I'm Going to get a Tattoo!!!!

Hey guys,

So I've been thinking about getting a tattoo for a while but this one just popped up one day and I can't stop thinking about it! So I'm going to be getting the Elric Crest from Fullmetal Achelmist Brotherhood on my left upper arm. It's going to be red with translated lyrics from the 4th(?) opening Period. But what it that my Aunt is totally against tattoos beyond belief. I'm still getting it but I'm telling her after the fact. Amazingly enough, I was looking into the meaning behind some of the things in FMA:Brotherhood and the crest is the Femel's Cross! It's about taking something dangerous and turning it into something pure! and I can take in account that it can have christen meaning as well! (there will be no "but that against our religion" from my family) It can also mean that Satan (sometimes depicted as a snake) is being crucified. Which is amazing for me because my family is big in the Catholic faith. So you es! I can make it religious if i want! hahahaha! I'll have it before winter break. When I get it I'll have pictures! :3


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king-jongin #1
I want pics!
I know what I want, but I'm scared about taking that step (I'm a shy person so finding the right tattoo parlor for me, I mean)
Ahhh I'm really excited to see your tattoo ^^ I love tattoos ~~ they can look so nice ;u;
Looking forward to seeing the result^^ I'm myself going to get a tattoo in March when I'm finally 18 but I haven't decided which one of my ideas to start with, either a Harry potter tattoo, a tattoo with a quote from Tablo or a general Kpop tattoo. Decisions, decisions....
dont go overboard with them... ._.
I find many tattoos trashy and untasteful for the fact they make the designs tacky, demonic or they go overboard with it. But I find white ink tattoos very pretty ;p
keep it classy and fyi roman catholic here i have 3 tattoos one is a bible black symbol my gram was against them but we compromised