《 麦當劳⋮mcdonald's • kim jung ah》



welcome to mcdonald's!

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[ character name ] Kim Jung Ah
[ nicknames ] - none
[ birthdate ] - 20th November 1993
[ age ] - 19
[ ethnicity ] - Korean
[ languages ] -
✖ Korean- native speaker
✖ Japanese- learned in school, basic level (not fluent at all)


[ username ] - toxicology
[ nickname ] - lee/toxic/i dunno anything goes
[ activity level ] - 3.5
[ fluentess ] - yes


[ personality ] 
Jung Ah is very reserved and keeps to herself. Unless you're someone she wants to impress, Jung Ah will be really quiet- not in a "i'm-a-fragile-shy-flower-plz-notice-me" way but a haughty "why-the-hell-are-you-even-talking-to-me". If you approach her, she'll give one-word answers and avoid eye-contact like it'll give her the plague. If she does want to impress you, she'll try to be lively and smiley for about fifteen minutes. By then, she's completely exhausted and goes back to being an emotionless face because she's really bad at pretending to be some cheerful little ditz (especially if she needs to impress you to get something but she secretly dislikes you.) When she's in an uncomfortable or unfamiliar situation, she'll become a little haughty and pretend like she's too good for everyone else. It's not because she actually believes it, but because she doesn't know how else to deal with the fact that she's awkwardly alone or doesn't know anybody there.
Around her group of friends, she's actually kind of nice (although she's not really someone you would call "kind") She is definitely a lot more open around them, but she's still not super talkative- mostly because she doesn't care for gossip so she can't join in on a lot of their conversations. Even though they all go out shopping or to the movies sometimes, Jung Ah doesn't reveal her problems to them or ask for advice. Her friends have gotten used to her and don't really mind her quiet personality and biting humor. However, Jung Ah does value their friendship a lot and cares for them (even if she doesn't show it.)
Jung Ah is a bit quick-tongued and her comebacks are snarky and witty. In her opinion, a lot of things are funny, but not much makes her outright laugh. If you can break her out of her stoic face for even a little bit, that means she thinks you're a riot though and will hold onto you for a while. She makes judgments quickly, but also changes them just as quickly.  Jung Ah is a creature of habit; once she gets used to new things, she enjoys and clings to them.
[ history ] -
Jung Ah's always been a quiet kid, and if it weren't for the fact that she because somewhat attractive around puberty, she'd probably be an awkward, nerdy bookworm. She loves to read and watch anime (hence why she decided to learn Japanese) But she ended up attractive enough to gain some attention (whether or not she wanted it) In school, she has a solid group of friends, but she's not super close to anyone.
Right now, she in her first year at the university across town and is planning on majoring in Computer Science. She likes the subject and the calculating, objective thinking she uses in the field matches her personality. Data encryption and cryptography also really interest her because she likes puzzles and thinks of them as challenges. Although her friends would call her "smart" because she did well in math, Jung Ah personally doesn't think she's that great at a lot of subjects- like English or Japanese or even Chemistry. She's just good at a very specific, focused type of work.
Her parents let her be fairly independent when she was younger, and as a result, she was allowed to take public transportation, choose her own clothes, etc. Her brother graduated university when she was in her second to last year of high school, and her parents began poking their noses into Jung Ah's life. At first Jung Ah didn't mind. But it got annoying having Mom and Dad wanting to know every single detail about everything because they would keep questioning why she was just staying home reading manga.
Jung Ah's not involved in any extracurricular activities other than track and her parents never see her do anything but watch anime or read, so her parent suggest (aka force) her to get a job so she can learn "responsibility" and "time management." Personally, Jung Ah thinks its stupid but she wants to get on her parents' good side so they'll buy her a moped for her birthday (or maybe she'll be able to afford it herself with herself. One of the perks of having a job.)

[ work ethics ] 
She will work, but that doesn't mean she has to pretend to like the people she's working with. Her customer service kind of . She starts out sort of cheerful, but as the day goes on her gets more and more expressionless and speaks in a monotone, especially if people who are ordering take too long or make her repeat herself. Sometimes Sunwoo will purposely mess up her orders because he gets a kick out of her suffering.
Like with most people, she's not friendly towards her coworkers at first, but as she gets to know them, she opens up. Jongup especially gets on her nerves because he's clueless and keeps messing up orders and can't count change (but he just smiles like everything's alright- and she hates that it works and customers get calmed down. Meanwhile people are calling her rude and stuff but at least she's getting them their orders fast) After she starts getting friendlier, she and Jongup will have competitions where they see who can see the most burgers in one afternoon. She even starts to find some of the annoying ones (like Jongdae and Daehyun) are actually endearing, which is a huge change from when she wanted to just duct tape their mouths and stuff them in a closet to get them to shut up.
Even though she's not the most enthusiastic cashier, Jung Ah takes pride in what she does. If she's going to do a job, she'll do it right, which means making sure every penny is accounted for and every order is perfect. In her mind, if she's going to be a cashier, she's going to be the best mothering cashier there ever was (and she's only  little competitive about it.)
[ trvia ] - 
Neutral on most things, unless they give her reason to dislike them. But she absolutely hates things that wake her up in the middle of the night (aka fire trucks at this middle of the night and partying neighbors and thunderstorms)
✖ She's never tried soda before, and she's kind of proud of this fact (she's the type of person who has perfect teeth.) She has tried carbonated water though, and thinks the bubbles are overrated.
Really likes animals. As in, she's owned three dogs and two birds so far (she tells people they're "hers," even though they're technically the "family's" because her parents always end up forgetting to feed them and she ended up being their caretaker. In fact, she's planning on getting another dog and maybe a hamster (once she's in an apartment that lets her have pets, of course)
She's skinny, not because she purposely tries to diet, but because she gets distracted and literally forgets that meals are exist. Even though she's responsible about other people and her pets, she occasionally forgets to take care of herself, especially if there's something more interesting she could be doing.
Lives on black coffee and green tea. Dislikes overly-sweet drinks and foods.
✖ She rarely laughs or smiles because she hates how when she smiles, her cheeks become really defined and, in her opinion, weird-looking. So she'll do that Asian thing where she holds a hand up to cover .
✖ Absolutely detests taking the subway across Seoul to get to her university, which is why she wants a moped so badly.
Has a habit of humming to herself when she's alone or in places like empty dressing rooms or on the street. 
She likes to wake up early and watch the sunrise (usually on her way to school)


[ ulzzang ] - Lee Soo Ah
[ pictures ] - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
[ backup ulzzang ] - Park Min Ju
[ pictures ] - 1 2 3 4 5
[ appearance ] - Jung Ah has long black hair that falls right above her waist and generic brown eyes. It has a very slight wave in it. She's has a thin frame because she doesn't care for food that much. Her posture is very good, because her mom used to bug her about it a lot when she was hunched over the computer. On the inside of her forearm, she has a birthmark, about the size of a dime. It's kind of just a splotch, but if she stares at it for a while, it starts looking like a buffalo or horse or something. 
[ style ] - Her style is very put together and slightly boring- lots of button up shirts, blazers, and classy outfits. She likes to wear a lot of white, gold, and other subtle colors, rather than super bright, "notice-me" shades. When it gets warm, she enjoys wearing skirts and sometimes dresses, and if she's particularly happy, she'll add a pop of colorShe avoids any bracelets or rings that could get in the way of her work, but she loves to wear necklaces. Like her clothes, she likes them to be simple and small but still interesting, and she wears a necklace almost every day. She doesn't care enough about style to wear her uniform any way other than like everyone else.
To keep her hair out of the way, she usually wears a simple headband or clips it back. At work, she'll usually wear her hair in a messy high ponytail or bun.


[ family ] 
✖ Father // Kim Hyunki  // 45 // Scientist (Physicist?) // He's her father, so they have a comfortable relationship. He's very absentminded though, so if Jung Ah needs something, she'll usually go to her mother.  // 3 // intellectual, "in-his-own-world," studious, absentminded, serious
✖ Mother // Choi Kyungsoon // 45 // Pharmacist // When Jung Ah was younger, her mother was really busy working in a hospital, which is why she had so much independence. Now, she has more time to get to know what's going on in Jung Ah's life and they have a much better relationship (in her mother's opinion; Jung Ah gets a bit annoyed sometimes by her nosy mother) // 4.5 // friendly, cheerful, a little nosy, slightly ditzy, gets worried easily
✖ Brother // Kim Minho // 25 // Engineer // They used to be closer when she was younger. But now he's graduated college, has a job, and hopes to be married soon, so they've grown distant. // 4 // studious, focused, hard-working, earnest, ambitious (takes a bit after their father)

[ friends ] 
✖ Choi Mihi // 19 // Student // Classmate at university. They met during orientation because they had to split into pairs and neither of them had partners. She's one of the few friends that Jung Ah has in university. // 4 // shy (at first), sweet, cute, a little childish, enthusiastic



[ love interest ] - Cha Sunwoo // 20
[ backups ] - Moon Jongup // 18
[ personality ] 
Sun Woo: He's a complete jokester and there's not much in life he takes seriously. He usually jokes around a lot and tries to get people to laugh, especially if they're having a bad day. Sun Woo is a very people-oriented person- he's good at reading people and knowing if they're lying or faking a laugh. He likes to tease people, especially Jung Ah because she needs to "loosen up". He doesn't fake being polite when he first meets Jung Ah and so he never changes how he acts around her. Even if they start being more than friends, their mutual love of teasing each other will still define their relationship.
Sunwoo rarely gets annoyed at things for more than a few minutes, but when he does, he'll hold a grudge against it for a while. He's also hates apologizing and usually just tries to get the other person to realize he's apologetic or do something nice for them, so he doesn't have to verbally apologize. If someone hurts him though, he just lets it go and laughs it off though. 
Jongup: He's just a simple minded kid, who loves football. He's not passionate about it in the way some of his teammates are, where football is the only thing they think about and they spend every spare moment practicing. He's probably not going to go professional, but right now, he's good enough to be a star on their team. Jongup's made most of his friends through football, and football, in his opinion, has taught him more about life than any class. It's definitely where Jongup picked up on his stubbornness and his unwillingness to let things go.
Off the field, Jongup isn't the brightest, but he's very earnest and cheerful. He hates letting people down, so if there's something on his mind that he thinks will make people unhappy at him, he'll try to avoid revealing it. However, this also makes him act really suspicious because he'll go quiet or really fidgety, so people can usually tell. Jongup is so genuinely nice and childish that people can very rarely stay angry at him though.
At first, Jongup is quiet around Jung Ah but, later, they become good friends. He's the playful, younger brother Jung Ah never had, and she has a soft spot for him.
[ relationship ] -
At first, when Jung Ah starts working at McD's, nobody approaches at first except Sunwoo. And he loves to and try to make her flustered (even if that means taking off his shirt because the "kitchen is too hot" in the middle of December) He realizes she's actually an "ice queen"- she's just kind of shy, so he tries to make her feel comfortable around the group and introduces her to the other workers (of course, this is all in passing while he's trying to prank her or is making fun of her uniform, so she doesn't realize how much he helps her until she looks back in retrospect.) He shows her the ropes- how to score free burgers without management realizing, where to hang out on breaks, which items off the menu are actually good- but he's also completely unafraid of throwing her under the bus with customers. He also thinks her snarky side when she gets fed up with him is really funny, but that's just more incentive to . On the other hand, Jun Ah responds to his jokes with a lot of sarcasm and makes fun of him back (but she doesn't mean it- well most of it. It's just her type of humor.) When she's around him, he gets her to open up more around the other workers and she gets to know them a bit better too. Their relationship is built around Sun Woo joking around her and Jung Ah pretending to get fed up, and they're rarely serious. There's a couple times when Jung Ah comes in to work sad or angry, and not the kind that can be easily turned into a smile, but Sun Woo lets her rant at him or listens to her troubles. Jung Ah distracts Sunwoo when he's down, which cheers him up (he hates dwelling on sad things.) If someone ever is rude to Sunwoo, like an annoying customer or maybe a classmate he's had a conflict with, Jung Ah won't hesitate to chew them out. But when Sunwoo is being a stubborn idiot, she also isn't afraid to get it through his thick skull how stupid he's being.
[ first meeting ] -
They meet on her first day working at McDonald's and he immediately see's that Jung Ah is kind of uncomfortable and just standing at the counter. So he makes a joke about her hair or something. Jun Ah just thinks he's some kind of (the type of guy she tries to avoid) but at least he provides some amusement. She's not afraid to  hold her own ground in terms of insults and comebacks, which makes it all the more fun (for Sunwoo at least; Jun Ah just gets more and more pissed as the day goes by.) By the end, they're snarking and trash-talking and making fun of each other (albeit both know it's friendly) and Sun Woo wants to get the upper hand so when it's the slowest hour of the restaurant and they're joking around some more, he makes some excuse that it's too hot and he's sweaty and takes off his shirt. Jung Ah doesn't have much experience with shirtless guys, especially attractive ones, and immediately becomes flustered and Sun Woo takes this as a victory (which becomes positive reinforcement for him to try it again next time.) It's not until the end of the day when Jung Ah realizes that this was kind of fun and that she actually met some cool people who she would have been too scared to talk to, if it weren't for the fact that Sunwoo brought her around. He's still an idiot though.
[ ending ] - I'd like for them to have a cute relationship, but a friendship is great too!


what job are you applying for?
I am applying for the position of cashier. I am very responsible, and I believe I would be good at giving customers assistance as they place their orders and managing money. Also, I don't get flustered easily so I'd be able to handle all the customer who ask really stupid questions. I'm not so great at cooking and cleaning too, so I think it's the job that would fit me the best

in case that one gets taken, which other jobs would you like to do?
If I do not get the cashier position, I would prefer to work at the McCafe. Me + Coffee is always a good combination.
I wouldn't mind working with McDelivery either. I'd be very efficient since I hate wasting time.

why are you interested in this job?
I am interested in gaining work experience and I enjoy working with people. I'd also like to start becoming more financially independent, by having my own savings. (Not. Actually my parents are forcing me to get a job because they think it'll teach me "responsibility" or something. Like I didn't prove that already when I didn't let our pet dog die because I was the only one who could remember to feed it. At least the money will be nice if I get enough to buy a moped.)

how did you score a position?
I had an interview and I seemed hardworking and honest enough, I guess. Note really sure what else happened or went on behind the scenes.

what can you contribute in this job?
Although my attitude might not be the best I always have a good work ethic. If I'm going to do a job, I'll do it right. But if other people are incompetent, that's not my problem. If I get hired, I will be very dedicated to my job and will have very high expectations of my own work. I will do my best and I hope to help the company a lot.
what is your favorite food in the mcdonald's and why?
The yogurt parfaits because they make a good breakfast when I'm on the go. I pretty much live on the McCafe coffees, and the Fish Fillet sandwiches aren't bad either. Actually, I try to avoid eating a ton of fast food because it'll make me gain weight. (But my guilty pleasure is a nice big juicy burger and some greasy fries.)


[ comments/questions ]
I'm looking forward to the story! And sorry if there's any random errors and rambling and for the cliche relationship and short interview... I kind of wrote this application half-asleep >.< Also, I don't know personalities of B1A4 or B.A.P. that well, but hopefully my love interests aren't too off-base!

[ scene suggestipns ] 

[ antyhing else? ] 
i'm ) ( lovin' ) ( it )



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