OMG, Are You Serious?!!

Being my usual self, I do a lot of weird things when I'm bored... This time I wanted to do something here, so I put in requests for reviews from various shops. I know it might sound desperate and all that, but I really like constructive critique and being able to do so doesn't exactly hurt anyone. Personally, I'm proud of my stories, though there are not many of them at the moment. =P

I got the first of them recently, from a lovely user named kpopfan3 who gave me an unbelievable score of 99 out of 100! I could not believe my own eyes, to be honest - I don't see myself as a bad writer, but wow...!




OK, this is my first blog entry on AFF and I use it for something like this... Hmm, something must be really wrong with me, haha! ^^ I am seriously hyperactive right now, even though it is 1:20 AM here and I really should be asleep by now. I love to hear praise, but I love even more when someone tells me both good and bad things about the things I write, so that I can improve to the better.

Thank you, kpopfan3! :D

On to other news, I returned from UK yesterday. It was quite a blast, being able to get to know my classmates even more than before, preferring to be alone rather than surrounded by teens, I really enjoyed it! 72 energetic kids sound like a bunch, right? XD To me, they're practically my second family. :') And you guys on AFF are like one to me as well!

Haha, aren't we getting all emotional here! x) Well, this is getting longer than I'd expected, but I've said all I have to say, so it's all good and dandy. I wonder if I should be worried that when I bump into someone on the street, I let out a 'sorry' or 'excuse me'... Oh well, for now I'm going back to bed, although I don't feel like it!

Have a good morning/day/evening, good folks!

Sweet dreams for those in my time zone! X3 (Zzzzzz...........)


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Well, congratulations! From what I've read of your stories, you deserve it. And it's not desperate, lots of authors appreciate criticism like you do.