Partido en Cielo [천생연분] | Match Made in Heaven ♥ Application


Contact Info 

AFF username: fixedstar




AFF profile link:

Activeness: 10 on weekends, 8 on school days


Character Info 
Applying for: sister

Full name: Ji Hye

Nickname: Gee

Age: 22

D.O.B: 07/12/89

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 47kg

Blood type: A

Ethnicity: Korean

Place of birth & Hometown: Cambridge, UK



Ulzzang/model name: Lee Da Som


Personality: Ji Hye; when that name comes into your head, only a word comes to your head, "clever". Ji Hye works for NIS, National Intelligence Service in Korea. She's an overachieving woman. Ji Hye is a straight-forward and serious lady. No one can outsmart her. Unless of course, your brain is Einsten-like, which I doubt. Ji Hye is a sweet noona, friend, and daughter. She's the type who will never forget your birthday. She's the kind of noona who puts her brother first before herself. She's the kind of friend who will always give you hugs whenever she sees you. She's the kind of daughter when she'll always remember calling you everyday, even though she's living in the other side of the country. She's a great person...until she gets mad. If she does, she's really scary. Like the ones you see in movies, the paranormal ones. She's kind, just don't push her buttons.


  1. amusement parks
  2. travelling
  3. horror movies
  4. Internet
  5. dogs
  6. winter


  1. annoying people
  2. noise
  3. violence/abuse
  4. seafood (she's allergic to them)
  5. people who break their promises


  1. shopping
  2. solving puzzles, any intellectual games
  3. watching American movies
  4. road tripping
  5. playing sports


  1. tends to shout when she's angry
  2. bites her nails when nervous
  3. smacks someone when's she's too happy
  4. rolls her eyes at something ridiculous
  5. puffs cheeks when bored


  1. She was born in Cambridge, but moved to Korea when she was 17.
  2. She speaks 4 languages. (English, Korean, Chinese, Italian)
  3. She's super hyper when she eats something sweet.
  4. She's blunt at bad days.
  5. She cares about her hair and outfit a lot.
  6. She was a model in UK for toddler's apparel.
  7. She cusses a lot...only when she's mad.
  8. She has light brown eyes.
Background Info 
A little bit about your past and how you love your brother/best friend: Well, she was born in Cambridge, UK. But moved when she was in the middle of the semester for some unknown reason. She was then raised in Incheon, Korea with her brother. They were so close to the point that they would be mistaken as lovers. They do everything together. Sports, road trips, and even shopping. Well of course, Ji Hye would drag _______ to the mall.
Relationship Info 

Partner: Nichkhun, Junhyung, AJ (U-Kiss)

His personality: He's never afraid to show his true feelings for her. He's sweet, caring, everything a girl wants in a boy. But most of all, he's easily jealous and super protective of Ji Hye. He WAS a player, until he met her.

How did you guys met/did you meet?: They met one day in the resort. Ji Hye's family went for a vacation, while Nichkhun went with his band mates. Nichkhun accidentally splashed shake into Ji Hye's clothes.

They're the best of friends. She likes him, he loves her. They both know that. It didn't change anything in their relationship though. They're still friends. Why is that? Well just because he's an idol. They can't be seen together. You know fans right? But their love still continues.

Any ex?: Junhyung


Friends: Wooyoung, Taeyeon, Hae Young

Rival: Victoria

Anything else?: --


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