Reasons why I don't like EXO fanfiction

WARNING: This may be highly offensive to some of you, so I advise all of you (especially you exo writers) to read at your own discretion. I won't be held responsible for what you read or get offended by. Also, I have written exo fanfiction myself, so I am in no way hating upon the entire exo writing community or exo themselves.


Yep. You read the title right. I dun like it.

Don't kill me, (especially if you're writing one) I really do love exo. But I'm sorry, it just seems that the exo fandom has a majority of the most cliche, boring, unreasonable, badly-written stories and annoying girl characters and stereotyped members. 

I mean, some of them (if well-written) are fine and tolerable. But please. How many times do you see an exo fic with nerds, kingkas, queenkas, supernatural powers (well given, MAMA, it's understandable--but the action plots ARE ALL THE SAME.), sister of a member, arranged marriage, spy, blahblahblah fic? 

I mean, of course, since there are so many stories on AFF, a story can't be a 100% original. But THESE. ARE JUST TOO MUCH. They're all the same. There's no originality. And when I'm browsing and click on one, it's poorly written like a little child wrote it. 

I know, I know, I'm being rude, but this is just why I don't like reading exo fics.

Why must Kai and Kris be the playboys/rich heirs/cold-hearted people?

Why is Chanyeol always the happy virus?

Why does everyone make Luhan seem so pathetic and girly and weak?

Why does everyone make Baekhyun obsessed with bacon?

Why is DO always the "nagging umma"?

I could go on with the "Why is"s forever. I mean, yeah, they're cool inside jokes. Heck, sometimes I even use some for other groups, BUT NOT EVERY STORY HAS TO BE FOCUSED ON THIS. You also don't have to make it where as it's an obsession.

For example: Baekhyun and Bacon.

Acceptable: A mention of Baekhyun eating bacon every morning for breakfast.

Not acceptable: Baekhyun is in love with bacon and MUST EAT IT EVERY SINGLE MINUTE OF THE STORY (like Onew and chicken.)

Break free of the stereotypes people! Let your imaginations roam!!

Honestly, I don't have anything against the supernatural action stories, but they all seem to be the same. Some evil is threatening the world and a group of regular human boys get superpowers and save the world. Please....T.T

Nerd, Kingkas, and Queenkas. Don't even get me started.

Arranged marriages: I actually like reading stories with arranged marriages occasionally. But some of them are stupid! 15 and married? wtf? That's illegal. T.T And the characterization and flow is awful. They can't instantly fall in love! Take it slow! Arranged marriages with rich, cold playboys ARE THE ABSOLUTE WORST. And it just happens that Kai and Kris are taking the brunt of it. TT TT 

Sister of a member: Several of these stories have already been featured. They were okay, and I read all of them. But it's getting old and annoying. Sure, they're related but THERE IS NO WAY THEY (SM, EXO, or her parents) WOULD LET HER STAY IN AN ALL-BOYS DORM EVEN IF HER BROTHER IS THERE. NOT HAPPENING. 

And every time (well, almost every time) they have the most annoying, fickle, I-just-want-to-strangle-them female leads. I mean, I already hated Bella when she was fluctuating between Edward and Jacob. But then you have an exo story where the girl is  in love with all of them. I know, you love all of them, but PLEASE. BE REALISTIC. That is the most annoying, whiniest, boring female lead ever. They're just so....cliche. And perfect. 


I have a lot more complaints but I'm too lazy to type everything out.

Plus, a majority of exo fics are . I mean, I just searched the "tao" tag and all of them were freaking TAORIS. 

I ship them, I really do, but just not in THAT sense. Why does no one write Tao/OC stories? Or just Tao stories? Why must it all be Taoris, Baekyeol, and Hunhan? I don't hate these otps (though i ship other otps) but I just wish people could you know....pair up lonely Tao with a girl some time. It'd be nice. 

I'm not saying that exo has the worst fanfics. No, no, don't get me wrong. I see these in a lot of other fandoms. (TT TT). It's just that they seem to appear way more in exo fics (because of the sudden boom of exo fanfiction probably). Maybe I'm just annoyed because the past featured stories have been exo, one of the top tags is exo, and everyone is in an exocraze. 

Yeah, I'm annoyed. 

Take one of those annoying, poorly written exo fics with the cliche plots and BAM. 200+ subscribers. 

Take a nice, angsty, well-written story, whether it be exo or not (though exo tends to have more anyways) and.....15 subscribers. Like really? 

There's something wrong here.

Now, I'm not saying that if you have an exo story with lots of subscribers, it's automatically bad. No. That's not what I meant. I'm just taking some that I saw for example. Doesn't mean every exo story is written badly. 



A very unsatisfied exotic and fanfic reader.


Does anyone else feel this way? Or is just me? 

EDIT: Also, KrisxAce stories? Especially , rated M, or whatever? That's sick. You don't go have with a freakin stuffed animal. Guys, please don't ruin the love I have for Kris and little Ace. OTL


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don't all fandoms have stereotypes?
I understand you. Still, you can't just say that to them. Some exo fics are good and I hope you could appreciate that. I don't really want to fight with you but I don't agree with you. ACE and Kris are really cute, people want to write about them, if you don't like it don't read it. Why did you read it afterall if you don't like it? What is the use if you subscribed but didn't write it? I hope you understand me, and probably forgive me
Yeah, I don't get the Taoris thing.
OHO! i am writing a sehun & origcharac, this is an eye-opener (a bit) thanks, and i respect that, i literally laugh my ___ off at some parts XD
Yeolda #5
These word could not have been said any better ;~; I sound so hypocritical. I'm writing a EXO fic........Weeeellll, this made me realize. THANK YOU so much *Hugs you* Now I know exactly what I should do :D
Like some people have already said, part of the reason it seems like EXO is teeming with this problem of "badfic" is because of the sheer number of them. However, I agree that all of the supernatural fics surrounding EXO pretty much sound the same, and that's because nearly all of them are more or less based on the EXO members' powers in MAMA without really adding anything creative to the mix.
I definetly agree with you! I'm writing a EXO fanfic myself, and I don't think it's that bad nor is it that good. When I search for a good Lu Han story or maybe even Kai, I can't find a single good written one (no offence to the people who write them)
Anyway, I think you are the first person to actually speak about this! And now I totally respect you!! BTW are you a mind reader??
...slightly offended because every other fandom has equally bad fan fiction, but it's more noticeable for EXO because there are a lot more fics for them here.
I definitely agree with you though. I mean like, a lot of EXO fics are not only cliché, but poorly written.
I personally think that cliché fics can be pulled off if it's written well, but no, most fics are cliché and poorly written.
Also, I think you should've said something like "EXO fics in AFF", because most fan fiction in some other sites are actually good. It's just that fan fiction here is just generally pretty bad.
OMG YOU JUST SPOKE MY MIND! ARE YOU SOME MIND READER? I totally got sick of reading EXO fics cos they were all the same. Iike i could literally bet my head on what the ending would be. if only there was a "reblog post" option here on AFF...
this is awesome.
like really.
i dont know why i got featured. when my story is cliche.
aff is turning into 'whoever gets the highest upvotes'
rp gets featured O.o
i worship this blog post
/on my knees

Since this site is just a majority of people who live in Asia--thus, English isn't their first language--, l think that's why poorly written Exo stories are an immediate hit. I'm not against Asians, since l'm Asian myself, but that's just my thought on the matter .