and wipes with a napkin. Romantic, right? No. 

This fluff is overrated, overused, loses its effect and becomes something known as the plot filler. The ddukbokki scene is used so often it becomes a cliché. It no longer has that romantic effect. The author just slaps down a ddukbokki scene because she (or he) cannot think of a better plot. So, come up with a concrete plot first instead of having one of those spur of the moment and end up writing a bunch of nonsense and fluff. 

Okay, I understand if you somehow tie that in to the plotline (like the stand held a special meaning for the couple). But if it had a special meaning, wouldn't it make sense to choose a special place? The park, the pool, or even a tree would do! 

Now don't go bashing me because I "offended" your story or your imagination (what the heck?). I'm just expressing my opinion, and giving some thoughts and tips. If you don't like it, well keep those thoughts to yourself. It's okay if you disagree, and I would like to hear your arguments, but keep them polite and respectful.

Yeah, and that's about all I have to say. 


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I have never read a story with this scene and I've read a lot of fanfic on this site. I must be reading all the wrong stories then, because I am absolutely clueless to what you mean here. Maybe this scene is in all the 'you' stories I don't read because my standards are too high for them.