— Elixia — { Heo Min }


Heo  Min



 the player

username : Edragonista

nickname : El

activity : 9




the chosen warrior

character's real name : Heo Min

elixia's name : Theodora ('Theo' for short)

gender: Female

d.o.b & age : 1994/02/04 & 19

height : 165cm

weight : 43kg

bloodtype : O

ethnicity : Korean

place of birth : Jeju Island, South Korea

hometown : Jeju-si, Jeju-do Island



the reflection

ulzzang : Jang Hye Byeol 

links : 1 * 2 * 3

back-up ulzzang : Park Young Hee 

links : 1 * 2 * 3

appearance :

    Theo is more towards tomboyish style. She would choose normal clothing comparing to girly ones. She goes for simple and comfortable. Yet, Xyrene's very own combat fashion doesn't allow her to go against their style


- Fate / Stay Night's Saber - 1 * 2 * 3

- Ouran High Host Club's Haruhi Fujioka - 1 * 2 *


- Hair that transform into platinum blonde if she uses her power fully



broken mirror

personality :

    Min or Theo is a tomboyish girl who is always playing pranks on others and is full of laughter. She is carefree most of the time and doesn't bother with what other people think about her. To her, another individual's opinion is just an opinion. Be it nice; which she is grateful if there are any, or harsh ones; which she never take to her heart, Theo stays true to herself. Although she is childish and playful most of the time, Theo is always dependable during dangerous situations. One could say that her brain is more towards the battlefield than being a stay-at-home wife. 

likes :

- Winter

- Music

- Cotton candy

- Cookies

- Snowmen

- Fairytales

dislikes :

- Summer

- Backstabbers

- Unhappy moments

- Yogurt

- Creepy, crawling bugs

habits :

- (+) Tend to help anyone who is in trouble even if they're strangers

- (+) Clean up after others and it doesn't matter what. She likes it spick and span.

- (-) Tends to sleep in class when she is bored

- (-) Her breath would sometimes freeze things and she unconciously does it to anyone or anything


- Ice skating

- Boxing

- Reading

- Listening to music

- Snowboarding

- Dancing

- Archery

trivia :

- Theo is a vegetarian

- She was home-schooled since her parents found out that she has supernatural power

- Her family is associated with generations of demon's bloodline and Theo just happens to be Jadis's (Winter Demon Princess) reincarnation

- Theo could do archery with her eyes folded

- Theo controls the Winter season and it is the best time of her life

- She is afraid of her Grandpa who is the direct decendant to Fezek (Wrath Demon Prince)

fear :

- She has 'pupaphobia' which is fear of puppets. It is quite funny since she froze the whole Heo household when a cousin came over and showed her a puppet show




the scholar, the rich, the powerful

school : Xyrene

who sent you to elixia? : Grandpa

any reasons why you pick this school? :

   She is forced to go to the school since her Grandpa dislikes her tomboyishness and she is afraid of her Grandpa's wrath.

power : Ice manipulation

what does it do? :

   Basically, she controls winter with her power. But, her best skill is on 'Ice manipulation' which she uses both as defense and attack. Her manipulative power can be in huge icy storms or waves, underground ice cracks to icy shields and could be stronger with binding of her opposite power which is the 'Flame manipulation'. She is among the strongest demon in her family within the 'Element manipulation' base.

how did you get your power? : Demon reincarnation

weapon : Urumi (Theo nicknamed it Medusa)

what you do with it :

   It is a curling blade whish is a long sword made up of flexible steel, sharp enough to cut into flesh and flexible enough to be rolled into a tight coil. Twirling and controlling the Urumi is a difficult and dangerous art, but Theo has been taught to wield whips-alike weapons since she was young to be able to master the arts of handling the Urumi. It is most useful when going against multiple opponents.  

back-up weapon :  Snowflakes hexagonal shurikens

battle strategy :

   No killing is more preferable to Theo, but she would be dangerous when it comes to another people's safety especially the people she loves and care for.

do you always use your magic : No

what power you want to learn?

  She would like to improve on other types of supernatural power that runs in her Demonic bloodline such as 'Invisibility', 'Enhanced hearing' and 'Telepathy'.

what level is your power : 5




my soul, my family

family history :

   Being born and figuring out that you are a Demon Princess is not easy for high school delinquent Heo Min. She is normal just like any schoolgirl if you look at her appearance despite the blonde she has, which everyone insist is chemically done instead of natural. Pulling on pranks and playing truant is mostly what she does as she knows her brain's ability is not just like any normal human. She is surprisingly a bright student but she would never show it to anyone. When things become even worse at school with her pranks and skipping classes and school, that was when the time her Grandpa stepped in. He decided for her to be sent to Elixia and formerly, he wanted to send her under Phatonia. But witnessing his Granddaughter's tomboyishness and all, he decided to send her to Xyrene.

   Not wanting to make her Grandpa mad, since that's the last thing one with logical mind would think, and so she is transferred to Elixia to learn to discipline herself both as a student and also as a lady. In Elixia, she lives in the dorm of Xyrene. Weekdays, she would attend classes - obidiently - and she would huff and puff her way during etiquette and manners lessons. But, Theo; as what she is called in Elixia, learns to adapt herself to her newlife with the help of new friends and the freedom of using her power without being ashamed being called a 'Freak' or 'Monster'. She felt like she belonges there.

family members :

- Heo JaeHwang (Demon) | Grandpa | 102 | Former Business Interpreneur | Stern man in his late century. He is a well-known business figure. He is feared by most. Mr Heo loves his only granddaughter and would like to see her get married real soon, that is why he sent her to Xyrene. He actually wants the school to provide his Granddaughter with the best manners and etiquette classes so that one day, she would come home, change into a demure and beautiful lady. Yes, it is actually a childish act on his part

- Heo JinHee (Demon) | Father | 47 | Engineer | He follows his Father's stern and fierce attitude. He is very supportive towards his family and he loves his only daughter very dearly. Mr Heo thought that his Father would object to his marriage with a human, but instead he gave them their blessings and Heo Min, a Demon Princess is born

- Heo MiRae (Human) | Mother | 45 | Baker | A beautiful human being who fell in love with a feared Demon Father, Mrs Heo set her goal in life to please her in law by bearing the child of a Demon. The process wasn't easy but her determination is highly praised and her husband's Father cares for his daughter-in-law dearly. She thinks that she failed as a Mother, but Min's Grandpa assured her that it's the Demon's bloodline that is making her like that

best friend in elixia :

- Lee 'CL' ChaeRin | 22 | Electric manipulation | ChaeRin or better known as CL is a hot-headed; strongest member, of Xyrene who quickly befriended Min at the school when Min first arrive. Having elemental supernatural power manipulation, they are always seen together be it during classes or practices or even playing pranks. Altough CL is one of the prefects with perfect records, she would always secretly join Min in her little adventures and pranks. They are also very competitive and are always on 'Friendly Rivals' term. But, at the same time, CL is always there for Min and the same goes for Min. They are best friends and are most of the time inseparable. They are the two best 'Elemental 5' members which consist of CL, Suzy, IU, Hara  and Min

friends :

- Choi SooYoung | 23 | Elasticity | SooYoung is one of the most demure and lady-like beauty of the school. Although she is known as a softie, but not many knows the little secret that only Min and CL knows about SooYoung. SooYoung is in a relationship with one of the boys over at Xenorious and he happens to be a boy she's friends with from her secret adventures with CL; Hankyung. It is a taboo to be in a relationship with one of the Xenorious if you are a part of the 'Beauty'; a well-known club in Xyrene.

- Bae 'Suzy' SuJi | 19 | Water manipulation | Being a part of 'Elemental 5', Suzy is one of CL's circle of friends since they own elemental powers. They would always hang out together and do a lot of fun things together. Suzy likes to be friends with Min due to her playful character.

- Lee 'IU' JiEun | 19 | Air manipulation | IU is Suzy's bestfrind and also a part of the well-known 'Elemental 5' in Xyrene. IU is their maknae among the 'E5' and they would hang out together. IU is probably the most quiet member in the group. But she is also their source of entertainment when they are bored. They would make her sing and IU always wowed them with her singing talent.  

- Goo Hara | 22 | Earth manipulation | Being the social butterfly of the school, Hara did not miss Min's appearance when she first stepped into Xyrene. She is the popular girl qith friendly and childish attitude and this makes Min and Hara click when they get to know each other from the similarities in their trait. 




You only love, my life

love interest : Lee TaeMin 

back-up love interests : Shim ChangMin

personality :

   TaeMin is this shy charactered person, and he is the second generation of the Demonic bloodline, like Min too. When he is around strangers, he would build up a front that would present to the people as a shy, angelic boy that one should never hurt. But when he gets comfortable with you like he is with Min, he would show them his playful and flirtatious (only with Min) side that not many has seen. TaeMin is also well-respected in Flamandor as he is closest to Kai and probably someone Kai considers: 'Bunny-with-dangerous-flames-who-always-gets-on-my-nerves friend.' He is also a cute guy who adores attention but too much of it could make him sick.   

relationship : Secret lovers

how the two of you met :

   Min was wandering around on her own in Elixia when she suddenly found herself lost in the woods of Flamandor without knowing she did so. Being a newbie in Elixia, she had no way to contact anyone, not even CL. She was really scared when she couldn't find her way around and was even scared as mist and fogs surrounded her. She built herself a shield and tightened her hand around Medusa (Urumi).She suddenly felt the temperature rise and her strong ice shield was slowly melting. She drew snowflakes shurikens from her fingers and was ready to attack, but withdrew when she saw an angelic-like figure standing before her. She got into a fighting stance, because she knew, appearance can be deceptive.

   But the angelic figure in front of her stood his ground and held his hand out and shades of flames danced on the tips of his fingers. Slowly, he got into a fighting stance too and they circled the ground. They battled each other and surprisingly, Min enjoyed herself, and the boy who was going against her appeared to be the same too. When hours after hours were spent, they finally stopped and Min collapsed to the ground. The boy approached her with raised hands; as a sign of peace' and slumped down beside her. He initiated the conversation and told her that he had never seen her before. She told him she was new and they talked even more. Suddenly, another figure appeared, and the boy stood up, bowing to the approaching stranger. He said something about warnings sent around Xyrene about a lost member and told the boy to send Min back.

   The figure disappeared out of thin air and left the two alone. The angelic boy turned and held his hand out to her. He said: 'Let's get you back, Ice Princess. Miss KaHi would be worried sick.' She took his waiting hand and blushed at the name he just called her. And she blushed harder on the fel of his fingers linked with hers. He said again: 'By the way, I'm Fire demon; Lee TaeMin or Pyralis. Nice to meet you, Ice Princess.' Min just nodded and followed the Fire manipulator like a puppy, except that his hand was still interlaced with hers. The boy was strong and she has met her equal. But at the same time, his angelic and soft features captured her heart, and not to mention his dance-like fighting skills that amazed her to no ends. They came to a stop, and he slowly let her hand go. As a farewell, he said: 'Let's battle each other again, on the next full moon. Just wonder around, I'll find you, Ice Princess.' 

  He was about to disappear when she said: 'I'm Heo Min, Theodora here. Not Ice Princess.' He chuckled at her and before disappearing, she heard him say: 'You're cute, Ice Princess. Can't wait for the next full moon.'




strengths :

- Supernatural power: Min fully understands her power and is able to control it without any problem. She can choose to use it anytime, anywhere. 

- Fighting: She is mastering the usage of her Urumi since it is a deadly weapon even to its owner. She uses this combat style when her opponent doesn't use their supernatural ability. But sometimes, the Urumi she uses would be combined with her Ice manipulation that could produce an almost invincible weapon.

- Telepathic ability: It could be considered as one of her strengths since she is on her way to improve it. Although it is not fully mastered, her Telepathic strength comes in handy at times.

weakness :

- Close-distant combat: She is unable to use either her Urumi or her Snowflakes hexagonal shurikens at close distance. The weapons she uses mostly provide longer-distanced combats. This is one of the weaponaries weakness.

- Angels: Oh yes. She is a Demon after all. When she cross paths with one of them, she would have this feeling that Angels are soft, kind-hearted figures that she should not hurt. Naturally Angels and Demons aren't together, but fighting is a no problem. It's just that Min is a softie for them. She believes in fairytales after all, right?

Agility : 9/10

Endurance : 8/10

Stealth : 7/10

Strength : 6/10

Intelligence : 10/10





behind the scenes

scenes :

- A little twist of drama in her family matters

- Scenes between her and her love interest, pretty please?

- The competition among the schools

suggestions :

- Maybe an epic ending battle where all the schools are combined to go against a war with another dimension that is trying to overtake them and destroy Elixia once and for all. 

password : be the one all for one







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First of all, i didn't get bored reading all of this and everything about you is interesting, your background is nice and i love your grandfather. Oh please continue Taemin's personality haha I want to read it too. I'm really eager. And forgot to mention here, what school do you want Taemin to be in?
Really love your app ^^