Just a small break...

I am doing my Latin homework, but I find it so very difficult to concentrate. 


I feel like I am on the lowest level of energy at the moment. I find it so hard to concentrate on school and it is a literal fight for me to pull myself together to do my homework. And it's not like I do something else with my time then, I just sit around and feel bad for not doing it. It's so easy to say "Pull yourself together" and that is just not helpful at all. 


I should be tidying my room as well. And clean up the kitchen, since it's my week to do so. 


I am going to babysit again tomorrow and until Friday. I really hope things work out well. Despite the fact that it is completely exhausting I usually find myself more inspired when I am around kids. It would be nice to just finish some of the stories that lie around unfinished and bug me. 


I'm having chaos dreams again. It is exhausting. I slept 4 hours last night, both because I went to bed very late and also because I woke up during the night. On the positive side I have gotten my maternity pillow and it is a dream come true. I love it. And the pillow case is sapphire blue, so that couldn't get better. 


I better go cook something for dinner and then do the rest of my homework. 


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Man you sound so tired :( cheer up and all the best for everything that's going on in your life!! ^.^