e l i t e tsent new girl group ¦ Genie


 e l i t e 

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Jung ¦ JinNi ¦ Genie


»fullname :  Jung JinNi

»secondname :  Genie

»age:  19 (international)

»birthdate:  04/02/1994

»hometown:  Busan, South Korea 


- Korean (fluent)

- English (basic)

»ethnicity:  Korean

»height:  166 cm

»weight:  55 kg

bloodtype: A



   Genie is born to be a perfectionist. She is, all the time, punctual to anything that she has to attend to and dislikes it when she is late for something. Most of the time, Genie is secretive of her feelings and not many knows about how she feels, and sometimes, her presence goes unnoticeable. Being the introverted person she is, Genie rather likes to be alone since she feels 'energized' when she is alone. She is not shy, oh that is far away than what she is, but to her, loneliness suits her better. Her social skills are just fine, but, naturally being the type of girl she is, Genie would need an alone time after she socializes with many people such as a party. 

  Being the patient and perfectionist she is, Genie undeniably has a flaw. She is well-known for her stubbornness. She doesn't really like changes and if only things were forced, would she only put her flaw aside and listen to what others tell her to do or change. Even her mother have difficulties in handling her stubbornness, but that flaw of hers, makes her a stronger individual.


  Genie isn't born with a silver spoon in . She lives with her mother in a small village in Busan and her father died before she was born. Daily, she would help her mother run the little restaurant they own when her father was still alive, serving meals decent enough for the people around their village to dine with. She never brags about it, but her mother's culinary skill is excellent and that is why they have regulars who come to their shop. Sometimes, Genie would also help around at the local foster home with a very few others.

   Genie joins the choir club at her school and she never tell anyone that she has the ability to sing well. Even her mother is unaware of this talent she beholds. But, as secretive as she is, her talent was spotted by a recently tranferred music teacher who caught her practicing alone at the auditorium during lunch break at school. She strongly went against the teacher's pleas to take centre stage as a soloist for their Choir Club since she knows someone else already took the spot.

   What she didn't know is that the transfer teacher is actually a talent scout, searching for raw talents around lesser populated provinces. She was alone at the restaurant at that time, thinking that her mother went off somewhere else after their closing hours. She started singing, imagining herself like Cinderella, excluding the step mother and step sisters, mind you. Behind the four thin walls of their little house/restaurant, little did she know that her teacher and mother were hiding behind the window cracks to listen to her sing. 

  She was taken by surprise when she saw her mother; mouth agape, tears forming on her brown eyes with that blasted, busy body teacher of hers just beside her mother; smiling like he owns the world. The teacher persuaded her mother to let Genie go to Seoul to be trained under a company called TS Entertainment and her mother agreed to it. Genie was surprised and told that she didn't want to leave her mother and their little shop. Her mother, who was always soft spoken, finally used her -a little bit- strict voice and told her to stop being stubborn. 

  Before Genie left for Seoul, her mother requested for her to sing once again and her mother; who talks about her father as if he was there all the time, said: 'Genie, you have a beautiful voice just like your father. Please, spread your wings and don't stay crippled here in this old place. Your father would be so proud of you.' That was her motivation since she stepped her foot down from the colourful, old bus until now. 


 i  like  thaat~


 »i like:

- Peace and quiet

- Bibimbap

- The smell of rain

- Dogs

- Clean and organized place

- Bath houses

- All types of meat

- The colour blue

»i dislike:

- Slobs and dirty places

- Tardiness

- Candy and all sweet things

- Backstabbers

- Crowded places like nightclubs


- Singing (secretly)

- Spring cleaning

- Reading

- Cooking

- Eating


- Bites her fingernails when she is bored

- Crinkle her nose when she sees disorganized places

- Taps her fingers when she is left to wait for too long

- Snaps her fingers before she starts cleaning


- Genie would clean up a place, doesn't matter whoever's, and makes sure it's spick and span just the way she likes it

- She used to work for 3 days straight when her mother opened the restaurant for 24 hours for a celebration week

- Genie could never be a vegetarian. She loves meat

- Genie is named Genie because of her secretiveness 

- She could not stand liquor even just a little bit. Oh, all the things she never say would come out

- She is actually considerate of others despite the fact that she would use up most of her times to be alone

- Genie never sang a solo before and no one knows about her musical talent

»ideal type:

- Independent

- Cool

- Distant like her

- Has the same height as her

»special talent:

- She could memorise customers' orders up to 8 people and could tell them again in the exact correct order

- She could imitate idol voices

- She has an inner gag in her whoch she hardly shows


 mah style babaay~


»idol face: RaNia's T-ae

»back-up idol face: Miss A's Suzy


casual 01 02

dorm 01 02

formal 01 02

airport 01 02




 mah baby booooo~

» single ¦ secretly dating ¦  crushing ¦ forever alone  ¦  

» loveinterest name: Teen Top's Chunji

»age: 20


  As unpredictable as he is, Chunji is a cool and rational guy. He is someone who Genie considers her twin since they are both introverts. Genie could see that Chunji's actions are more controlled by his mind than his heart and she likes that part of him, which prefers logical mind over emotional heart. He is good in handling money as she saw it when he hangs out with and even with her. But, the cute part about Chunji is that he is indecisive, until he ends up choosing everything from nothing.

»how they act around each other?:

  Genie could say that they actually enjoy being in each other's company. The both of them could be seen in perfect silence or sometimes fooling around with each other. Most of the time, Genie; the country girl would about him being unpredictable and he would shoot back with her stubbornness. They are mostly seen like they are into each other although Genie thinks of it as a one-sided thing.


»back-up loveinterest: Block B's B-Bomb

»age: 23


  The 'playboy'; they would call him. Well, B-bomb's optimism and passion draws Genie into liking him. He is sometimes childish and at other times serious when needed. He is independent, in nature and is not concerned of what others think of him. He is passionate about things that he likes even when others only see him as shallow or lazy.  Although B-Bomb is flawed with a lack of patience, Genie considers this part of him a tootal opposite of hers. 

»how they act  around each other?:

  These two would be seen mostly on B-Bomb bothering Genie with his childishness and lack of patience. Genie would comply to his needs, silly ones, and B-Bomb actually likes her from the very beginning when he met her during her trainee years. 


 my shooting stars~

idol best friend } SunHwa| Secret | Bubbly and cheerful most of the time. They are total opposite of others. Which proves the chemistry they have | SunHwa would always be seen hanging out with Genie during free time or when their schedules meet with each other's. SunHwa is very supportive of Genie and takes care of her like a real sister which Genie appreciates very much since she misses her mother dearly.


idol friend } Son GaIn | Brown Eyed Girls | They are quite similar with each other in terms of 'enjoying some alone time'. GaIn is a calm and collected person and a little childish when it comes to people who annoys her, liek her on-screen husband; Jo Kwon of 2AM | They are seen sometimes having coffee with each other or during shows. Genie respects her very much as a sunbae, and GaIn would always give her words of encouragement when Genie needed them.


my idol crush } Chunji | Teen Top | Because Genie could see that his personality suits her well and he is good in handling the money, which she thinks would make a good husband in the future since he would take care of his family's finance well. And she laughed at herself for thinking so.


family} Mother | Jung MaeRi | 48 | Her mother is a kind and loving person. She lost her husband when she gave birth to her daughter and she almost felt like she hated her daughter. But, sooner than later, she learns to love Genie and showers her with all the love she could provide her daughter without the presence of Genie's father. Her mother never knew about her singing talent and when she found out, she wanted her daughter to reach for the dreams her father could never reach for. She is very supportive towards Genie and give her wise words when Genie is in trouble or when Genie calls her. 

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