Application Form: Diamonds (Girl Group)


( Heo Min : Seductive Nazi )


☆) The Real You!

Username:  Edragonista

Profile link:  HERE

Scale of activeness:  9


☆) So Hot


- Mexican name (official; in LA): Ekatrina Guzman

- Korean name (official; in South Korea): Heo Min 

Ethnicity:  Mexican-Korean

Nationality:  Korean

Birth-place:  Los Angeles, USA

Home-town:  Seoul, South Korea

Languages:  Language (Fluency level of 1-5)

- Korean (4)

- Spanish (5)

- English (5)


- Kitty

- Min 

- Thunder Kat

Height:  175 cm

Weight:  46 kg


- International: 22

- Korean: 23

Birthday:  25/12/1991

Blood type:  O


☆) Beautiful Girl

Appeareance name:  B.E.G's Son GaIn

Picture links:  1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7

Back up Appeareance:  BoA

Picture Links:  1 / 2 / 3 /4 / 5


☆) Life Style

Tattoos/ piercings/ birthmarks:

- Tattoo: On her right ankle

- Piercings: On her ears; more on the right than the left

Style: Min's style is mostly y yet simple. Her choices vary from skirts with girlish tops or sometimes could be seen sporting dark coloured outfits to match her persona

Examples :  1 / 2 / 3

Casual :  1 / 2 / 3

Formal :  1 / 2 / 3 

Dorms :  1 / 2 / 3

Airport Fashion :  1 / 2 / 3


☆) Good Day


     Physically, Heo Min has the Korean features which she takes up from her Mother and the height of her Korean-Mexican Father. As for her personality; Kitty or better known as Min is a bossy, stern yet sweet person. She is an outspoken and understanding person. Min would always order people around either she is in charge of something or not. The people around her do not mind this virtue of her since they know that Min is an intelligent person who is able to make the right decisions. At school, she would always be running for the spot of 'President' and gets elected even when -sometimes- she would politely decline the given spot. Min's authoritativeness would sometimes lead to certain haters and she would bravely come face to face with them.

    Among her family members, Min is the only child and her parents gave her all their affection and Min would reciprocate to her parents' love equally. She excels in school and since she was a little girl, Min loves to sing and dance. Her parents provided her the lessons she needs to improve on her love for arts. She took up dancing classes which vary from traditional to modern dances. Min usually likes to perform freestyles as she let herself escape to the beat of the music. Her friends even calls her 'Thunder Kat' due to her crazy passion for dancing. Min also joined vocal classes and she won a lot of local singing competitions with her angelic voice.  


    During the period of maturity, Min is left orphaned when the Hurricane Katrina ended on 2005. Her parents were away for their marriage annivesary holiday. Her parents went to Venice, Louisiana where they first met and it was one of the places that was hit by the hurricane. The terrible news reached her while she was away at a dancing camp. Her world crumbled and her heart shattered when she found out. A distant family living in South Korea heard of the news and she was taken under the care of an eccentric distant cousin who told her: 'Better have you than some stranger's genetic mingling with my blood.' By 16, a person once known as 'Ekatrina Guzman' officially became 'Heo Min' until present. Min struggled in coping with the new life in Seoul since she doesn't know a single word, let alone a single phrase of Korean.

    But her distant cousin, Heo JiNa; who becomes her Mother; whom doesn't let Min call her any forms of 'Mother' even in alien language but JiNa, supported her in her life, and Min is very grateful and thankful to her. Although depressed, Min took baby steps to learn a brand new life with JiNa's help. JiNa also discoveres that bossy side of her and says that even after a few generations, the warrior bloodline in their family is still strong. Min laughs at JiNa and says how could JiNa connect 'warriors' to 'bossy'.

    Her passion for dancing and singing is never left forgotten as JiNa owns a dance studio, which Min would always come to when she's free and on the weekends. Min helps out and improves herself under JiNa's guidance and JiNa even joked: 'Someday, you'll be the Teacher in this dance studio while I rot away at home, honey.' Min liked the thought of that and before she knows it, JiNa fully trusted her and let her lead the class during weekends. JiNa even made her join guitar lessons and she was thankful that JiNa pushed her into doing so because she finds it easier to sing on her own with a guitar accompanying her. It isn't very difficult for her since she did took up music classes when she was little.

   A friend of JiNa is actually connected to certain important figures in the entertainment world and she insisted that JiNa let Min audition for her talents. And so, with determination and hardwork, Min auditioned for a spot as a trainee under Woollim's Entertainment. Even with the difficulty of communicating in Korean at the moment, Min wowed the judges as she swept her body on the floor of the practice room and later shocked them again her her vocal range. At the age of 17, with her Korean dictionary bundled up together with the rest of her stuff in her bag, she went through a trainee's life and JiNa is really proud of her.  



- Killer heels

- Horror movies

- Eyeliners

- Every colour present on this Earth

- Veggie hamburger

- Cotton candy

- Bossing people around

- Public speaking


- Alcohol

- Cooking

- Everything that has an element of sadness to it

- Lizards

- Medicines

- Backstabbers *this appears each and every time I apply


- Dancing

- Singing

- Researching

- Bossing people around *again

- Reading

Extra talents:

- Instruments: Guitar, keyboard

- Dances: Popping, tango, salsa, hip hop, hat dance, dubstep, freestyle

Special talents:

- Min could dislocate and relocate her shoulder

- Min could purr, hiss and growl like a cat


- Most of the time, Min stays quiet during a fight until it becomes unbearable and she turns her 'Nazi' mode on.

- Min is a vegetarian and JiNa quote: "You save a month's rent, baby girl!"

- Min does not tolerate slobs or lazy people

- Min is a perfectionist in anything she does and organizes everything neatly even for the other members.

- Min has a habit of pinning her hair unconciously when she gets nervous

- She rebels when she is hungry and scares her other members

- Min has a soft and cute side to her but people hardly notice it and she will never let others see it except for her members and JiNa whom she sometimes uses her aegyo on.

- Min is always punctual and dislikes it when she is late

- She hates people who throw their cigarrete buts on the floor and squish them flat

- Min lives by a rule where #1 Kitty is always right and #2 If Kitty is wrong, please see #1

- Min is a die-hard Cassie


☆) Family Time


- Alejandro Guzman (Father) || Deceased || Stern yet loving father

- Heo RaeWon (Mother) ||Deceased || Loving and caring Mother who supports her daughter all the time 

Siblings: NONE

Best friend:

- Eli (U-Kiss) || 22 || Same-age best friends || They meet during Min's early trainee years when she doesn't have anyone to talk to. While having dinner outside witht the other members, they came across few U-Kiss members who had just finished their practice and joined their table since they are well acquaintanced to their sunbae; Infinite. Eli's presence had comforted Min as he initiated the conversation in English and she was really happy to become his friends and since then he always supports her and gave her encouragements. 


- Band members || Ranging from 16-23 || Good friends 

- Lee TaeMin (SHinee) || 19 || Good friends

- Lee EunHyuk (SJ) || 27 || Good friends

- Dara (2NE1) || 29 || Friends

Close sunbaes within the company:

- SungGyu || 23 || Close friends

- WooHyun || 22 || Good friends

- Kim Jong Wan || 32 || Friends

Rival: NONE


☆) I Got A Boy!

Love interest:  Shim 'Max' ChangMin || 25 || During their debut stage, Min and her members were fooling around backstage in their room. They were talking about aegyos and each and everyone of them showed their aegyos and were laughing while Min was the last one. She refused to do it, but when one of the members that she is close to dared her to do it, she felt challenged since the said member told the others that she couldn't do one since she is the 'Nazi'. Mustering up her courage, Min flashed them her best aegyo; going against the persona she so-called keep in the public, and the members cheered. At that moment, they didn't notice a figure entered their room and saw the leader's aegyo; which he adores. She jumped about a mile when she saw it was Max ChangMin and she could almost faint at the sight of his disoriented happy-faced eyes. Being a hard core Cassie, she wished the the ground would just swallow her on the spot since it was the most embarrassing moment in her life. Since then, whenever they meet, he would always to no ends with his aegyos which makes Min blush various specks of red. She would hate it, yet secretly enjoying the attention he gives her. || Love-hate

Back up Love interest:  Choi MinHo || 22 || During Let's Go! Dream Team show, he was paired up with her. Being naturally fit from her dancing and running, and MinHo's excellent athletic skills, they were the 'Unbeatable Sporty Couple'. They would sometimes appear together in shows which includes sports. || Friends

Ex-Boyfriends (max 2): NONE

☆) I Am The Best

Stage Name:  Mink

Persona:  Seductive Nazi

Fanclub Name + Fanclub Color:  Kittens 

Trainee Years:  4 years

Other activities:  Permanent member of Running Man 

Positions:  Leader, Triple Threat

Back-Up Positions:  Spokeperson, Sub rapper, Dancer

Singing Link:  SISTAR's HyoRin 1 / 2 / 3

Dancing Link:  SNSD's HyoYeon 1 / 2 / 3

Rapping Link:  2NE1's CL 1 / 2 / 3


☆) The End

Comments/Suggestions:  Hopefully, this application is up to standard and once you are done reading it, you'll feel satisfied. Thank you for your time going through this app.

Scene request(s): 

- Attend shows with members

- Collab with Min's love interest

Password:  Ruby 



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A Leader!!! YAY!!