Application Form: Bad Gurls (Girl Group)

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() Kwon Ae
() contact information.
username : Edragonista
profile link : [ hyperlink ]
scale of activeness : 9
() another beautiful stranger.
birth name : Thai name - Achara Kwon
                   Korean name - Kwon Ae
nicknames : Ae - called by the people who are acquaintanced to her in Korea; short and simple
                  Achara - called by the people who are acquaintanced to her in Thailand; it's a good name that matches her
                  Angel - called by family and close friends; the meaning behind her Thai name
age : 19 ( international )
birthday : 14/03/1994
ethnicity : Korean-Thai
birth place : Bangkok, Thailand
home town : Seoul, South Korea
                  Chronology of the Kwon household migration according to Ae's age: Bangkok ( 1 - 2 ) -> Mokpo ( 3 - 11 ) -> Bangkok ( 12 - 15 ) -> 
                  Seoul ( 16 - present )
languages spoken :


Fluency level ( 1-10 )


10 – Fluent


10 – Fluent


9 – Fluent


5 – Basic (learning)

blood type : O
height : 176 cm
weight : 49 kg
() i'm one of a kind.
ulzzang/actress : An SuKyung
photos : 1 * 2 * 3 * 4 * 5 * 6
back-up ulzzang/actress : Jang HyeByeol
photos : 1 * 2 * 3 * 4
style ;
casual : 1 * 2 * 3 * 4 * 5
formal : 1 * 2 * 3 * 4 * 5
dormwear/sleepwear : 1 * 2 * 3 * 4 * 5
training : 1 * 2 * 3 * 4 * 5
airport/travelwear : 1 * 2 * 3 * 4 * 5
*swimsuits : 1 * 2 * 3
*extra/s : Tattoo - at the back of her waist 
               Piercing - a few on her ears and on the navel
               Accessory - a certain cross couple necklace that she never took off since she was 11
() this is real, this is me.
personality :
     Ae is popular as she is a social butterfly. She would mingle around with people and could adapt to new surroundings well. Physically, she has this bad girl persona around her, sometimes even bad-mouth her for they thought she doesn't understand them, but people who knows her would straight away put that thought aside. Well, she did have that side of her when her Dad passed away. But she changed when she discovered that she could imitate dance moves after observing others and found out that she enjoys dancing. Putting her past behind, she decided to focus on her passion on dancing. 
   With other people, she would be the one who brightens the mood and people always liked her presence, but sometimes she would also keep it cool. With her family, which is just her Mom, they would do things together and she would always call her Mom if either one of them is away. Her Mom raised her single-handedly since she was 11, and never once did she complained about missing her Dad because she knows that would make her Mom cry. Originally, she wanted to join the business world, just like her Dad, but her Mom didn't like it and she was a little saddened at that thought. Then, when she voiced out her dream to be onstage, her Mom was reluctant too, but when she watched her daughter performed in a reality TV show in Bangkok, she supported her daughter.
   Among her friends; in Bangkok, whom she always hang out with knows there is a cute side to her when she wants something and the short-tempered side of her when is hungry or tired. She is also known to be the 'Mother' of the group when it comes to taking care of her friends, added with her fierce looks. She is the person who nags and nags her way when her real intention is just trying to be responsible of her friends. As she came to Korea, she didn't make a lot of friends, as she is home-schooled and only later on did she meet with the rest of the other trainees. Onstage, yes, she hogs for the limelight, since dancing is her best component. But then, her motherly side would always get the best of her as she let the other members have their moments too. But during interviews or talk shows, she would try to lessen the talking part since all she could make of when she was asked something were awkward, weird sounds like: 'Ang', 'Eugh', 'Miu'. 
likes :




Studs and earrings


Cakes, all kinds of flavour (Even the weird ones)

Smell of roses

Colour of rainbow

dislikes : 




Bad hair day

Low battery

Cheap make up

Public speaking


hobbies :


Collecting shoes

Collecting accessories

Clubbing (Yes, this wild child)


Midnight running

Gardening (Just her cacti)


habits : 

+ Plans her daily routines in a diary

- Bites lower lip when she’s shy during interviews/shows

+ Glares at people who make fun of others

- Avoids the number 13

+ Never sings while cooking

- Nags at people when is worried of them

+ Never clean or sweep the dorm/house at night

- Makes awkward sound when speaks to the public

trivia :

She is superstitious

She became a part time model in Bangkok

She used to go clubbing and never came home for days from depression

She could learn dance moves easily without taking lessons

She used to date a celebrity

She is an intelligent student

phobias/fears : [ 6+ ]

Achluophobia ( darkness )

Atychiphobia ( failure )

Coulrophobia ( clowns )

Hemophobia ( blood )

Katsaridaphobia ( cockroaches )

Obesophobia ( getting fat )

*past rumours/scandals :
- She used to date Nichkhun (2PM) back in those days while she was in Bangkok ( Spoiler: they're cousins! )
She used to be a stripper at one of Bangkok's night club
*present rumours/scandals :
- She is dating EunHyuk (SJ) since they always practice together and goes to the same gym
*surgery : NONE
() home is where the heart is.
family background :
    Originally, this Thai cross Korean girl is born in the city of Bangkok, Thailand. When she turned 3, her parents decided to move to South Korea because her Mom misses the her country and her Dad was also able to find a great business opportunity there. So, shifting form The Land of Freedom, the moved to serene yet beautiful Mokpo, South Korea which is where her Mom came from. Although it is far from the urban city itself, Dad decided it was okay for them to live there. Ae was unable to speak a single Korean back there and it was hard for her to make any friends. During the little village's Autumn Festival, Ae came across a boy who struggled in playing a shooting game at one of the stalls. She stopped her Mom and told her to wait while she approached the boy. Her Mom nodded as she saw at the boy Ae was pointing at. She placed a few coins on the table and took the water gun from the boy's grasp and started shooting like she was a trained assassin. She won the game on her first trial and she was let to decide on what she wanted. She looked at the slightly taller boy than her and she saw him eyeing a certain fish plushie with puppy eyes. Straight away, she pointed at the plushie and pushed it onto the boy's chest.
   He grinned at her and bowed with words she can't understand although at that time she was slowly learning Korean. Her Dad came beside her and patted the boy's head while explaining something to him. His puppy eyes grew with fascination as he looked back down at Ae. Then, he smiled and said: 'DongHae,' while patting his chest, 'friends?' He held her hand out and she was on the verge of tears as she looked up at her Mom who gave her an encouraging nod. She took the DongHae's hand and since then they became really good friends. But, when she turned 11, her life took a 180 degree turn as her Dad passed away due to an involvement with the loan sharks. Yes, at a very young age, she was left fatherless and that's when her Mom decided to take her back to Bangkok, Thailand to forget about the pain they're going through and buried her Dad in Thailand. Before she left, he gave her a cross couple necklace and she never took it off even once. She had never expressed her feelings to her Mom verbally, but she changed from the understanding friend, loving daughter and smart student into a rebellious teengaer and did things like went clubbing and taking alcoholic drinks, that she would later on regret.
   Reality finally kicked in as she matures. She was surprised at her ability to actually imitate a dance move she saw and found her talent in dancing. Her dream of entering the business world was long forgotten when she voiced out her wish to her Mom, who right away told her to forget that dream of hers. Ae was undeniably hurt, but finally she understands that her Mom did it just for her. When she told her Mom that she wanted to be on 'Thai Got Talent' to become a performer, her Mom was hesitant at first, but finally gave her full support to her daughter when she finally witnessed her daughter's talents. She even insisted that her daughter to try sending videos of her performing to South Korea since she heard of this Hallyu going on. Once she was accepted after attending the audition which they summoned her for, her Mom told her to pack her bags and off they went to Seoul to catch her dream.
family members :

Kwon JiHyun ( OC )

-          Father




Kattariya Phoonsatta ( OC )

-          Mother



Private tutor


-          Cousin



2PM member

best friend : ( after joining SM )

Lee TaeMin (19)


A good friend; since they’re the same age, Ae is really comfortable around TaeMin and he is one of those people whom she lets to call her Angel. Plus they would always talk about a lot of things especially dance moves when they hang out that the other members would leave them in their own dancing world

She actually became the mysterious girl who appeared in SHinee’s ‘Dream Girl’ MV and they became good friends in a short time

friends : ( after and before joining SM )

Nichkhun (24)


A brother she never had; since even before coming to Seoul, Korea, she’s really close to her cousin. They would spend some time together if they’re free and he would always give her advices when she became a trainee even if they’re under different companies

They met during her Dad’s funeral which they held in Bangkok, Thailand and became friends since then

Lee EunHyuk (27)


An annoying friend who is like her own brother at SME. He would always pester her when Ae’s with DongHae, bt nevertheless enjoys practice dancing with her. Ae even suggested a few dance moves for ‘y, Free and Single’

They met when he found Ae dancing alone in the practice room at the crack of dawn and became her fan right away.

Band members

Bad Gurls

Treat each other with respect and love each and every member equally. Although they fight, in the end, there would always be one peacemaker, and Ae plays that role most of the time

The girls are introduced to each other 2 years before they debuted to let them get comfortable around each other

() surviving this idolistic life.
training agency : SM Entertainment
   Ae did feel a little left out since she could hardly communicate with the other trainees. She did try a few times to initiate conversations, but they stayed away from her, probably because she wasn't fully Korean. But her guess was wrong when finally they started talking to each other and Ae found out that it was actually her height that was intimidating. Plus her fierce looks was not really helping her since they thought she was glaring at them most of the time. She laughed it off and agreed that it is true that people sometimes mistaken her looks for glaring. She was also able to cope with her trainee life as she had Nichkhun and DongHae to always support her when she was feeling down. 
years of training : 5 years
stage name : Ae-Chara: combines both her Korean and Thai name since she doesn't want to lose her real identity
persona : The Fierce Angel
- Since she has a fierce appearance
- But, she is actually friendly and easy going
- Not to mention that she is really different with her members since they are close to each other
personal fanclub name : Winxters
- Originally, it was going to be 'Angel' but she insisted that it should be 'Winxters' instead due to personal reasons
- The wings actually also resembles the Angel's wings, hence 'Winxters'
- 'Winxters' also comes from wings + brothers + sisters, which means that everyone is like her own siblings
personal fanclub colour :   #99ff66  
position :
leader, main vocalist
main vocalist
main dancer, sub-rapper
main rapper, sub-dancer
supporting vocalist
lead dancer
lead vocalist
lead rapper
singing links : B.E.G's Son GaIn 1 * 2 
dancing links : After School's KaHi 1 * 2
rapping links : f(x)'s Amber 1 * 2
() i'm your biggest fan.
love interest : Lee DongHae - 26 - 15/10/1986 - Super Junior
back-up love interest : Shim 'Max' ChangMin - 25 - 18/2/1988 - TVXQ
how close you are (love interest) : During trainee years, they are friends. But later on, they're an item.
( EunHyuk ( SJ ) figured out their relationship when one day he suddenly came across them while they were alone in the practice room )
how did you two meet :
   He was her chilhood crush ( maybe love ). Remember the part when her family moved to Mokpo, South Korea? Yeah, they were childhood friends. They spent years together; school, studying, hanging out, in a word: 'inseparable'. But she had to move back to Bangkok due to her Dad's death. Before she went off, he gave her a necklace and she never took it off. It was a constant rememberence of them. Finally, one day, when she thought she had lost the necklace she cherished for years of her life, DongHae found the necklace and he finally figured out that she was his 'Angel'. 
How do you two act around each other :
   Alone, they are really close ( after DongHae found out who she was ) to each other. They missed each other so much and they had so many things to share to catch up on eaach other, but their schedule is what separating them, plus constant reminder of lurking paparazzi. They would reminisce about old times and talked about their late Dad. Ae feels very comfortable around him and they would make little events to each other when they went out on a ( secret ) date. She would always nag him around and he would always show her his awkward aegyos to win her. 
  Publicly, Ae would appear as the respectful hoobae and DongHae would always nag her later on when they are alone. While DongHae would always try to annoy her when they're lucky enough to be on a certain show together. Most of the times, EunHyuk would always annoy the two when they are together and that's why rumours of her dating EunHyuk pops up, when she was actually dating his bestfriend. 
*ex-boyfriend : Lee DongHae - 26 - 15/10/1986 - Super Junior
*how did they meet : Well, like I said earlier, inseparable childhood ( *coughs* romance *coughs* ) friend. Although none of them said what was on their minds, but they understood each other well
*reason for break up : She had to move to Bangkok, Thailand and there was no way for her to contact him. Only when she came to Seoul that she found out he was a part of the SME family which she applied for. Of course he wants her back. Ae is his first love.
() killing you with death note.
*rival : Im YoonA - 22 - 30/5/1990 - SNSD - Childish and clings to DongHae most of the time of the SNSD and SJ members were together.
*reason for rivalry : Love rival since she has a crush on DongHae and she never knew what was going on between Ae and DongHae. It's just that YoonA is very possessive of DongHae but he couldn't do anything, and just shower Ae with his love when they're alone.
() thank you and goodbye.
comments : Maybe a little twist in her life. Like an accident or something. Okay, that's enough. I'm bad at commenting and suggesting. Hopefully, I portrayed my character well, really hoping that it's not too perfect like Mary Sue, and critics are welcomed. Don't be too harsh, my poor heart's gonna cry. LOL
suggestions :
Show / Appearances that I could name:

Music shows

(KBS) Music Bank

(Mnet) M! Countdown

(MBC) Show! Music Core

(SBS) Inkigayo

(SBS) Gayo Daejun

Entertainment shows

Come to Play


Running Man

We Got Married

Immortal Song

Invincible Youth

Star King

Strong Heart

Radio shows


SuJu Kiss the Radio

Comedy shows

Gag Concert


Songs suggestions:

- B.E.G: Abracadabra ( y and bad**s concept )

- f(x): NU ABO ( y yet sweet )

- RaNia: Dr. Feel Good ( y, like totally y. No, I'm straight )

*scene requests :
- The members might fight before going to an event; ex: at first they would fight about petty things, later they have an event at the orphanage, they realized that what they have is more than what those kids have and they'll make up with each other and their relationship would grow stronger
- They would dare each other sometimes before making TV show appearances
- Ae and DongHae might have the chance to go on WGM
- The could be rumours about the group being disbanded
*other : Nope. This is just fine, or maybe I'm not used to it yet. Hopefully, my application is up to your standard. Thank you very much for your time. Oh and do let me know if I should subscribe to any FF cause I love to read most of the stuff here ( especially EunHae's. Yes, I'm a total shipper. Don't hate me ) and I do comments; funny ones.
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