♛ www.igotaboy.com ♡ seo jieun ♡ bubble pop cutie ♛

 "Suddenly, one day, you came into my heart and gave me blindingly bright sunshine."  -Navi, Surprised      


seo jieun

   【 given the name 】
   【 1-10? 】10millionfreakin'billion
   【 my bunny yeobo 】Onew, Tao, Luhan, D.O AND Krease. I have more, but--
   【 contact info 】



which do you apply for?

   【 bubble pop cutie】

hello, it's me

character name.
seo jieun
thy nicknames.
jiji - [ a simple petname her friends call her.
also because it sounds like a dog name, and jieun reminds them of a dog without a leash. ]
babo - [ strictly a name that everyone uses towards her, because of her idioticy for being so
adorably dumb. ]
moron - [ a recent nickname made by the boyfriend she just happened to recieve. ]

birthdate and age.
jan 17, 1994 - 19
horoscope sign.
zodiac sign.
capricorn? (I don't know how to work this stuff- ;orz)
blood type.
bloodtype b

149 lb

full korean

birth place.
seoul, south korea
seoul, south korea
languages thy speak.
korean, and some basic japanese from all the shoujo

special girl

ulzzang name.
hong yonggi
hd photo links:
one - two - three - four - five

backup ulzzang.
kim dahyun
hd photo links:
one - two - three - four - five

simple, sweet and adorably, adorable is the style of 19-year-old seo jieun.

her style of clothing mainly consists of skirts and overgrown sweaters, that go
just a little bit over her hands. to sum it up, her style is very feminine and girly
and very close to any typical, japanese anime kind of girl. knee-stockings, plaids
and lots and lots of whites and pastels. 

hd photo links.
one - two - three

no tattos, or any unfamiliar birthmakrs. 
the only othe thing she has or wears is earrings,
but she rarely ever wears jewelery, because she
finds it really bothersome/

one of a kind

call her a little ditzy, maybe dumb and kind of slow, but here we have a very childish, carefree character who doesn't give two s about what others say about her. because she's always been the kind of childish, immature troublemaker, she's the type that others always dot on. as a dreamer too, she can't help, but tell the world about how brilliantly, ual anime guys in dating sims make her feel. this is the type of girl who would go on and on the days of tomorrow about one subject for as long as possible. she's the type to trip over air, to fall face first with a smash, to later get up and laugh like there's no tomorrow. you could say she's kind of risky, seeing how she sees life just a brand new way to step into the world, but its her way of seeing the world a better place. might I add, that she may frequently use the quotes: "yolo". jieun is also the type of person to make references to the games she plays, and being this slightly anime wannabe, comes a girl who spouts random, and limited japanese where-ever she goes. to sum it up, just picture a very, hyperactive fangirl who speaks of yolo, who doesn't give no s about what the world throws at her. in a sense, she's very cute, and like I said, others dot on her for that trait. but, despite being extremely immature (because there have been plentiful times where she has subtle gigglefits over the most weirdest things. for etc, a dog chased after a cat: INSTA LOOOL by seo jieun), there have been times where she can come off as "mature". she can lecture, she can nag, but only over certain things when it comes to her otome games and rpgs! mess with them and you mess with the very short, very adorable SEO FREAKIN' JIEUN. she's gonna get all kawaii on your , my friend. but, really, she's immature and naive. certain things she'll block out of her head, because she really doesn't understand~ seo jieun is currenty a 19-year-old going 20, and still has absolutely no realiziation that she's practically an adult.

background - family history.
always dotted on, and always treated as a baby would be the result of our reckless seo jieun. being the younger sister, and being the cute little girl she was always protrayed as brought us the very reckless, yolo-living girl we have today. amongst her family of three was her worrisome father, her troublesome mother, and her very, quite-youngersister-complexing oneesama. jieun was always sought to be this helpless little girl, who was always being worried about, and always being treated like a fragile little proclean doll. although she didn't hate it so much, she disliked having to be treated like a kid (despite acting like on, 90% of the time). she was often suffocated with love and cherishment and it drowned her into thinking that she was always going to be useless. but, being jieun she let everything slide, and thus became the very troublesome girl who isn't easily grasped as an adult, no matter how many times she's told people: "I am not a little girl, I Seo Jieun is no other than a wo-freakin-man!!"

anime guys, because omf they're delicious | rpg's because she likes to pretend she's a sekshii girl online | strawberries. who doesn't like strawberries? | to think of herself as an adult, even though she often forgets and becomes the childish person she is | money, because she can get lots of dating sims, and cute merchandise.


being told what to do | being lied to | being told she's a kid | getting patted on the head | when you call her jiji.


none, because she spends her everyday life online all day, playing her lovely stream of rpg's and dating sims | okay. so if not that, she's reading shoujo manga, or watching anime. 

drools in her sleep | has a horrible eating habit to pick at bits of her food before eating it | speaking to herself when no one's around | fangirling 


dogs. like. omg. no. | water (swimming) | bugs. not even butterflies. pls. pls no.


finds anime guys better than reality guys | has loved anime and rpg's since she was 12 | was once tackled by a dog when she was younger, which is why she even cries in front of chihuahuas | has a lot of allergies in the springtime | sleeps with a teddy bear named Paulo, and talks to him as if he were a real person. | secretly wants to become a bride. 
| ideal type of guy is a prince to sweep her off her feet and ride off on a white, unicorny steed!

saranghae, saranghae

father | seo jungsoo |  52  | college professor | jolly, kind and very very clingy | always acts as if his youngest daughter is the most fragile thing ever. the person that dots on her the most, and will even go as far as to wrapping her in bubble wrap. he'd die if his daughter ever got a boyfriend, and in fact, he's scared of any boy he sees walking home with her. it will be then, he sends off his eldest daughter to play bounty hunter.

mother | seo hando | 50 | house-wife | cheerful, childish, quite hyperactive for her age | you could say this is the woman that jieun got her personality from. this mother who is carefree will always tease and mess with her daughter, and will ever-so-often fangirl with her whenever there seems to be attractive guys around. Just think of a woman who says "OMO!" every 10 seconds.

older sister | seo jikyung | 22 | third year university student | bubbly, cute, and kind of bipolar depending on the situation.. | the older sister that's quite often referred to as tamaki's genderbend, for she's always clinging and sobbing around her younger sister for how adorable she is, and how helpless she seems. she clings to her sister and always seems to want to her to stay home. touch her sister and you're dead. she likes to call herself "mama" infront of jieun. "jiji-ah! come to mamaaaaaa~!!!"

bestfriend | lee hayi [leehi] | 16 | highschool student / part-time model | quiet, chill, and oddly mature | although she's younger, she's the other half of jieun. because the two balance out each other very well, jieun is always seen as the younger person- also because they very at the same height and is always mistaken to be younger anyhow. hayi is always very calm around jieun, and if anything, acts like a nagging mother when she does something stupid.

bestfriend | bae sooji | 18 | college student | cool, and kind of sassy. older-sister like | like hayi, suzy is one of jieun's halves. oddly enuff, suzy is kind of badass and is always there for jieun when she needs it. she may have a pretty face, but she's tough and will snap a neck if anyone were to come close to her baby jiji. she loves snuggling and resting her head on jieun the most because she's also of a tall height.

bestfriend | krystal jung | 19 | university student | immature, childish and very very friendly | again, she is her other half. the two out of four are very similar! they both love anime, fictinal guys and have a love love love for rpg's. these are the two girls who are always squealing over the latest game releases, and are the type of girls who would camp outside a gamestore just to wait for their animated boyfriends to finally be on sale.

friends | f(x) | not friends with all of these girls, but because they all know krysie well, jieun finds them her friends too. they don't all hang out together at the same time, but when planning trips and stuff, kyrstal will always invite them and jieun will always have a blast because the f(x) girls are pretty wild and super duper cool. basically, they're the unnie crew, because they're all the older ones.

mr. jerkbutt humanoid | the supposed boyfriend she recently recieved. because he's moronic, erted and so completely MEAN, she keeps saying she hates him. hates him, hates him, hates him! because he is nowhere near a princely, princey-prince like what she's always wanted.

i'm in love

exo's what is love?
i lost my mind the moment i saw you.
except you, everything gets into slow motion.
tell me if this is love.
sharing and learning countless emotions,
everyday with you.
tell me if this is love.

gossip boy

your boy's personality.
erted. a jerk. and really, really, REALLY, teasing. he's not a bad-, not bad-boy type. just a dorky, good-looking guy who's really, really.. stupid. he's the type of guy who goes around, being a flirtaious bum, but isn't the type of guy who always gets the girl. he's kind of snobby, kind of arrogant, and as much as he calls himself cool, he's seriously not. mr. jerkbutt humanoid is like those sidekicks in animes who are always getting beaten up for no apparent reason. just for stupidity, and erted remarks. but, despite his idioticy, and his love to tease every single girl he meets, there's a part of him that makes him charming. he can be funny, yes, goofy, but there's a side to him where he's sweet and understanding. the type of boy to blush and turn away, claiming that he's the coolest ever. let's just say mr. jerkbutt humanoid is a kawaii & baka tsundere-sama.


and how does this boy act 'round ya?
always calls her fat, always calls her ugly, despite his knowing that she's SO ING KAWAII FREAKIN' DESU. around her, he tries to be cool, and starts bugging her with endless amounts of pick-ups lines, that always fail. sometimes he's nice, sometimes he's not. he insults her one day, hits on her another, and then suddenly out of nowhere he decides to be sweet? uuuh, nooo! basically, this guy just doesn't know how to act around this girl. when she falls, he acts caring, when she cries, he gets flustered, when she's angry, he can't help but make fun of her, when she's scared, he acts the hero. although he changes every now and then, depending on how this girl acts towards him, he's usually always trying to act cool. tries to cover up how stupidly dorky he really is, because, damn.. this girl can totally see right through him.


scene requests?
- jieun ignores him one day, as he lounges around in her room as she plays an rpg. mr. jerkbutt comes around and watches her on her shoulder, grimances at the anime guys and goes, "What the hell is this? You're into stuff like this? Moron, I'm WAAAY hotter than this animated freak!"
- on the first day of jerkbutt's arrival, jieun thought he was a pizza guy
- jieun's older sister tries to beat the crud out of jerkbutt because she thinks he's a peeping tom
- because it's spring, jieun has active allergies. and when she and jerkbutt talk, she sneezes on him because LOOOL. I WOULD LOVE THAT.
- jerkbutt just goes ahead and talks about her cupsize
- jerkbutt makes jieun upset, and tries to make up for it by baking a cake or something. ends up making a mess and when jieun comes home, she giggles and calls him cute. takes a napkin and starts to clean up his face, and jerkbutt's heart goes DOKKUN DOKKUN DOKKUN. "EEEH? WHAT IS THIS FEELING?!?! /blushyblushface."
- jieun starts talking to paulo (teddy bear) in front of jerkbutt, and jerkbutt feels jealous for some strange reason over a teddy bear.. so he takes paulo and sits on him, and jieun starts to hit and whine at him.


iibingeul || ddred88



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