Day 4: Your views on fanwars.

Day 4: Your views on fanwars.


In my opinions for fanwars....I think they are plain stupid, useless, waste of space and FREAKING ANNOYING!!

WHY DA FREAK CAN'T DIFFERENT FAN BASES WATCH THE SAME VIDEO WITHOUT ANY ARGUMENTS... I mean sure I agree with dissing people who plainly just Dislikes KPOP, but why start useless fights betweens fans. Our idols are interacting with each other friendlily while the fans on the other hand are completely starting a riot. KPOP this word doesn't stand for only one band it stands for the whole community of all the groups, solos and anything that might go with entertainment features that associates with Korea...(mostly south though).

If you don't freaking like a certain video, song, Live concert, idol and so on, keep the unneccassary comment to yourself and don't bother posting on any comment sessions, because that will just start up a useless word fight. Why do you bother to click the video in the first place anyway? If you already hate the group/song in the first place what's the point of clicking on it and comment your dislike. That just shows what a freaking IDIOT you are to even bother.

Oh yea, to those Crazy fans out there female or male, to those that are literally obssessed with our stars. CALM THE FUDGE DOWN!! You sulking on the side because your bias is dating somone other then you is just plain DUMB. I would only say one thing to those fans "STOP YOUR SULKING, IT'S NOT LIKE THEY WOULD BE DATING YOU IN THE FIRST PLACE. THINGS LIKE DATING TO THEM IS JUST A MATTER OF TIME, SO JUST SHUT UP AND SUPPORT THEM."

How would the couple feel if no one is supporting them, but is actually receivig negative comments. Stop getting jealous because one of your idols done an affectionate move to another. Who are the people that were shipping idols together in the first place, so we fans are the last person to actually make a say in their dating life. An example for the obssessed fans: The Jaejoong and Jessica dating issue, do you guys even know how many negative comments Jessica received. I believe both Jaejoong and Jessica has right to date whoever the want without your dissing comments.


.....slap me if you want....I somehow went off the road, from the fanwar to datin gissue :P But still I think I made my point across.


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