Assassin's Guild Application


-- Jung Eunmi --





The Mask

Name:  Jung Eunmi (When woking: Yumato)

Age: 15

Ethnicity: Chinese-German

DOB: December 12th

Birth place: Hong Kong

Height: 173cm

Weight: 50kg

Weapon of choice:  Shuriken, arrow(s), poison darts



The Reflection

Ulzzang: Baek Su Min

Back up: Kim Seuk Hye

Appearance: Eunmi has this sweet and innocent look. Her targets don't know they're abut to die until she brandishes a Shuriken. She uses her looks to seduce her targets then she brutally kills them. She normally wears floral prints so she looks ever so sweet. Her big eyes are normally blank but when it's finally time to kill, her eyes change into a villian's eyes: Sharp and threatening, which is when her targets feels that something is wrong. There is only one thing that gives away she is not as innocent as she seems: She almost never smiles. She only smiles when she's truly happy. She never smiles even if her target is beautifully killed.

Style: She normally wears floral prints and cute shorts and shirts, making her look like  anormal 15 year old girl. She wears colour blocks shirts normally, when she's just Jung Eunmi. But when she transfroms into Yumato, she wears dark coloured shors and shirts just in case blood gets onto her clothes, which almost neve happens because she's one of the most skilled assassins in the world although she's young.  But when she goes out to dates with her boyfriend (and is still Eunmi), she wears dresses like this.

Extras: Has a tattoo with a Shuriken on her inside wrist. Her employers make their every assassin have their favourite weapon tattooed there, representing which assassin company they are from.


My Reality                                                 

Personality: She's very bold and sarcarstic. Once, during training, her trainer got onto her nerves so she just stormed out, just like that. When her trainer came out to find her, she was practising more advanced technologies on the rooftop. She's a quiet girl, and even if she's surrounded by her other assassins friends, she only answers their questions either with a "De", "Ani" or shrugging her shoulders. She hates her family because they sold her ot the assassin company when she was just a mere 5 y/o. She trained for 10 years. The assassin company place their eye on her because she was flexible and was pretty. Also, when she grew up, she had long limbs,which also came in handy. Under her strong and cold exterior, though, she is sometimes a soft-hearted girl and cna only kill brutes.





-Leading a team when it's mass assassination

-Her boyfriend

-Her few friends


-Her family

-The company


-Being bossed around


-Glares at everybody witout meaning to

-Is always seen with headphones when she is Eunmi



-Listening to music

-Watching Running Man



-Her boss

-Children witnessing her killing


-Was sold by family when she was 5

-She can't stand men who are cruel (whom are usually her targets)

-She loves children very much, so when children are there, she tells eher partner to shield their eyes

-Very bad at maths, so relies all calculation on her partner (e.g. Is it safe to jump from here?calculate mass and stuff)

-Knows  a lot of languages



Only the string survive

(Author-nim, you mean strong right?)










Agility: 10/10
Stealth: 10/10
Balance: 7/10
Intelligence: 9/10
Endurance: 4/10 (If her target takes too long, she bursts out from her hiding place)




I don't want to hurt you{Not required. If you don't want one don't fill this part out}

PHOTO (The pic is too big)

Love interest: Xiumin

Occupation: Same-grade Assassin (Both Grade A, partners on every missions)

Personality: He's a childish person normally, but he turns incredibly manly when it comes to mission. Also does every caluclation needed on missions. He uses his cute looks to attracts their target noonas while Eunmi waits. Vice versa for Eunmi (she attracts oppas while Xiumn waits). After the mission, though, he reverts back to childishness. He really wants to be the best boyfriend for Eunmi and treats her wonderfully.
How you met: During training when they were both 7. Eunmi was terrified after seeing her trainer torture a target in front of her team and Xiumin came out to comfort her. They became friends.






Questions?: Can I have a scene request? A date between Eunmi and Xiumin and then they find their target there?

Comments?: This is one DAEBAK idea and story.



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