[30 Day Challenge] Days 2, 3, 4: The Future, Drugs/Alcohol, and Fanwars

I had no time at all to do this the past few days so I'm making up those two days and doing today's on my phone before I go to sleep :) 

Day 2: Where you'd like to be in 10 years

In 10 years? Hm.. I'd be a few years out of college. I'm not really sure what I want to be yet, but I do know that I want to be doing something with music on the side and maybe law school? I'm not really sure :/ 

Day 3: Your views on drugs and alcohol

I don't do any and I truthfully think it's stupid. Why hurt your body doing things like that? Doing drugs or drinking can affect your future. Why throw it all away for something so stupid? 

Day 4: Your views on fanwars

I've never really experienced or seen one so... yeah. I'm not even exactly sure what it is, but just guessing based on the word, it's probably useless and stupid. I think all fans should get along no matter who they support. Before a fan, everyone is a human-being and of course people are subject to disagree, but everyone should also respect each other's opinions. 




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