Heechul and Jaejoong like Chubby girls!



I love these two even more now. I knew they were mu biases for a reason.

Now, I wonder what their thoughts on tall girls are? 'Cause I'm at least as tall as Heechul, if not an inch taller.


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eveitis #1
What a nice people...
They try to convince girls there's nothing wrong (if not better) for being chubby...
Now I regret dieting... :(
Just lose my chance with one of them...
Awww, they are sweet ^^
lmfao. That's probably why he's so fond of Minnie.

These two are perfection. I love them. <3
xXJaZzGoOgLeXx #4
Mu~ oh em gee, Heechul! My body is ready, take me now! xD
*dies* x_____x
claire_eadie #6
Perfect people. Absolutely perfect.
Well then that means I have a shot with Chullie Yay awesome: D Heenim wait for me baby hahaahahaha
chasing #8
Wow. I knew there was a reason that I liked those two!
Omg!!!!!! I live heechul more!!! I have hope because im chubby ans I have pretty legs!!!! XD
Oh my god, my life is complete :D :D :D