Call this bashing or whatnot but YOLO i just want to share my thoughts

rant ahead. if you dont want to read, fine.

Call this bashing or whatnot but YOLO so im doing this




i dont get it why some of the people/readers complain about "why are the stories now are mostly EXO?" "There are a lot of boy groups that are being disregarded because of EXO."

most 'reasons' they say:

  • for popularity
  • to gain subs

well yeah, i kind of agree with those but please, dont be annoyed or .

There are a lot of exo authors now, why? because they like the band, they get some feels from them. they get inspired by them.

Yes, there are a lot of boy groups that are being disregarded, but excuse child, why dont they try using the browse topics tab so they can get what they want? it exist for a reason. dont be dumb.

and Yes, there are writer wanna-bes too but people start up from scratch and improve more, and please check out yourself first before criticizing them. you may not be even better.





This site is getting less fun now, why? because there are on-going competitions. I like the previous aff tbh.

i dont really get why some authors add on their forewords/descript/or else where "upvote my story!" (when the upvotes still dont exist, they have "please subscribe!") for what? you dont need that if you know youre good, if you know there are plenty of people complimenting you. its a tad bit too annoying.

you dont need popularity. you write because you want to, because its fun or whatever.


i think the most upvoted story is not a great idea, and im not saying its bad either. there are some upvoted stories that is worth to be posted on the page, but then again, the popular authors always get featured. the good underrated authors are being overshadowed.



For the people who keep complaining on some authors (some of the elitists i say), yeah i know how you guys feel, i agree that they use cliche plots to play safe, to keep their grounds. i dont really like it too. there are other authors that dont write so much cliches that are not getting featured and that's really sad. i hope they get featured soon so people can really praise/adore/or whatnot the authors who deserve it. but please dont bash too much, they have feelings too (for those who mention the elitists), if you dont like their stories, dont read it. close that tab or window and fly away.

Lastly, for the people who keep complaining on the blog posts of the other aff users, just stop ok? they have their blogs, you have yours. you can unfriend them or whatsoever. you dont know how it hurts for them, and i pity those who are being mentioned directly.





+ dont compare AFF to LJ.

LJ is different from AFF, like, completely (for my opinion). i wandered aroud LJ, their stories (kpop ok?) are well written, compared to those of fanfics (kpop) in aff. but i know, there are aff writers (some of the elitists are not included and i dont want to mention) that can be compared to lj writers that are hidden. 







i know im not great myself, the rants are cliche, but then, i just want to share my thoughts.










ok im so done.
well maybe not. but yeah.






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mashisuh #1
i agree with you. so many people are complaining about exo this, exo that, haha :)
and your plot lines are actually really good ;)
well damn if you have such a problem you can always deactivate .-.
yeah i feel like some people don't even LIKE writing as an actual hobby
they're like machines, spitting out whatever the readers want
they just want to be popular.