Uhm.. Does anyone want to help me making posters? /sobs/

uhh, hi i guess.


well, here's  the thing. i'm learning how to use photoshop /finally after years seeking peoples's art/, but my first trying turned out like this  and actually i'm pretty proud of it. ok. it's a failure. I DIDN'T SEE THE TYPO SO IGNORE OK PLEASE FORGIVE ME JJEOP UNNIER IF YOU BY ANYCHANCE SEE THIS. 

so, what do you think? will you help me? i'm still blending pictures and pngs and fonts. if you readers somehow see this imsorryijustkindastressedouthikshiksnoteorshouldisayblogpost will you help me by tutoring me using scales, fonts, blending, effects and others? and if you know any website to download such as; TEXTURE, FONTS, PNG, will you tell me? aside of deviantart and tokkiberry of course. I'M STILL A BEGINNER OK SOB.

i do want to make you all posters when i got bored. but lets see my schedules ok? 


thankyou puffins. <3 Xian loves you.


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