Day 2: Where you'd like to be in 10 years.

Day 2: Where you'd like to be in 10 years.


Where do I want to be heh? Um....Lets say I dunno if I'm alive or not in 10 years but one thing I'm sure is I have my eyes set on a goal already...:p

In 10 years I want to be on stage, in magazines, dramas and TV shows, as  a Kpop star. Personally, I want to enter SM Ent. since the artist that debuted in there are more successful (my opinion)... I wanna audition when I have finished with my braces, have my earpierced and finally when I have the courage to talk to my mum about this.

My dad supports me, but I'm not sure about my mum...heck she's a strict tiger...RAAAWWWWR!! In the end I might audition when I'm like 15? If I don't make it in, of course I have other plans, but my eyes aren't really that sparkly for that job, since it's only a hobby.

That is being a clothing fashion designer, I took a interest maybe from my mum? I sometimes randomly sketch designs when I'm bored so yea... But then my grandpa want me to become a biologist, don't wanna disappoint him since I'm his favourite grandchild. I actually change my mottos abit a few times, but usually my one in my heart wil be "I will do what I want to do" so yea....

IF I can't become neither of those two above, I wanna study becoming a patissiere, people who makes pastries e.g. cheesecakes, chocolates..... I was actually inspired by a freaking anime!! can you believe that an anime inspired me to learn making pastrues...XD But I'm really interestd in making them!!

These 3 goals might be my top 3 priorities startig from Kpop idol to fashion designer landing on a patissiere!! Lets just hope I succeed in any oneof these 3...neh?

Well cya guyz tomoz!


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