Eternal Gems A Princess Academy Appliacation




{Yoo Hanna}


Real You

username: iluvkpop1999

profile link: 


Le Princess

Name: Yoo Hanna

Kingdom: Kingdom of Rubeus 

Ethnicity: Full Korean

Languages You can Speak: English (Fluent), Chinese (Fluent), Korean (Fluent), French (Basic)

Age: 19

Birthday: 2 July


Hanna is strong-willed and headstrong girl that lives up to her own standards unlike the people in her kingdom. She is really cold to people and hardly talks to anybody except people close to her and tends to ignore people or answer them wth one word answers. Unlike other princesses, Hanna does not yearn for a handsome prince come riding on a horse to  save her. Instead, she would actually love to travel round the globe and not be cooped up in the castle all day. She even had many suitors in the kingdom coming to the castle to ask her for marraige but every single one of them she rejected. One, she did not want to share the person she love with some other women.  Two, because she thinks this so called foolish love is simply a waste of time. The word 'Love' doesn't even exist in the princess's dictionary even though she comes from the country of nobility and love. Rumors even went through town about why she is so cold is because maybe she suffered a depressing heartbreak before which is not true. Hanna can be a little rebellious and not follow certain rules.

Despite Hanna's tough exterior, she can be really soft and sweet on the inside but that side of her rarely shows. Although Hanna may be cold to everyone, she is very kind-hearted and sincere. Hanna loves her kingdom very much but just does not show it. She just do not support what the people are doing especially men and felt like it is the violation to women rights. Hanna is actualy very protective over her kingdom. Anybody who actually talked bad about Hanna's kingdom will have to face her vicious wrath which may be equivalent to the day of the Apocalypse. Hanna is actually very adveturous and loves to try new things.

Hanna likes to take charge of stuff and is very independent. When in front of people, Hanna can be seen as very elegant and sophisicated. But in real life, she is a total introvert. Hanna gets irritated easily and she will get very rude and just snapped at people rudely. Hanna doesn't care if she is being judge as she feels that she has her own rights to do the things she wants.




- Being alone (She prefers to be by herself then with other people)

-Ice Cream (She indulges herself when nobody is looking)

- Riding Horses (She likes the feeling of being carefree when riding on them)

- Playing the violin (She loves the soothing music they make)

-Water lilies and Sunflower (She loves flowers, especially the ones at the kingdom)


- The way the people in the kingdom behaves (She hates it because she think is it a shameful thing to have many spouses)

-Whorehouses (She dislikes the way the girls throws themselves at the men, whether if they are forced too or not)

-Nightclubs (Most men go there and make out. Ugh.)

-Irrittating suitors who come and display their love (She finds them all liars)

- Her other mothers and siblings, King's other wives (All eyeing for her mom's, yours, and your brother's throne)


- Rolling her eyes whenever a suitor come and pledge his love, Hanna can't help but just roll her eys in front of him

- Frowning in her sleep

- Ruffled her hair whenever something goes wrong



Ulzzang Name: Park Sora

Pictures: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 

Back-Up Ulzzang Name: Baek Sumin

Pictures:1 | 23 | 4 | 5      


How do you dress like? Casual? Formal? Sleeping?

Casual: 12 | 3         

Formal: 1 | 2 | 3 

Sleeping: 1 | 2 | 3      




Family Background:

Hanna had to share her father, the king, with her half siblings and half mother. She hated them as they never treat her like a real family.  The reason why Hanna cannot trust people easily is because everyone she knew is always eyeing her throne and aiming. They were never sincere in making a friendship and always like to take advantage of her. Another reason she hated her half family is that they only wanted the royal name. Thats why she never trusted them and built an invisible wall around her.

She lived under the care of maid, hardly experiencing real parent love. Because of her status, she is expected more than other princesses. Living a life full of studying of etiquette, dancing, languages. She is expected to make everything perfect like a normal princess. But to tell the truth, Hanna hates it. Hates the way she is always bossed around and all. With like, "A princess must do this, A princess musn't do that and blah blah blah."  Hanna have to sit through many  sessions hearing men from all over the kingdom boast about themselves. Her live may be deem perfect by everyone but Hanna thought different.


Yoo Hyukjin || 55 || Father || Alive || 23rd King of Rubeus Kingdom || Hanna doesn't have a good relationship with her father as he is always busy with political stuff. Hanna also doesn't want to bond with her father as she doesn't support him having too many spouses.

Yoo Minah || 48 || Mother || Alive || 23rd Queen of Rubeus Kingdom || Minah is a loving queen and mother. Hanna respects her mother and loves her very much. Minah sometimes wish for Hanna to destroy the invisble barrier around when with strangers.

Yoo Hojin || 23 || Older Brother || 23rd Crown Prince of Rubeus Kingdom || Hojin is not like the normal men in his kingdom. He does not plan on having many spouses.  Hojin loves his sister very much and is very protective over her




Love Interest

Name : Park Chanyeol  

Kingdom: Chaston Kingdom

Occupation: Prince

Age: 20

Birthday: 27 November


Chanyeol is like a happy virus. Everywhere he goes he can make people laugh. His friendly and bright personality enables him to make friends easily. He doesn't frown and always puts a bright happy smile on his face. He can be a little dorky and clumsy at times and love to ride horses. He is like a walking sunshine in everyone's lives. But no one knew what trouble he has behind that bright smile he places on his face.

Chanyeol, being the only prince in the kingdon, is expected a lot of things. Chanyeol actually wishes to be carefree, running around instead of handling political stuff but he has no choice but to listen to his parents who expects lots from him and expecting him to do the best. He doesn't have a good relationship with his parents and hardly ever communicate with them. The only people he can turn to is his best of the best friends, Exo-k, who understands Chanyeol the most.

Chanyeol dislike Kingdom Rubeus at first sight as he hates the way the men treated the women. And maybe some of the women throwing themselves at the men. Chanyeol can't even stand the princesses at the kingdom who there themselves at him when he was there visiting. When Chanyeol met Hanna, he treated her with respect as she was different from the other girls in the kingdom despite being the Crown Princess. He also wanted to break down that barrier around her and make her laugh and chat with him like they were in a relationship they were friends.

How you guys met:

When the royal family of Chaston Kingdom came to visit Rubeus kingdom, Chanyeol spotted Hanna riding a horse freely. He grew interested in her as she was different from the other princesses who just sit down and have tea. He instantly wanted to get to know her better and was surprised that this different girl was actually the Crown Princess. He tried to get to know her but he realised that there is this invisble barrier around her and she doesn't trust people easily. From then on, Chanyeol wanted to break down that barrier and be friends with her. Slowly, Hanna began to warm up with him and talk to him more. And Chanyeol slowly started to fall for her.

His friends: Exo-k

How he dresses like: 1 | 2 | 3


Back-Up Love Interest Name: Jung Daehyun

Kingdom: Darion Kingdom

Occupation: Prince

Age: 20

Birthday: 28 June

Personality(At least two paragraphs that mention how he interacts with his parents, friends, strangers and you and how he is in general):

The rebellious prince of the kingdom. He lives life his own way and hates it when the place maids and his teachers stop him. He does not give a care about the palace rules and just go and have fun. Since his older brother is taking the throne and not him, his parents did not really care as long as he doesn't go and cause trouble. Known as the cool and rebellious prince, every girl adores him and would love to have a date with him but Daehyun doesn't really care.

He loves hanging out with his group of friends, B.A.P, who understands him the most. Daehyun loves riding horses and playing. He loves to be carefree and just run around without anybody noticing him. Despite his rebellious attitude, Daehyun can appear to be very shy and sweet. Daehyun likes to be just who he is and not some made up prince that girls fantasizes. He doesn't make friends easily and only prefers to hang out with one group.

Daehyun pities Hanna. He pities how she is always locked up in the castle, having to do and learn things she doesn't want to do. But he admires her. How she can be so different even though she is a princess. He respects her and enjoys her company even though she doesn't talk much and he wants to get to know her better.

How you guys met: Same as Chanyeol's, the top one.

His friends: B.A.P

How he dresses like: 1 | 2 | 3





Comments/Requests?: A scene where Hanna and Chanyeol riding a horse together? Hope you like my character~ ^^



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