✶ Enchanted Incantation | Application | Fairy of Clairvoyance




Enchanted Incantation



"Fairy of Clairvoyance"


"Fairy of Mischief"


Magic is believing in yourself, if you can do it, you can make anything happen.

- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe



❃ Who are you ❃

Username: iluvkpop1999

Activeness: 7/7


❃ Enchantix You ❃

Name: Terena

Nicknames: Smartypants, Miss Bookworm, Miss Know-it-all


Terena is known to be the smartest girl in the group. She is quiet and reserved and doesn't like to talk much and is deemed as the second most quietest girl in the group after the fairy of Necromancy. Terena pretty much stays in the sidelines and observe rather than engage in a conversation. She is very calm and cool in whatever she does and doesn't lose her temper easily. She loves reading books and gainig new knowledge about new stuff and she knows about almost everything. Except for having fun and LOVE. Of course, Terena reads books that she doesn't even give time for some fun. She either shuns away from it or give an excuse. And LOVE is something you can't read about and gain knowledge about. Terena is not only knowledgeble but also incredibly observant. Behind that quiet and calm facade whenever the group is having a problem, her brains are actually actively working as she finds out what the problem is. Terena can be witty at times too well if she is in a good mood. Because of her smartness she can sometimes outwit and talk back at the wittiest girl in the group leaving her dumbfounded.

Terena is hardly ever spotted getting excited over something. The only thing she will become like that is when she solves a really tough problem, she will be squealing and jumping in front of the others. Terena is inflexible and serious. She does her things in a strict daily routine and is not willing for any changes. In other words, she lives her life in control as she was grown up in that way. Sometimes her friends couldn't even stand her when she is like that always going by the rule.

Back-up Personality:

Terena is fun loving, cheeking and really childish. She loves loves loves to play tricks on people just because she enjoys seeing their faces after they found out they were being trick and she loves that feeling of success so much that she plays tricks almost every single day. She talks a lot and always engages in a conversation. She is also very rebellious and hates to abide by the rules. Terena is pretty much unintelligent and doesn't like to sit down and study. If you ask her, she would rather go and do bungee jumping. She is adventurous and loves to try out new things.

Terena may seem very playful and cheeky but sometimes her dark side may come out when any of her loved ones is threatened. She wouldn't just stand there and do something. She can be the most reckless and absentminded girl that sometimes when she gets what she wants, she wouldn't hesistate to do anything even it threatens her life. This Terena has a sharp tongue and can spit back any comeback if someone says anything mean to her.


1. Books (She loves reading DUH!)

2. Bubble Tea (She loves milk tea the most)

3. Neatness (She hates messy stuff)

4. Difficult problems (She loves to crack her brains solving the problems)

5. Rain (She loves the smell, the feeling of the rain droplets on her skin)

6. Pastel Colours (Almost all her clothes are in pastel colours cos' she like soft bright colours)


1. Fun (Not that she dislikes it, she doesn't know how to appreciate it)

2. People who are just plain dumb (Plain dumb as in like dumb blondes etc. You know what I mean)

3. Anything disorganized and messy (Like I said, she hates messy stuff)

4. LOVE (No matter how much books she read about LOVE, she still doesn't get how it works)

5. Dark colours (She doesn't like things too dull)


1. She tends to frown and chew on the tip of her pencil/pen or whatever is in her hand when solving a problem

2. She tends to fold her arms than letting them dangle in mid air


1. Reading Books

2. Having small indulgence like ice cream or chocolate

3. Like watching her friends have fun


1. Lightning (She likes rain but hates lightning. She once almost got electrocuted when standing in the rain)

2. Dark and small enclosed spaces (She is claustraphobic, and will start to hyperventilate if she is in pitch black small enclosed space)


1. She brings a pen/pencil with her everywhere

2. She always has a book with her

3. Wears a charm bracelet


❃ Mirror Mirror On The Wall ❃

Face: Park Hwan Hui (Hana)

Picture links: 1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5

Back-up face: Jang Chom Mi

Picture links: 1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5

Extras: a small scar on her shoulder due to the lightning and a tattoo on the hand


❃ What Is Love ❃

Love Interest: Luhan


Don't be fooled by his incredibly handsome baby face, he is witty and active, different from Terena. He loves to explore and try out new things and is very adventurous. He is probably the total opposite of Terena. Fun loving, active and cheerful. They are probably like Night and Day. Totally different from each other. But there's only one thing in commone between them, they love to try out new things. Whether it has to do with the brain or body, Luhan will always have a go at it. Luhan loves kids and enjoy playing with them.

He likes to tease people and make fun of them sometimes. He hates to be controlled and prefers to live his life freely without being cooped up with rules. Luhan is a natural born rule breaker. If he is given any rule, he is bound to break no matter how harmless it sounds. He is very strong willed and independent. He has the brains and is probably the only smart one that could level up to Terena's smartness and definitely the brawns. When Luhan first met Terena, he was shock and a bit disgusted at they way Terena lives her life. He believe that she shouldn't be so cooped up and all and slowly he teaches her how to have fun, how to not always abide by the rules and last but not least, how to love.

How do you meet him:

Terena was sitting at the edge of a verenda in the park reading a book at the late afternoon when the sun is setting. She suddenly hears screams and squeals and she looks up to find a few little kids playing and having fun with a guy who is around her age. She stops reading as she closes her book and quietly observes the beautiful stranger. The ball the children playing suddenly rolled towards her. Terena picked it up but didn't say anything as Luhan jogged in front of her. Terena handed back the ball with a breathtaking smile that took Luhan's breath away and he unknowingly ask if she wants to join them. The rest you decide.

Back-up Love Interest: Sehun


Sehun may look really cold and intimidating which he is if you met him at first but as you get to know him more he can be really cute and childish. He loves to do aegyo which doesn't suit his normal bish face. Sehun is really like a kid. He plays like a kid, laughs like a kid, sulks like a kid. Yeah you get the idea. Yeah and another thing. He whines. A lot. No doubt. He whines like a kid and almost about everything harmless. While Terena can't live a day without playing tricks, Sehun can't live a day without whining.

Terena and Sehun's interactions are almost cute as they always quarrel about stupid things. Both of them are equally stubborn and would refuse to back down in a childish fight. Even their hyungs and unnies sometimes get irritated at them.

How do you meet him:

Terena spotted Sehun with his usual bish face walking down the streets and since she hasn't played a trick that day, she thinks how funny would a guy with that face look after being prank on. So she goes and decides to play a trick on him  You decide the rest.

❃ Kiss Goodbye ❃

Comments: I love this story plot! Hope I get chosen. If there's anything wrong, feel free to tell me


Password: Teaser 





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