K-Pop Rants/Questions

First offl, this is not supposed to be offensive to anyone! All of the groups I mention are ones that I love dearly. However, this has been on my mind for a while. I don apologize if it does offend you, but I need answers!!

They're obviously about the world of K-Pop. As mentioned before, these questions have been on my mind for a while. So, if you would be so wonderful as to maybe answer even just one? :DD

That would be SO appreciated!!!!

Without further adeue(?)....

1) What is life like in BOYFRIEND's dorm? I mean, they're youngest members (there's three of them the same age! And yes, I realize two of  them are twins. xD) are 16 and their leader is 21/22.

2) Do idols live in dorms or houses?! I mean, seriously, they show them living together, they talk about them living together.... but do they really?! And then there's articles on akp about how someone finally got to buy a house or they now have a recording studio in their house. So which is it?!

3) What is with K-Pop songs being turned into J-Pop songs? I don't mind it but why Japanese?! Why not English or Chinese?!

4) Recently there's been articles appearing on akp showing idols going to college (yes I'm talking about Taecyeon). I already knew they did but the pictures really brought it to life, I guess? Anyways... HOW IN THE WORLD DO THEY ATTEND COLLEGE?!?!?! And Minwoo and the Jo Twins?!! They're still in HIGH SCHOOL?!?!  We all know the crazy hard work they are doing as idols, but they find the time to study too?! And how are they not constantly getting attacked?! Whether by fans or the papparazzi, they some how seem to be safe.

5) What is an EP?

6) What is a mini-album? And how is it different than a full lenth album?

7) Why is JYJ banned from appearing on music shows?

8) Who are netizens and why does everyone care about them so much?!

And lastly....

HOW/WHY DOES YOSEOB NOT FEEL Y?!?!?!?!?! This honestly does trouble me so. And to know that my favorite boy in the whole wide world feels that he can never be y... it hurts!!!



okay.... welll if you can answer at least one of my questions, i would be SO happy and grateful!! :DD


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For fun, I'll give you my perspective on all your questions :) These are just my thoughts though, take whatever you like from them XD

1) Perhaps you could find out by watching their shows? I know MPick did one, but I'm not sure if it showed dorm life. Regarding the huge age difference, I wouldn't be too concerned. It seems that Donghyun is quite the jokester and probably enjoys having fun with his dongsaengs.

2) Depends on the situation. Some all live together, some only have some members that live together and others back at home/in their own homes. Very rarely have I heard of groups that all don't live together, though I know a few exceptions. JYJ don't live together, but live very close to one another.

3) J-POP has more money to offer the changeover. There's more opportunity for Korean idols in that industry than over in China. English is hard for some idols to master, and breaking into western society is a hard task that requires a LOT of money.

4) Some idols still attend schooling but in sporadic attempts. They make up for what they miss in many ways, some do special classes to pass their schooling, others do study part time so the pressure isn't as great. And sadly some celebrities are used to hike up attendance of normal students. For example, tuition is open to celebs because they bring fans into their univeristies/schools and in return the idol is cut some slack on their grading.

5) Is another word for album. It's used in all music genres.

6) The difference is signalled by the word "mini"... a single can have 2-3 songs on it and a mini album can have 4-6 + an instrumental track. A full length usually has 10+ songs.

7) Due to a very long & complicated court case with SM Entertainment. Google it.

8) Netizens = interNET + cItZENS, & everyone who comments online is a netizen.

9) Yoseob is in an industry with guys who fit Korea's "ideal look". He probably feels he doesn't match up. He's gorgeous in his own right!

elisha960809 #2
2) Well it depends on the person/group. most of them live together in a dorm (or two dorms in super junior's case) but their parents' house might be nearby so one or two members might just live outside with their parents. well that's all the info i have for that so ciao:D