— Elixia — {Kim Ji Sun}

Kim Ji Sun .




 the player

username : Jessy_The_Panda

nickname : Jessy

activity : 9




the chosen warrior

character's real name : Kim Ji Sun

elixia's name : Aderyn

gender: Female

d.o.b & age : 1995|12|03 17

height : 165cm

weight : 56kgs

bloodtype : A

ethnicity : Korean

place of birth : Busan, South Korea

hometown : Busan, South Korea



the reflection

ulzzang : Kite

links : | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | More Pictures

back-up ulzzang : Byeon Seo Eun

links : | 1 | 2 | 3 |

appearance : Ji Sun can easily be described as lithe. Her eyes are what grabs the most attention though. Some describe them as unnerving, others unnatural. They are black, but that isn't what unnerves people, it is just the way she looks at them. Its almost as if she can read you like an open book. It is one of her favorite things about her. THough she keeps her hair short, she is mistaken for a guy by strangers because of the way she holds herself. She doesn't correct them. Nor does it matter to her. She is average in all other aspects. Average height, average weight, average looks. But that is what works best for her.  

style: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |

extras(optional): piercing: 1 | 2 |



broken mirror

personality : When asked to describe Aderyn, most people would ask you to repeat yourself. Aderyn is extremely elusive. But to that few who would know who you were talking about they would have a lot to say. Much like her power, her personality changes due to the situation. In general though, most view Aderyn as somebody who deals only in logic. Everything she does has some sort of cold, calculated feel to it. She is extremely cheeky and snarky, with a cynical out look on the world. 

To those close to her, she is a valueble friend. Loyalty is one of her best qualities, along with one of her worst faults. Though she isn't one to trust easily, she wont let go of that trust unless faced with logical proof that it has been broken. This can cause extreme hurt, and put her in danger. Aderyn is that friend who can solve almost any problem with her analytical skills. A formiddable foe via mind. She enjoys playing mind games. She views the world as a puzzle. Each person is their own puzzle waiting to be solved. 

Aderyn is exteremly persistant. it is one of her more so annoying qualites. She wont stop until she has finished what she has started. Though easily bored, if she doesn't see immidiete results, she will push to the limits to get them. She is extremely resourceful, and cunning.

Although most would veiw the fact that Aderyn is extremely logical as something really good, it is one of her biggest flaws. Aderyn doesn't know how to handle her emotions. She isn't one to share things with people, She is on a very need to know basis with everyone. She will bottle it up, and violently explode. Mainly in anger, rarely ever in tears. 

To those whom Aderyn dislikes, they know it. They are well aware of the fact that she dislikes them. Aderyn can be extremely hard to get along with. Her personality is very much like oil to water to a lot of people. She doesn't care, she would put forth an effort to befrend you if she wished. She enjoys infuriating those she dislikes. Some view it as bullying, Aderyn views it as fair game. They will do it right back at her, and She knows her limits. She won't go beyond that. 

Aderyn's perception skills are something to envy. She honestly belives that this is her best trait. It is nearly impossible to get something past her. From some of the most minor details she is able to deduce a lot. It makes her a formidable opponate. She can pretty much read people like an open book. Though when she can't it irks her beyond belief, and she has to figure it out.

She has a strong sense of curiousity, always striving to learn more. When she doesn't know something it irks her, and she will do everything in her power to change that. Most would describe this as ambition, knowlegde equals power. 

Aderyn has a remarkale way with words, this is mainly due to her logical, analytical, observant nature. She can be extremely persuasive and dangerous. Her cheeky mouth has resulted from this.

All in all the good things about Aderyn would be; She is beyond logical, everything seems black and white to her. Her observation skills, her ability to analyze many different situations and come up with many sutible solutions and her. Her loyalty, persistance, and Ambition. Though most of these can also alinged with her bad traits, there are some that are just bad traits in general. Her need to get the solution to the problem, the need to solve the puzzle is one of the biggest ones. As they say, curiosity killed the cat. Her inability to deal with her own emotions, Her cheeky mouth and naturally snarky nature, along with her cynical out look on the world. 

Aderyn's elusiveness is sometimes looked at as a goodthing. It is hard to find her unless she wants to be found, or you know just the right way to look. She is often called Sherlock for her personality. It is both an insult and a compliment. It just depends on who and how it is said. She enjoys the nickname.

likes :

Trees: She likes to hide in them. In general wooded areas are best for her.

Psychology: Analyzing, observing, ect. It interests her and she enjoys it.

Sour Candy: She has an addict to it. I just taste good to her.

Darkness: It feels safe to her. She is able to hid in it.

Books: It provides her with knowledge, she enjoys the fact that she can lose herself in them.

Observing: It intersts her to see how things work.

Dogs: She adores their loyalty, and just finds them cute.

dislikes :

Cats: She is allergic and finds them annoying.

Unrealisticness: It is stupid and pointless, And you will know.

Being Slow in general: She gets bored easily.

Routine: She hates it. It is so dull.

Sweets: It just doesn't taste good. It discugst her.

She hates it when people try to pry into her business, going beyond their need to know. She does everything for a reason, she just might not tell you the reason.

Movies: Too predictable. Unless they are crime movies or action movies. She likes those.

Historical Dramas: Boreing

Romantic Dramas: Too predictable and boring. 

habits : Aderyn is well aware of her habits, and will purposely change them to throw people off when she is being obesrved. She enjoys baffiling them. Her most common habits that she has though would be;

She drums on hard surfances, mainly with her fingers or pens. mainly when bored.

She chews on her pens when she is thinking/analyzing/observing.

She has a quirk about rhythem. It is always the same four beat patter, she drums her fingers to that beat, taps her foot, ect. She mainly does things in patterns of four or three. It is a quirk that she is aware if sometimes, not too often though.

When she is nervous she tends to make the four count more obvoius, she paces, up four steps, turn, back four steps. She will count the four beats. taking deep breaths calming herself down.

hobbies : Archery, Climbing, Observing, Reading/Studying, Improving on various skills. 

trivia : She is often refered to as Sherlock or Scout. Sherlock because of her personality, while scout deals more so with her position in battle. If in a battle her position would be the scout. She would always be the one to scout ahead.

She has many alias, KJ, Sherlock, Ji Sun, Aderyn, Ryn, Scout, and her least favorite and most irritating, Sunny.

Her father is well known in Elixia. He was extremely strong during his time, with the power to control and manipulate time, he was quite unforgettable.


fear(s) : She is terrified of clowns. Not the typical scary movie ones, but legit clowns. There is no reason, it is just an irrational fear.

She is terrified of falling. That feeling you get when you are freefalling. (In physics terms, negitive G's) she hates it. Terrifies her. Jumping down from high distances doesn't bother her, it is just falling. 

The though of fear itself is also something that scares her. 

Being vunrible. That is probably the most terrifying. To be in a state where you are unable to do anything, helpless. That is what scares her the most. That is why she works to hard to stay three or four steps ahead of the game.




the scholar, the rich, the powerful

school : Flamandor

who sent you to elixia? : Parents

any reasons why you pick this school? : It is the school her father went too.

power : Camofloge/Chamillion

what does it do? : It is the ability to blend in with your surrondings, or blend in objects. Basically allows you to hide things from people's sight. The only downside, the object she is hiding has to be with in her sight, otherwise it doesn't work. It is extremely similar to invisiblity, but it is completely different. In scientific terms, it is more so the ability to bend light around yourself, preventing others from seeing you, or the objects you choose to hide. With this power, your eye sight sharpens, allowing you to see where you have bent the light particals.

how did you get your power? : She got it from her father's genes.

weapon : Long Bow

what you do with it : Her long bow is very simple. There is no need for it to be fancy. She will use it when she is at an advantage, or in a situation where she needs to. Much like a sniper.

back-up weapon : Two long knives

battle strategy : Wait it out. Keep to yourself. Pick them off one by one. Play to her strengths, find their weaknesses.

do you always use your magic : Yes.

what power you want to learn? : Healing, Improving her powers, (Possibly moving up to manipulating light itself.) Protecting herself from mental attacks.

what level is your power : 4 (If you think of light manipulation as stages, she is on stage four. the last and final step, Step five is total and compleate light manipulation. She can use it as a weapon instead of defense.)




my soul, my family

family history : Ji Sun was born to a fairly rich family in Busan. Her father, a successful CFO of a becoming electronics company, and her mother inheriting loads of money from her dead parents, what else did they need? Ji Sun lived a fairly comforatble life in Busan, nothing extremely special, until her powers started to become more obvoius. At first, they though she was just really good at hiding, which she was. But when various objects started disappearing with a giggling Ji Sun behind it, Her father knew what has happening. That is when her father had to explain everything. He kept it secret from his wife, and convinced Ji Sun to keep it secret as well. Her father arranged for her to attend Flamandor, explaining the circumstances, and Ji Sun began attending when she started high school. 

On Elixa, Ji Sun felt normal. She enjoyed it. She was able to be herself and not worry as much about secrets. Though she isn't one to make friends easy, she did okay. She often heard mentions of her father, and was compared a lot. She didn't care. She is best described as a Wall flower. which works perfectly well for her. She improved her skills immesely at the school, even though her power isn't really much in the first place, she improved it, along with other various skills. At first, many belived that Flamandor was the wrong fit for Ji Sun's personality, they thought she would fit best in a school like Phathonia, But she proved them wrong. She proved she isn't one to mess with. Not to mention that Phathonia didn't want her. Her power wasn't one of much importance. Not that she is going to tell anybody that.

family members : Park Dae Jung (Eilian) | Father | 37 | CFO | Dae Jung has a very calming personality. He is extremely cunning and resourceful, not to mention ambitious. He has the ability to control time. He is extremely strong in his power as well.

Park Mi Sung | Mother | 37 | High School english teacher | Mi Sung has a very vibrant personality. Fun, exuberant, unpredictable, she is somebody you just want to be around. She can be manipulative. 

Park Seo Eun | Sister | sister | 15 | Seo Eun has a helper's heart, but my god is she manipulative and annoying. She wants what she wants when she wants it. She may have good intentions, but she might go about it the wrong way. 

best friend in elixia : Krystal (Fx) | 18 | Tracking | Krystal is extremely polite, though she has an attitude. She is honest and will put you in your place. She is fairly shy when meeting new people.

friendsKim Minseok (Xiumin) | 23 | Frost | Xiumin has a very kind personality, he is really funny, and somebody you want to be around. He does have a darker sense of humor. He tends to trust easily and has a soft heart. Independent, Ethusiastic, and courages. His downside would be he is impulsive, Short tempered and moody.

Kai | 19 | Teleportaion | Kai is even more so elusive than Aderyn, but that is mainly due to his power. Kai is a fairly normal person, Very laied back and easy to get along with.

rival : Kwon Jin Kyong | 21 | Power replication | Their rivalry is just one based upon a clash of personalities. Jin Kyong couldn't care less. Doesn't consider Aderyn a rival at all. Aderyn doesn't push it because that is what is going to save her if she ever ended up in a fight with her. | To Aderyn, Jin Kyong is arogant. Painfully so. Aderyn sees through it. But that doesn't stop her from despising her.

Actually, She just has a strong rivalry with anybody from Phathonia. Mainly beacuase of their reputation and because Ji Sun just holds a grudge over the school. 



You only love, my life

love interest :  Henry Lau

back-up love interests : Kim Jonghyun 

personality : Henry is dangerous. Henry is trained to be a warrior, though he is laidback and easy to get along with normally, He isn't friendly with the unknown. He isn't fond of change, and isnt somebody you want on your bad side. As a friend, Henry is wonderful. He is caring, and kind, and really down to earth. But to strangers and enemies he is a machine, Not one to mess with. With the power of duplication, Henry is a formiddable enemy.

relationship : Currently strangers. They are aware the other exsists, they just don't know anything really beyond that.

how the two of you met : They haven't officially met. They know of eachother though. Since he is fairly strong and somebody well known amongst the schools, she and most of her school have heard of him. She knows a fair amout about him, or so what she has been able to gather. While Aderyn is barely a thought in his head. Henry is aware about Flamandor and some of the students. He only knows her name and power.




strengths :

Observation/Analysis skills: She sees a lot, especially what most people don't see. She can quickly deduce what is going and and find a sufficent solution.

Stealth: Stealth, elusiveness, it is all something she excells at. It is really hard to find her when she doesn't want to be seen.

Speed: She is a lot smaller than others, not to mention quick. She wouldn't be a scout if she wasnt. She is also quick mentally, able to process extremely fast what she sees and what needs to be done.

Adujusting: most wouldn't consider this a strength, but when you think about it, it is. The fact being, if the situation immediatly changed, Putting Aderyn at a disadvantage, She would be able to react and adapt quickly enough or well enough to give herself time to analyze the situation.

weakness :

Strength. She never bothered with it. She is strong enough to shoot her bow, and climb up a tree. beyond that, she found no need to work on strength. If she was put up against anybody in a fist fight, she is gurrunteed to lose unless she plays dirty. She just does her best to avoid situations like that all together. 

Team Work: Aderyn works alone. She at team work to put it nicely. She ends up going off by herself doing what needs to be done, while the rest try and figure out what is going on. She gets easily irritated, especially when others cannot keep up with her.

Loyalty. She has always tried to keep things clean, but when her ties come into play, things get messy. and when things get messy, her judgement gets clouded. She is protective of those she is close to. If she was told to kill her friend because they were traitors, she couldn't do it. Even if there was solid proof against them. She will have cut ties with them when she discovered the proof. It is just really messy in general.

Agility : 10/10

Endurance : 7/10

Stealth : 10/10

Strength : 4/10

Intelligence : 10/10





behind the scenes

scenes : Henry and Her first meeting. I would love to see her participate in missions to spy on other schools. I just want to see what you do with this story, it is such a cool idea. I really like it.

suggestions : It isn't a suggestion. They are comments. I am pretty knowlegdeable when it comes to armed combat. I can always help you there. I can tell you what weaponry works best in what situation. Also, this is a really good idea. It interests me, and I can't wait to see what you do with it. If there is anything wrong, just let me known and I shall fix it. I am also willing to help out in anyway I can. ^_^

password : Be the one all for one.







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