Do you feel unpretty and not good enough?


so not too long ago, i saw this trend on twitter saying that all women are beautiful or all girls are beautiful and i was like, 'bull!'. i was thinking to myself, 'damn, women are beautiful but not all of them are.' so to prove my point to myself i tried to think of the ugliest woman i could. but anyhoot, i couldnt think of a single woman who wasn't beautiful. before you call it bull, let me explain. i wanna ask you guys, is there such thing as an ugly woman? like seriously. there are tall women, short women, large women, small women, but are any of them even necessarily uglyno. and you wanna know why? it's because we are all born beautiful. you can be nine thousand pounds and still be hot as . hold on before you call it bull. the reason i say this, is because if i met a woman who had the most charming personality in the world, yet by society's standards she was considered 'unattractive', to me she's still one of the most gorgeous people on earth. you wanna know why? 'cause the more you adore or love someone, the more their internal beauty overtakes everything. though the only thing that can make a woman ugly is her personality. i think that's a big problem that a lot of people make is they think that just because they're externally unacceptable to society means that they're doomed. i say again, unacceptable to society, not me. so you look in the mirror day after day and you say, 'wow, this is a very unattractive woman i see.' i'll tell you what, the only thing unattractive about that situation is your attitude. sooner or later you might realize that the less you judge things in life, the better you feel, the better you look. that includes judging yourself. you see, depression goes hand in hand with philosophy that when arranged, it pours. you see, when you're unhappy with the way you look, your smile disappears. to prove in fact that people smile more around people who are smiling and they're happier around other people who are happy. so tell me what is you being unhappy with the way you look going to accomplish?  the answer is absolutely nothing good. i wanna ask that all of you make the honest effort to smile more, cause i guarantee you, you will feel happier in time. more people are gonna smile back at you, you're gonna start realizing that the world isn't so grim and you are actually loved. it's just kinda scary for people to express to you how much they like you when you look so unhappy. because unhappy equals unapproachable. so let's get back to how beautiful most or all women are. women are natural nurturers, just the way they were designed. just like men are natural.. douchebags. the way you smile when someone calls you' pretty, how meaningful the little things mean to you like cuddling and kisses. okay, that sounded stupid. well, obviously not all women enjoy the same things, almost every single one i've met. is sensitive, considerate, is caring towards those weaker than themselves, and just wants what's best overall. that's beauty, guys. anyway, i just wanna ask some of you.. please, stop giving yourselves such a hard time. ninety-five percent of the women i have met are way way more attractive than they give themselves credit. and it seems that a lot of women no matter how many times you tell them that they're beautiful, they'll never truly believe it. when i look at you i see something that you don't see in the mirror, and that is a beautiful person that just wants to feel loved, that just wants to feel good enough. so this is me telling you that you are good enough, and anyone who says you're not isn't worth your time. please never forget that beauty is in all of us, and the only person holding your beauty back from the world is you, so just let it out to those who love you, and i'm very certain if they truly care for you, you will be more than happy with their response. smile, do your best to enjoy life and you will lo and behold with so many things come together.


stay beautiful.


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this was a wonderful blog post :) it's definantly something i'll keep in mind
innersense #2
This blog post is beautiful! :)
i've been feeling insecure about myself my entire life but i believe that just as long as you stay true to yourself, it's completely fine ^^
Ugly determine by a face
i cried reading this tbh bcs i have a SUPER low self esteem since everyone around me are pageants so yeah

i should thanks to u for making me realize everything that i never realized before tho <33333333

i'll read this over and over again whenever im feeling down i promise lol
So do I, I never feel wanted. :3
beautiful is subjective ;)
sometimes people are beautiful , not in looks , not in what they say , just in what they are .
:D this is a nice post :)
PomPoms #9
Oh hail your post! :))