My Food Tumblr & An Interesting Twitter Follower

I plan to make different tumblr blogs.  The first one I decided to make is a food & drinks tumblr blog.  If you like to look at pictures of mouth-watering food and drinks, feel free to follow.


I'm still planning to make different tumblr for...

-Kpop which would probably consist of edits, bias, OTPs, and fanart.

-Fanfics which would probably consist of my own fanfics and my favorite fics from kpop, anime, Harry Potter, and American Idol. I like Adam Lambert/Kris Allen ok?!?! Hahaha!!!

-Anime/manga art which would probably consists anything of beautiful/cute anime/manga artwork because I have a thing for staring at those stuff.

-Personal which would probably consists anything about myself and probably other random things that I like.

-Fashion? I'm not so sure yet about this one too but maybe.


Today, I found out that I have an interesting twitter follower.  At first, I thought if he was my father's son outside (because I'm aware that my father has one and maybe more? *shrug*) because we have the same family name (though I don't think my dad gave his family name to his son outside) and the guy's first name is the same as my dad (I'm aware that it's not the name of his son outside but it still freaked me out a bit)


But then anyway, I found out that my twitter follower doesn't live in the same island as I do.  He was one heck of a Nicole Scherzinger fan as evidenced by his twitter layout which I found amusing as I have been reminiscing about Pussycat Dolls and Spice Girls a few days ago which you could see somewhere in my previous blog posts here.


THEN I checked out his followers... it seems that he's following and have been followed back by a lot of users with the same family as we both have from different parts of the country and maybe world.  Hahahaha!! interesting~ I followed him back as well.  I think it's really cool that he's doing that.


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hae_ki #1
ni follow ko...nya naglaway ko...
hae_ki #2
really? as in imong family name jud? pero mas surprising jud nga same name sa imong papa o_o
can you suggest other food tumblrs?
rene_aoi #4
followed cause i love food
Followed the food blog because I need food in my life jfmisofji;aspd/asd
Following your food blog~~ ^^
Omona.. that guy.. you got to check out him...

oh, just FYI, I am RaynieLoveEXO ^^