◊ Stranded ◊ Lee Daeun





◊ Stranded 

The Application




Lee Daeun 



◊ We Want to Know You 

username: HaeKyung

nickname: Dani

activeness: 10 





◊ The Stranded 

So, you wanna be stranded?


◊ Basic Information 

Full name: Lee Daeun

Nicknames: Diane [her english name; used by american friends], Mama [what her son calls her]

Age: 23

Birthday: 01/19/1990

Birthplace: Seoul, South Korea

Hometown: Seoul, South Korea

Ethnicity: 100% Korean

Language(s): Korean [fluent; her first language], English [fluent; sometimes struggles, but speaks clearly nonetheless]

Occupation: School Translator [helps international korean students with english and other subjects]





◊ Your looks   


Ulzzang: Jang Cho Mi [Chom]

Pictures: gallery

Back up ulzzang:Girim


Height: 165 cm

Weight: 55 kg

Appearence: Has un-naturally dyed hair on request of her previous boyfriend, thus her hair is now a lighter shade. She has fair skin, due to hours of care, and is one to only apply the slightest bit of make up, consiting of only eyeliner, lipgloss and mascara. Anything else is not used unless she gains any blemishes. She only ever wears a top-coat to her nails, for she feels that other colors don't suit her too well. Either that or a pale pink. Daeun holds no tatoos of any sort, but she has slight stretch marks that case around her stomach from Jaeseon's birth.





◊ Behind the looks 


Plotline: The Young Mother and her Child


Personality: From a girl who found "love" a priority, came a woman who valued her son's life more than her own. Daeun was once a girl who's life was nothing more than the silly quote: yolo. Where there were no mistakes, no customs to danger or anything like that. She was naive and thought life was a saint. There would be no problems, no mistakes, until the day she learned that life should have never been looked upon that way. She soon disposed of a careless being, and turned for the better. To a woman of strengh and kindess was what she had became. As a mother, she takes every as a responsibility. She's an observer, and one to take in her world slowly; to watch everything unfold in front of her, and to pick out all the unwanted pieces. From that, she is kind. She's the type to watch over others, and to do all she can to help them when needed, whether it be her job or yours, or anything like that, I gurantee she would go to all costs to sacrifice herself.

Daeun is a strong woman, and is one to never take "no" for an answer. From experience, she knows too much optimism is a fatal thing in life, but she is not pessimistic either, besides the fact that she holds onto her past like it's her one reminder that life is trickier than it's said to be. She may say the worst outcomes towards herself, which, being said, would make her a bit of a worry-wart, but towards another it is different. To press on towards life if what she would do, despite drowning herself in worries, she will always move forward. But, she will never let go. Her mistakes are things she will refuse to forget- in fear that they will come back for her. Daeun's a woman who would tell you to run forward, but to take your faults with you, for another might come along and pick them up after you. She finds life a serious business, but isn't uptight about things. She can make a joke, play around like a child and do things as she wants, but she knows her limits. She knows when to be sensitive, when to be the mother, and knows not to push others into anything. She'll respect you, and treat you the way you want to be treated. If you have ever treated her sourly, don't you be surprised if she treats you just the same. She is wise, for she acts as if she's seen it all and will never give in to another's stupidity. But, despite her positive acts come her faults. Sometimes she just can't move from the past, no matter how hard she tries to step forward from it. She fights between forgetting it, or leaving it, because she never really knows anymore. When she's stressed memories just come and go and she moars into a pit of depression and hate for herself. Where she says she regrets things, but to later hate herself more for saying it. She can beat herself up more than anyone's words, because she knows herself more than she can really think. In truth, she's troubled, and tries to hide her shame and remourse in smiles and kindess, when she's really dying on the inside, calling out for someone to love her, despite pushing all thoughts on love out of her life.


- when her son tells her stories
- fruits (especially mangos because her Jaeseon does too)

- the warmth of another's embrace
- warm weathers better than colder ones
- her son's hugs more than anyone elses'


- bringing up the past, despite holding it so close to her
- when her son frowns
- oceans, because she doesn't know what lurks beneath them
- bugs, because what deseases could those things carry?!
- to be pushed beyond her limits


- hiding her emotions
- white lying over minor things, to keep from "burdening" others
- putting herself down at the worst of times
- giving one the silent treatment when she is angered


- oceans, because she can't swim, which frightens her because she could never save Jaeseon
- Jaeseon getting himself hurt
- dogs, because they just frighten her


- reading [carries one or two paperbacks in her bag; mainly romance]

- teaching her Jaeseon easy english words like: "Please" and "Thankyou"
- writing [both free-hand and virtually]

- had aspired to be a writer sometime in her life, but gave up because of her parent's disapproval
- keeps snacks in her bag for both herself and Jaeseon [sliced applease, granola bars, etc.]
- is very ticklish, espeically around her sides, and neck
- sometimes wishes on stars, because she feels it'll somehow help her in life
- treats and talks to Jaeseon like he's her best friend
- tells Jaeseon everything, despite him not understanding what she tells him
- doesn't know how to swim
- is a little stronger than she looks
- at making jokes
- has a snort when she laughs
- ^ gets embarrassed of her laugh

- quite skilled in writing,and journals often

- always carried a book or two in her bag


◊ More about your previous life 

Background: Growing up into a slightly, richer family, Daeun was the eldest daughter of a family of 4. Her parents, and an older sister. Among this family she was looked up to the most, for she bared good grades, and was active in school. In this family she was the angel, and their little ball of sunshine that held no flaws no where, and no how. For this, she believed them, for she was young and naive, and found every one of their words true. She believed she was smart. Believed she was capable. Believed she was perfect. But, she soon found the down-fall and fell into a pit of despair. Somewhere around her years of university, she met a boy who she claimed captured her heart. He was a foriegner, and spoke decent korean, but thankfully, with the english she was taught by her parents (from living in America for a couple of years before Daeun was born along with her siblings) the two were able to communicate with ease. Perhaps it was due to the fact that he wasn't of the same ethnicity, or because they found their daughter too young to be in relationships, but they did not accept this man one bit. She was told her was a bad influence, but she told them wrong. Later on, at a party I would say, she was, truly, influenced badly, for on that day, she was involved into something that would have been shunned amongst her and her family. "Careful" he said. "Safe" he said. But, all were lies. She was ashamed for what she had done, for she was only 21 at the time, only a part of an adult. She believed her relationship with the foreigner was still strong, for he offered her to run away with him - and in this case, she did. Daeun lied to her family, saying she was only leaving to part-take in a job - but, did not mention she had runaway with the one most conflicted into her life.

Family members: 
Lee Eunkyun┊54┊Doctor┊kind, giving, jolly, sweet┊The type of father who treasures his daughter as if she was made of glass. He treats both of his daughters the same and would never let anyone harm them. He was the one to always tell Daeun that "everything will be alright".

Lee Naeun
┊53┊House-wife┊strict, traditional, judgemental, vain ┊ A very strict woman who influenced her husband into the way that everything should be perfect and persice, despite him being more cheerful. As a mother, she wants her daughters to be perfect about everything. She's a woman who shows favouritism towards people, and does so towards her youngest for she finds her the "ideal daughter".


Lee Gaeun┊26┊Highschool English Teacher┊quiet, kind, mature, elegant┊ Out of the three, she is most closest with her sister. They are practically best friends! In truth, Gaeun is the only person Daeun has told about her secret.. and Gaeun, being the helpful older sister, agrees to keeping it this way, despite knowing what the younger's ways are wrong.

Lee Jaeseon (Jason)
┊2┊bubbly, curious, friendly, clever┊ Jaeseon is treated so well by his mother, Naeun. She keeps him close to her at all times, and never lets him out of her sight. The two are very close, considering the child having one parent at the moment. They always talk to one another, despite one not knowing how to speak clearly yet, but they are like.. mother and son, and in which, they are!

[ ulzzang baby used: Maden Moon ]


Lifestyle: She currently lives alone in a small apartment with Jaeseon somewhere in California. It used to be shared with her ex-boyfriend, but after finding out his secret, she set made plans to move back home to her family again, fully prepared to spill her secret.






◊ The Lover 

So, you wanna be stranded with him?


◊ Basic Information 

Plotline: The Dreamer

Name: Choi Minho

Age: 22

Occupation: Wedding Photographer

Personality: Call him an idiotic, hopeless romantic all you want, this man will never take anything as an offense, or a insult. He's a man who sees only good in his world, where love isn't just a silly thing written in books, and made cliches or dramatic movies - no. To him, love is what heals. Love is a gift that brings joy to everyone, and it should be treasured to the deepest part of your heart. With that being said he's a gentleman. A true romantic who could swoon any woman with his sick, poetic phrases, or his charming smile. Some say he's just a moronic flirt, but no, that is not how is goes, for he is a true man of love. He's cheerful, and childish at points, and will always do his best to make anyone smile, be it male or female. He will never haste to see a frown, for the world should never be filled with such things. For a man, he is a dreamer, who can only think of the possibilies, but, being slightly timid, he is one to never take upon the action, for he's not as bold to doing them as you would have thunk. Still, he chases after his dreams, and pounces at every oppuritunity he's given, for: "Perhaps, this is fate?"

How do you act around each other: He calls it first love, while she just calls it a joke. At first sight, he found her extrodinarily charming, to the point where he thought that she was a Goddess. Her smiles, and how she was head-strong was something he liked in a woman. Thus, as the Goddess she is, he treats her like one. In any case, he kind of babies her; thinks that she's a delicate rose and a single step could break her into a million pieces. And that goes for her heart. He hasn't heared her story, but from watching Daeun, he has observed her well enough to know when she feels hurt - as if she was hurt in the past. When she denies love as something silly, as something that is a lie and isn't true, and that love helps no one, he can't help, but try to prove to her that love isn't a lie. It only is when you haven't found the right person. Thus, he treats her well, helps her with everything and never leaves her side, in fear of thinking that if he turns away, she will break into tears, and that's something he doesn't want. With Naeun, she thinks of Minho as a kind man, but who's too much of a child. Him being younger doesn't help the fact she finds him silly at times. She treats him kind of like a dongsaeng, and takes everything as a joke. When he tells her that love is pure, she will laugh awkwardly thinking that all these sweet words towards her are just things he says to every girl around them. In truth, she does feel safe with him around, and she slowly feels that what he tells her is true.

Background: Minho was born in Seoul, South Korea where he currently majors in film and photography. He also works as a Wedding Photographer, given the chance from one of his friends and was able to score the job. He currently lives with his friend right now, but he plans on moving out soon.








◊ The Secrets 

So, what are you hiding? 

◊  The Girls ◊ 



Plotline 4: "I only wish for my child's well-being"


 What are the circumstances surrounding her pregnancyIt was just an accident. Something she hadn't meant to do. While being in a secret relationship with her foriegn boyfriend (let's call him Michael. ;orz) and having influenced into have ual s with him was how it all started. For the first few weeks she felt ill, thinking maybe, just maybe, she was part of a desease. She was later proven wrong when over-hearing her father talk of the symptoms of pregnancy, which she hadn't though about. When she discovered her theory was correct, she flew the coop out of fright. Lied to her family that she was given a job oppuritunity in America (which wasn't an entire lie), but a lie that she was going to live with her child's father. Her current boyfriend at the time, took her to America, also getting her job. It wasn't too soon before she found out his secret - that he had affairs with other women, and while she was pregnant too. Even after her son's birth, he was seeing other women behind her back. What was sad that it was he who told her. For with the simplest words, he told her that he had never loved her. She was just a tool to use to get another girl's heart. Even if he said it sincerely, and even though he apologized, she was crushed, and felt like her life was nothing, but a pain. She fell single for over a year before the following on after, she decided to spill to her family about her mistake, and fully prepared for all the horrible outcomes ready to approach her.

 How will she manage with a child on the island: She will, and that's all there is to it. Daeun will work hard to make sure that Jaeseon is safe, and will stay un-harmed. There will be no ways of struggle, as long as her son is still intact and kept alive. She will go through anything right now. Anything, as in anything.




◊  The Boys (choose one and delete the rest) ◊ 

Plotline 3: "If only the stars could grant my wish"


 What does he wish for: He wishes to find a true love, someone he could grow old with, and someone who he can protect all his life. He wishes to make another happy, as much as he wishes they will to him.

 What use does he has: He's very reliable, as well as having a lot of physical strengh, being said that he is also tall and can work a lot of labour.

◊  Everyone need to answer these ones ◊ 



 Who was with you on the plane ?:
She was only with her son, and some other passengers she had no relation to.
(Him)He was with his room-mate, for they were both going on a trip, seeing that they were given a 2 weeks of freedom.


 Why were you on the plane?:
When finding out that her boyfriend was having affairs with other during the time they were living together, as well as learning that he resented the fact he was Jaeseon's son, Daeun decided to leave. To leave her biggest mistake: to have fallen for a bastard. She made a choice to go home with her son, and to finally confess to her family that their perfect daughter had commited wrong.
(Him) Because sometimes, everyone needs a little vacation every now and then, Minho and his roomate scored some tickets, and had begun planning this trip for some time now. It was also a good oppuritunity for Minho, since he was fully prepared to take some photos along the way.

I think it happened when I was deleting the girls from the GIRL's section and highlighted more than I needed too. ;orz
Ack- sorry- 
andandasdnaksf-- I didn't want to re-write everything, so I kind of just.. pasted it.. below.. the- yeah. I'm sorry. It's messed up. I'm messed up. Kill me noooooooooow-







◊ The Extras 

Have anything more to say?



Was it also okay for me to saying she was flying back to Korea? Meaning, that she was in America for two years in that span of time, before Jaeseon was born? asdfghjk-- I really hope I didn't miss anything, because it was both a heaven and hell for me to write this. I had to do a lot to make sure they contrrasted correctly, and I'm scared because I feel like I messed up all over the place. ;orz

I also don't know which ulzzang is better. Chom or Girim, because I felt they were both really well suited for this character, AND I ENDED UP CHOOSING CHOM FOR THIS BECAUSE HE PICTURE WAS PRETTY AND YEAH- asdfghgfds-- aaah, but I'm worried about this one. I still love it though, because I liked writing Minho the most. ; u ; 




ALSO ALSO ALSO, I HAVE SOOOO MANY BIAAASESSSS. ARRRGH. :'D I DUNNO WHO TO CHOOSE- /DEADDEADSADHALSF-- Ah- and- omgIkeepadding- you can choose the ex-boyfriend's story. His name shall be Michael, and because I know you guys speak french, I'll just say he was french. asdfghjkh-- I don't know what reason to put into the story for why he was in Korea, but I'll just say it was because he followed the girl he truly wanted to have instead of Daeun. Mmmm- other then that, I really hope this was ok. ;orz Argh. I feel like this is a really bad aaaap. :'DDD OKAY- I'M GONNA SHUT UP NOW.



Scene suggestions: I don't have any actually, because I feel they should be original by the authors. Wouldn't be a surprise if I had suggested my own, and be like: OMG, I KNOW WHAT'S GONNA HAPPEN HERE-

Also because I'm out of ideas. /shotdead.










But, I really like Onew, Tao, Kris, Sehun, Kai, Xiumin, Taemin, Minho, Jonghyun, SHINee, and OMG NO, I JUST LOVE THEM ALL. SHINEE, 2PM, EXO, B.A.P. AND NOW I MIGHT BE INTO BTOB TOO- I CAAAAN'T. /SOOOOOBS. ;AAAA;




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