
Well, about my crappy and lousy story, I have made my decision. Yes, I will delete it and I swear to God that I'll write a better one. Please guys don't hate me now, I'm going to lose my precious subbies AGAIN. Well since it's not the first time that I deleted a story, ha. Maybe my stories are just that rubbish?

Okay that's the first thing about me being depressed. Here goes number two.

Excuse me Mr. Terrorist who bombed the Boston Marathon. I'm not really sure about how many innocent lives have been taken away, but the terrorists' minds have really gone bonkers and it should be them who's bombed. Okay I have nothing to say anymore, it's just plain sad and sad. Please, if by any chance the terrorists read this, I really hope that they could rethink about their action and the consequences, is it really worth it to bomb people just to anger the American government, no offense. R.I.P Boston.

One more to go. Number three.

My favourite Hong Kong rookie has passed away, Sita Chan, by any chance you guys know her. In my opinion, she's quite pretty and one of the good singers in Hong Kong, well not like the others are bad but Sita has the talent. Sadly, she died in a car accident when she was going home after recording yesterday midnight, and died at 4:16 AM today. Sita was supported by many artists from Hong Kong when she first debuted in 2011, it's not even two years that she debuted, she recieved the best rookie award 2012 of Hong Kong just this January, she cried in happy tears and many of Hong Kong was touched. She only published one EP and was ready to publish another one. Gah there was this time Sita attended a FengShui program of a famous FengShui master, the master warned her not to drive alone, which she did last night... Maybe it's just a coindence and it's not a matter of FengShui. Sita just turned 26 last March nad is really beautiful and has a good voice, she has this song remade from the OST of "Moon Embracing The Sun", "Back In Time" by Lyn. It's really good, the lyrics and her voice, well it's in chinese though, I tried searching for English lyrics but I  couldn't find any, the melody's totally the same by the way. R.I.P Sita Chan.

OST of "Moon Embracing The Sun", "Back In Time" by Lyn

Sita Chan《蜚蜚》

I doubt that nobody will read my rantings, like anyone like rantings? 


slendertroll x


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faanda #2
R.I.P story, innocent people of Boston and Sit Chan u__u