Stepping away from being a writer for a while


Well, as the title says it already, I've decided to stop writing for a while (do keep in mind that 'for a while' does not really have a clear-cut definition, so I might as well be back tomorrow, just to say). I've thought about this for a while, wandered around this website for days while contemplating about it, and I think this is a decision that will do me good, in some way.

Quite honestly, it is not even that I am having a very busy time at school right now or anything, or that my life is so packed with things to do that I cannot come to write anymore. It is more that I think I have reached the ceiling, hitting something that prevents me to go on. Let me explain this. I have been posting fanfics on this website for quite some time already, and some of them are finished, some of them are not. I have been writing, writing, writing non-stop these days, and I feel like I'm losing myself somewhere.

My first story here was a fanfic only a handful of people read, and back then I wrote for myself. I wrote solely for the reason of getting pleasure out of it. But as time passed, I got more readers and friends, and I see myself starting to leave behind the stories I always wanted to write, and start writing stories for people. I started to lose myself in writing things that others would like to read, in some way, and left behind those I have always wanted to write. I feel responsibility to satisfy my readers, and in some way, I did satisfy myself by writing those chapters, yet... Yet it is not enough anymore.

I have been thinking a while about stepping away as a writer on this account for a while, and I think now is the best moment to do so. I will certainly be back,  most probably sooner than you think I will, because the period I stop updating is hilariously short, but I want to let it rest for a while. I will also be leaving for a few days before coming back on Asianfanfics, and I will still be here to talk to and everything, so in a sense it's not like I am gone lol.

I will be focusing more on reading for the time being, commenting on other's work and giving them feedback. I have been doing that for some time now, and I quite like it. I never gave myself the time to read, really, especially work of others on this website, and I want to give myself that opportunity now. Often I stalk around, seeing what kinds of stories my friends write, and read them and comment on them. I really like that. No pressure, just reading and giving feedback.

What I have been thinking about for a very long time is also that I think I might create a new account here and write on that account for a while. It will not be permanent, because Tinywings is still Tinywings and I would never want to leave this account behind, but maybe for a while, even if it is only for some weeks or so, I want to feel that feeling again of having no one who knows you. This is not decided yet, but if you might come across a story that seems to be written by me, it might as well be haha.

All this said, it really is nothing big, but I just wanted to have this being told so everybody who cares knows. I will still be around, and still annnoy you all as usual. The only thing that changed is that I will not update for a while, except for the stories I have been working on right now (these will be updated very soon, most probably after the few days of leaving). I have two stories that are nearly finished, and these will be posted soon, before I let my writer title rest. This will be the last EXO pairings fanfic I will write for a while, because partly the reason for this all is because I find myself writing way too much stories about hunhan nowadays, and it suffocates me now.

Thank you for reading this!
I hope to come back as a writer soon!
I will not leave a story unfinished before my permanent leave on this site (which for now does not seem really close) so do not worry!




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that sounds totally reasonable and I will actually miss you dearly, Tinywings! your stories are truly something amazing and I guess when you become more known, there is that pressure eh. ^^ I'll probably end up rereading them when you're on hiatus. haha, also it sounds like you're going to reincarnate or something if you create a new account, ;) and I do hope to meet you again. I love the idea of it! :D never forget you will always be loved by your subscribers <3
lkw1995 #2
Hope everything works out well for you! I'm struggling with writing too....

Anyhow hope to see you soon! I'm not exaggerating when I say this but I need you. You're like practically one of the very few people that truly understand me and at the same time relieve my pain and problems by taking me to a totally different, yet the same world as the one I live in (....did that even make sense?)

Anyhow...hwaiting!!!!!!! I wouldn't mind if you start a whole SeKai collection of fics XP
Aw... I know how you feel >< When more ppl start to like your work its hard to write JUST for you :'< But just know that I will support you all the way! ^^

I like you for being Chiisa the great and supportive friend, not Tinywings the awesome author :P(Although I like the latter too xD)
please annoy me more often lol
wait, you? permanent leave? i know it isn't soon but permanent leave? is it like hiatus or you're not going to comeback to this site? it confused me tbh
it shocked me and i felt like being punched on the face rn
but i still love you and your writing, no matter what your decision is<3333
--chunsa #5
Enjoy your break! I can't wait until you return to writing, your work is amazing ^u^
I think it's good that you want a break I will miss you :D
Have fun on your hiatus!