Application Form: Virus (Girl Group)



Hello Hello

AffUserName:  Edragonista (profile)

What do you want me to call you?:  El

Activeness:  5/7


I Am The Best

Name:  Choi Eun Ae

Age:  19

Blood Type:  O

Birthday:  14th of December

Birthplace:  Tokyo, Japan

Hometown:  Incheon, South Korea

Ethnicity:  Japanese-Korean



Fluency level (1-5)










Beautiful My Girl

Ulzzang Name:  Lee Eun Ji

links:  (1) (2) (3) (4)

Back Up Ulzzang:  Choi Seo Hee

Links:  (1) (2) (3)

Height:  173 cm / 1.73 m / 5'7''

Weight:  45.6 kg

Style:  Casual / Formal / Stage / Dorm / Workout

Extra:  A small dragon tattoo on her left shoulder blade


U Go Girl

Personality:  She is the type to stay away from the spotlight if unnecessary. Among the members, she could be good friends with them but she puts up a wall around her and not many have seen the real her. She is actually a cheerful and bubbly girl, but what happened to her family made her like this. She stayed a good distance away from others since she is afraid of losing them in the future. EunAe is also a caring and responsible person who takes care of her members' well being. 


·        Foods

·        Cats

·        Books

·        Perfumes

·       Cookies



·        Backstabbers

·        Onions

·        Dogs

·        Alcohol

·        Sad drama


Pet peeves:

- People with bad table manners

- People who take their time ordering something when there's a long line

- People who smoke


·        Dancing

·        Reading

·        Travelling

·        Running

·        Eating



- Scratch the back of the ear when praised

- Hugging people randomly to hear their heartbeats

- Looks away when unable to tell the truth

- Never sleeps with feet facing the door


- Dancing

- Singing

- Imitating others


- She has a semi-photographic memory

- She could dance for hours without feeling fatigued

- She was a child actress when she appeared in one of the kids' programs at a young age

- She has a crush on Lee EunHyuk of SJ and loves dancing because of him

- She would always iron her clothes out no matter where she goes

- She could never be a vegetarian

- She got the dragon tattoo with her late Obaasan's approval when they travelled to Japan

- She has an addiction to all kinds of cookies



Back Ground: 

     EunAe was born on a snowy December in Tokyo, Japan. Her family had to move to South Korea due to her Mother's work demands. Her parents were hardly around, and she was always left with the residence nanny as a toddler. At the age of 3, she had never spoken before, and her parents thought that she was mute. They were worried because when she was born, EunAe was fine. Then, news of her Grandpa in Japan died, so her parents decided to bring her Grandma to South Korea to live with them. At first, EunAe was uncomfortable with the presence of her Grandma, she even stayed away from her for a good measure. But when she came home one day, she saw that her Grandma was crying while holding on to her husband's photo and that's when she decided to make the lady happy again. The first word that ever came out from her was: 'Obaasan'. Since then, her parents' absence became unnoticed as she bathe in her Obaasan's love. Everything she did, her Obaasan encouraged her.

     EunAe was ecstatic when she received a letter from YGE informing her that they received her video and would like for her to present herself during their audition. During the audition, Obaasan was right outside waiting for her. She was accepted right away and she was really happy, hugging her Obaasan tight. She became a trainee later on and the time she get to spend with her Obaasan lessen. There was even once that she got mad at herself for making a silly mistake, since she was closing in to finish her trainee years, that she snapped at her Obaasan before going off for practice. EunAe never felt so guilty in her life before that she came home crying and apologizing to her Obaasan. Her Obaasan slept with her that night and said to her: 'Thank you for loving me, Yuki. You've worked really hard. I'm so proud of you. Remember, dream big and dare to fail.' Little did she know those were the last words her Obaasan spoke to her when she couldn't hear her Obaasan's heartbeat as she snuggled close to hear them. Her training came to a temporary halt, and she came back again to complete what she started because she knew that was what her Obaasan would want her to do.  



Akiko Koizumi



Former actress

The cheerful and loving grandmother who went through thick and thin with EunAe

Choi JiHwang




He is a hardworking man, but is a constant disappearance in EunAe’s life

Haruka Koizumi




She is also an ambitious workaholic who is well-known in the business world, but decided to slow down on her job after her Mother’s death



GDragon (Big Bang)


Met during YG Ent. Artists Annual Company Dinner. He accidentally dropped a glass of juice on her and panicked. She assured him that she’s fine and since then he apologized to her every time they met. But, she only smiled. They have a common mysterious personality.

Dara (2NE1)


Dara was around to help the new girl group during their trainee years and they became good friends because they always hang out together with the other sunbaes like TOP, Bom and GD.

Lee EunHyuk (SuJu)

Close friends

During their debut stage on SBS’s Inkigayo, EunHyuk praised her dancing ability and congratulated them on their debut under YG Ent. EunHyuk even danced together with her before leaving the stage, and he got her number from TOP when they hung out together

Band members (Virus)

Good friends

The members who stick together no matter what life give them.

Rival: NONE


I Got A Boy

Formal Love:  Lee EunHyuk (SJ)

Relationship:  Mutual liking

Lover: NONE

Back Up Lover:  TaeYang (Big Bang)

Relationship: Crush

Special love scene:

    EunHyuk sent EunAe a video of a song he composed called 'Noon' on her birthday along with well wishes from the rest of the present SuJu members at the moment. It was actually the very first birthday she had without her Obaasan's presence. She was heart broken and alone. The members were away with their busy schedule but they did celebrate it with her during daytime. EunAe wanted to meet EunHyuk so badly and he told her to come down with her ice skates. When she dashed out of the group's apartment, she saw a figure stood outside in the cold winter. When the figure looked up at her and flashed that gummy smile of his, she ran and fell into his welcoming embrace. That was when she cried for the very first time since her Obaasan's death. EunHyuk pat her head and whispered sweet words to her while on the side, she leaned in to hear his frantic heartbeats against her. 

   Later, they went to skate at a nearby empty ice lake, and played around with each other. Then, he stopped them both in the middle and pushed himself away from her. He started singing and she could remember the song was the same with the video he sent her a few hours ago. Tears fell from her doe eyes without her notice as EunHyuk closed the distance between them. They hugged each other - oh so naturally - and she felt the strong arms supporting yet protecting her from the cold world. EunAe looked up to him and he brushed away her fringes from her temple. EunHyuk planted a soft kiss on her forehead and said: 'I love you, EunAe.' She blushed shades of red and looked down. She thought that her feelings would be left unreciprocated, but little did she knew, it was mutual. Then, EunAe mumbled into his coat: 'I, you too.' And his hug tightened around her waist. 


Dora Dora

Trainee years: 4 years


How was Your trainee life:

    This is what she wanted and her Obaasan supported her. Yes, of course there were those days that everything is so harsh to her but when she comes home to the inviting aroma of her Obaasan's cooking, especially Obaasan's home-baked cookies, all of EunAe's worries were forgotten. She received all the help she could get from her Sunbaes and undeniably from the trainers and the other trainees themselves. She struggled a lot, all on her own, after her Obaasan's death but her last words that night echoed in EunAe's ears and that kept her motivated. 

    Finally, the wall around her crumbled when she cried in EunHyuk's arm and she became a different person after that. She is more cheerful and she accepts the people around her (plus hugging them randomly, the members, I mean). She became a different person after that night and she was happy with the man she loves.


Pre-debut days:

    Before their debut, the members were constantly around each other for variety shows and so on. She also appeared in a few MVs of the other Sunbaes be it from YGE, SME or any other entertainment companies. EunAe kept on working hard and kept on striving for the best for her late Obaasan, her group and their company.


Personal Schedules:

     Excluding promoting their songs as a group, EunAe mostly attended dancing lessons to improve on her skills. She is also stationed to enter various variety programs, entertainment shows and even radio shows. She even got to meet EunHyuk this one time during her individual interview at Sukira. Their manager also offered her to try taking up drama roles in the future.


Fantastic Baby

Stage name:  Yuki

Why:  Because that is the name her Obaasan called her

Persona:  The Cookie Monster

Personal Fanclub:  Snow Angels  

Why: Because it is the meaning to her stage name and that they are her constant supporter

Position: I'd really love to get the dancer part, but anything is fine with me

Leader, Main singer Taken

Main Rapper, Sub Dancer [2]

Main Dancer, Vocalist [1]

Lead singer, Lead Dancer Taken

Lead Rapper, Vocalist [3]


    And so, my application has come to an end. I hope it is presentable enough for your liking. Can't say much on this part cause I'll end up blabbering to myself and you have to read all the craps I type. Hopefully, this is an a-okay application. Thank you for spending your time on reading this :)


Song Suggestions:

    Honestly, I at suggestion parts, but, hey, a girl's got to say what a girl wanna say. Now who taught me that?! Anyway, maybe you could go from maybe a y starting like B.E.G's 'Abracadabra'. Then tone it down with a song like SNSD's 'I Got A Boy' and move on to probably Sistar's duet of 'Ma Boy' and divide it well among the members and finally continue on with a cute song like Secret's 'Shy Boy'. Or you could go the other way around. I dunno, I'm just suggesting. Thank you for reading my crap :)

Extra Scenes:

   Extras? Now this is not up to me. But, if extras, maybe a little plot twist like finding out that one of the members have a secret celebrity siblings or probably make a love twist. No, not a love twist, please. I hate that. LOL


= Thank you so much for spending your time going through this =


p.s May I suggest on the fan club's name? Maybe you could try 'Infected' or 'Vaccine'? Again, you could ignore my suggestion. 


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