Maybe I'm not good enough for anyone.

I've tried to be open and friendly. but it doesn't matter.

I've tried to smile more, to be sweet and put myself out there. It doesn't matter.

Maybe I'm just not good enough for anyone. Maybe I should go back to staring at the ground as I walk.

When you try it hurts. When you put yourself out there you get rejected.

If I go back to being quiet and pushing everyone away, I will hurt less. and no one will notice that I've gone back to my caccoon will they?

Because it doesn't matter.

I like staying by myself. being alone, and feeling lonely, will feel better than being pushed away. yeah.


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nacia90-16 #1
Maybe it's a little late byt: don't worry I'm you will find lots of friends here who like to talk with you and get to know you! And I had the same problem in my high school days but even though it migh be hard (to belive) now belive me you find some precious friends :) I found them in my college and now my high school period(?) is something that was in past :) so don't be sad cause I belive that you find really good people/friends :)
If you ever need a friend I'm here for you....
Bluecassy7 #3
hey. ..what's wrong?
Don't only hear the bad ones....hear the good ones too...
Cheers up ^^

Talk to me or others will help. I'm sure xD
Baby...who did that to an adorable person like you?!!!
Tell me!
Don't be sad!!! I'm here! Come on, lemme hug you!