Korean-American Thanksgiving Festival.

Anyeong, evereebuddy! This is your Idiot Writer, AkatsukiNightmare101 who is such an idiot that she doesn't really understand if there is another AkatsukiNightmare101 that evereebuddy mentions in their stories or not.


But it really is confusing! I mean, come on! It's not every day you see your name everywhere, even though the story was dated back BEFORE you created this account. It's scary, to say the least. And if anyone's kind enough to explain...you'll get a cookie:D


This isn't the point here right now though. The point it, I went to the Korean Thanksgiving Festival yesterday, and I came home at around like, midnight, which means I was there for more than 12 hours? Yeah.


And the craziest thing that happened there was the concert. Yes, there was a concert. Yes, the K-pop stars came and everything. YES, I GOT TO SEE THEM FOR THE FIRST TIME EVVVEERR :D.


You know what happened? No, you don't. Here comes the craziieess!


Us awesome fans tore down two fences and a whole row of chairs into the V.I.P. section and started running towards the stage to B2ST.


That's right. You read it. B2ST.


It was amazing, because I was just standing there with my friend going like, "YO, WHAT THE MUTHERF-CK JUST HAPPENED?" while everyone else just screamed and ran to the stage. It's a good thing the guards warned them that if they did it again, the concert would be canceled.


And you know what?






So you can imagine, I hope, how crazy the crowd got at the real concert when B2ST, Sistar, Gina or something, 4Minute, 2P.M., SHINee, and DBSK came out. It was wildly awesome, but even now I can't believe that I was actually there.


I mean, COME ON! I have Asian cheap parents who never let me go to concerts!


It was a Korean festival too, and I'm a Chinese Asian. BLOOP, YEH, I ASIAN.


Be jelly, because the festival was FRREEEEEE~! THAT'S RIGHT, FREE IN NEW JERSEY, WHICH ISN'T FAR FROM MY HOME IN NEW YORK, FREEEEEEEE~. Which is, like, the only reason why my parents let me go with my Korean friend and her family. (PSST, SHE'S 1/8 CHINESE)




Pikachu: PIKAPIKA! *waves cutely*


--This is your Idiot Writer, signing out! PEACE:D


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caffeinate #1
I...still don't get it ._.
yeah, so basically, there's this thing taht aallows you to put the reader's username in the story, but i don't know how it works.