i'm gonna miss this : ( iz very sad about it

so, today is one of the last times--- ok, so it's the last time i'm going to see many of my classmates who i've spent the past year (well, year and four months) with. it's kind of freaky truth be told. i've seen these people pretty much everyday for over a year and now i'll be lucky if i can talk to half of them on facebook. sure, it's not like i'm super close to half of them, but these are people i've gotten to know and enjoy talking to.

i've grown so much over the past year and four months thanks to these people and i'm really going to miss them. i didn't even feel this sad my last day of high school or elementary school and i'd known those people for 4+ years. it feels like something is ending, ya know, like the end of an era. i'm gonna miss these people, crazy as they can be sometimes.

it's funny how you don't ralize how close you are to some people until you start to lsoe them or compleatly lose them.

*sigh* i'm really going to miss these guys. they where all great people and i had a lot of fun talking to them & being in the same class with them. sure, i didn't get to know someone them all that well or as well as i would have liked, but i know them well enough to know that they're all wesome people. i wish them nothing but the best in whatever they do in the future.

congrats and lots of love to Georgain College's 2013 graduating General Arts & Science class!!! my classmates, i hope you all do well in the future, i will definatly miss seeing you all pretty much everyday.

love you all, hope to see you in the future~!!


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