Writing A Paper on K-pop! HELP!!!!

Okay, for my final paper in class I'm writing about k-pop and how it's good. I want your opinion about it . Do you like it? Do you not? If so why for either. also what is k-pop for you. Who do you like and maybe who you don't. I know this is weird but i would really like to hear from everyone. international fan or korean fan. do you like how it's becoming bigger! PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!


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Mmm....I guess that I was tired of the new 'music'.

There is a lot of autotune,swearing and people posing half .
I am from holland an well the music we have here isnt al that awesome try listening to Jan Smith.
Hes a nice guy but yeah, no Dutch music for me.

The thing that I do not like is that when they perform,the lyrics on the screen are in hangul.
I can't really sing along like lets say france,spanish (not that I can understand it or pronouce the words like they are suppose to )or english songs.

I love kpop but I would not call it my world.
babyxgirlx704 #2
Honestly, I think K-Pop is pretty amazing. It's not like other music industries out there. No offense to the U.S because I do live here but unlike us, Korean artists actually go through years of training and improvement to become better at dancing, singing, etc. That's what I absolutely love about it. It's not like the U.S where you go and audition for a company and they sign you immediately, then BOOM! You're in the studio recording an album that'll probably come out in a few months. That's not how K-Pop works. You have to audition, and if you get accepted then they train you for years until they know you're ready to debut.
My nationality is laos-thai and I do love T-Pop but if you compare T-Pop performances to K-Pop, it's a huge difference. I'm not gonna go any further with that but just to end it, K-Pop, their music and performances, I always fall in love with it. It's just amazing how much effort and work goes into it.
king-jongin #3
kpop is a pretty big part of my life. i have been in pretty bad states of depression before and the upbeat, happy tone has made me feel better again. i also love the ballads and how different groups experiment with different concepts. it is exciting to wait for comebacks. (especially shinee OTL) its great because it is something different. it isnt like all the other american rap/ hip hop groups where they basically have no talent but they have big s and ___ COUGH* nicki minaj *COUGHCOUGH hope this helps. im an international fan and i'm from california, not asian at all either. hope this helps^^ if this is usefulv and you need more info just send me a message^^
tbh I love the new groups coming in and the old ones returning but this whole americanized sensation becaue of PSY bothers me because when i see a random bozo walking ddown the street obliterating the words acting like they know what kpop is because of him it bugs the hell out of me kpop is to be respected like koreans respect american music and get inspired by it