This is for All of You

For all those who are insecure about their looks and outer appearance, you should really watch this.

Actually, even if you aren't insecure, I think you should take three minutes and a second to watch this.

It's really touching and inspiring. Or at least to me it is.

I honestly do not think this is just for women, but men as well.

Shoot, this is for anyone and everyone.

You're beautiful.


Women are their own worst beauty critics. Only 4% of women around the world consider themselves beautiful. At Dove, we are committed to creating a world where beauty is a source of confidence, not anxiety. So, we decided to conduct a compelling social experiment that explores how women view their own beauty in contrast to what others see.

Watch the whole experience at:
Join the conversation at: #wearebeautiful

And don't forget: YOU are more beautiful than you think!

- doveunitedstates


P.S. If you want to watch the six minutes and thirty-six second one, here is the link.

P.S.S. I know this is not kpop related or anything, but I really just thought I'd share it because this is just so inspiring to me.


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