Writers Analysis


1. How many fics have you started? (No matter how few it is, you can give yourself a pat on the back for demonstrating initiative.)
I currently have 54 on aff but I’ve deleted a few. And I have currently have 14 on fanfic.net but again, I might’ve removed some there too. In all, I would say that I have worked on about more than 70 different fics, and even still I think I’m far off with that number.
2. How many fics have you completed? (Now, if it's greater than zero, you can give yourself another pat on the back for demonstrating commitment.)
Well most of my fics are oneshots, so I’ll talk about the chaptered ones. And so far, I've completed six chaptered fics, and somehow none of them have gone over twelve chapters long (lol, is that all I can manage? I need to change that orz). But that’s what I mean, I’ve completed a lot of oneshots, but the chaptered fics I’ve got left are still ongoing but I'm trying to finish those too so that I can work on new fics and show how much I've grown from before.
3. What is your very first fic? What inspired and motivated you to write it? How do you feel and what do you think about it now?
I might have been writing longer than quite a few people on here. Or am I wrong? Uh, I originally was, and still am, an author on fanfic.net. And the very first fanfic I wrote was….well, to be fair, I might’ve taken it down because I can’t see it and I can't remember either, but it was definitely an anime fic...I think. But the first ever fic I wrote on aff was an MBLAQ Joonmir fic called ‘Irreplaceable’.
4. Which fic of yours do you think is the most well-written? Why?
There are a number of my own fics that I think are most well-written and ironically enough they’re not the most popular. These fics are ‘You’re a Little Weird for Me’, ‘Prison Story’, ‘Love Stasis’ and ‘A Decision of Beauty & Other Things’. And the reason I feel that these are the most well-written is because I was in one of my ‘moods’ as I was writing them. You know that mood when inspiration hits you and everything you type and think of just sounds and feels perfect? That mood, yeah. And I’m not trying to sound arrogant or anything, but for me and in my own perspective because of how much I know myself, well enough or not, it’s a big…you know, thing I've accomplished, haha.
5. Which fic of yours is the most poorly written? Why?
All of the fics from the very beginning for the fact that I didn't write as well as I do now back then. Obviously, I've improved, everyone does. But at the time, looking at my past writing abilities, I wouldn't say I . There's always that next level that we all have to jump to get better and wander more around all the different types of writing styles, feelings, reasons, maning and such, and that's what I've done. And I've overcome a lot of my writing flaws, I've also maybe found some new ones...but writing is half the fun because there's always a way to improve, which only means that what you write will get better and produce better images and feelings in to your readers which is one of the joys of writing. It makes the reader happy just as much as the author.
6. Which fic is your favorite out of the ones you've written? Why?
I don't know. It might actually be 'Tutor's Kiss' which is an old fic of mine, but not too old. But I was in one of those moods again and everyone really enjoyed it and I planned to turn it in to a long chaptered fic. But if I'm honest, I would say that I don't really have a favourite, like the BEST one, because I love all of my fics. This will sound cliche and rather stupid but I think writers treat their work as their babies. And if they have a lot of them then it wouldn't feel right to pick just one. I'm not saying that it's impossible, I mean you can have a favourite baby (lol)--I mean story that you've written. I'm sure I do if I think really long and hard, as I mentioned Tutor's Kiss and probably another that I may have already mentioned too like 'A Decision of Beauty & Other Things'. But yeah, I really love everything I've written, flaws and all because it's those flaws I or my readers have noticed that make it all the more real and more alive, because life isn't perfection <3
7. Which fic is your least favorite out of the ones you've written? Why?
Same answer as above. Just as I don't really have a very good favourite, I don't have one I strongly dislike the most. And that is most likely because....I already took it down ages ago ;D But I can name one or two I didn't like much but not for the most obvious reasons. I took 'Peach Tart; Issues of Honesty' down not because I hated how I wrote it but because....like, although it was cute to read, it just felt too...overpricey--and by that, I mean, it might've been more cliche or cheesy than intended. And another fic I also took down was 'Violinist's Source', not because I thought it , but because I didn't feel satisfied enough with the direction it went in, I thought I wrote it fine, maybe I overdid the description, but again, that's one of my flaws because funny enough, my original and most noticeable flaw from a long time ago when I began writing was that I focused too much on the dialogue (my favourite part of any book/film besides the action etc) and not enough on describing what was going on or what the characters were feeling. Whether I take them off a site or not, I usually (8/10) keep saved copies of all the fics I write, like those two I just mentioned....because I like to look back and reflect what I've written and make ideas for it to be changed for the better. Because now that I've improved--I still have a long way to go and more to improve on, of course, but I've grown from yesterday, from a week ago, from all those years ago when I first started writing, these fics included. And so as I am now, I look at my old fics and know what areas I can improve on just by looking at it and reading through it. So, yeah, basically, there's no fic of mine that I really don't like or think isn't good because they're all proof of my growth and the journey I've experienced from then to now.
8. Which character that you've written (does not have to be an oc; can be your portrayal of an idol) do you believe most closely resembles you?
First of all, although my work is mainly focused on fanfiction, I have also put time aside to work on stories I really want to publish someday as a writer. But those stories included with the fics I have written and am currently working on or planning, there isn't yet a character that is like me or I can relate to...(except for Baekhyun, because both our names begin with 'BA'  <3). I'm sure there are more reasons than that but my mind's blank right now. The characters I come up with aren't meant to have human personalities most of the time. And when I say that, I mean that they're unique and I don't want them to be cliche or expected. The characters I write about in my stories that I want to publish, most of the time they're given unexpected personalities to match how the story itself isn't meant to be predictable where readers can have a definite idea of what to expect. It's the same with life, no one knows what's around the corner. And unless you get to know a person then you'll never really know what to expect, despite their appearance and such, you know? <3
9. What are the most common topics and themes that dominate your stories?
I always write romance, friendship, funny stuff and fluff <3 :')
10. What do you think are your strengths when it comes to writing? Be specific.
The planning. I plan excessively to the point where (like now) my entire arm is numb. When I get ideas, I grab a notepad or use the notes on my phone and write them down. And a piece of advice I want to give to every writer from my own beliefes is that 'no matter how stupid the idea is, write it down' because it could turn in to something greater or you could get another idea that you could include that in. 
11. What do you think are your weaknesses when it comes to writing? Be specific.
This one is very easy. Years ago when I was new to writing (anime) fanfiction, I was told, which I now see and understand and still work passed, is that I didn't write enough description. Actually, I barely wrote more than a couple of sentences. I was always too focused on the dialogue because it was easier for me to convey what the characters felt when they actually said it.
12. In what ways do you think you have improved since you first began writing fan fiction?
Also easy, haha. I write plenty more description now, to the point where I sometimes go overboard and a reader of mine or two points out that they got bored and skipped a part of it (but that's only happened once so far, thank god). And I put more thought in to what I want my characters to know and understand what the characters know, feel and understand and why.
13. In what ways do you think your writing reflects you?
It doesn't. But I guess if I'm the one writing it then you know it's my style of writing. And I guess in another way, again with the dialogue, I  talk a lot and often very fast (my aunt and mum have pointed out). And I'm impatient. So...in a way, not putting enough description but focusing mainly on the dialogue could be how my writing reflects me.
14. Why do you write?
Because it's fun, because I'm good at it and because I can't draw haha. No, I'm being serious, those are the reasons. 
Sure, I can do what everyone else does and say that writing helps me escape from reality, but it doesn't because I know it's not real. But I'd be a hypocite saying that because I feel the opposite when I watch anime. But yeah, those are the three main and biggest reasons. Also, I write because it's pretty much all I've know from a young age and I enjoy and love it.
Ha, maybe my reasons are the least passionate. But don't misunderstand at all, because I do pour all of my passion in to what I write and try my best.
15. How do you evaluate yourself as a writer? How do you define your success a writer?
I would say that I'm good at an average level, but maybe a bit higher by an inch or a centimentre (again, not trying to sound arrogant, otherwise I'd say I was the best but I'm not and don't want to be, lol.). I think a writer can measure their success not just by how they write or what they write or the feedback they gain but also their mind, you know, so what they think and why, and how much time, dedication and passion they put in to their work, and the characters and to the storyline to make it their perfect child. So overall, yeah, I would say I'm average or just a little bit above the line. But everyone measures themselves differently so I'm probably not accurate on my self, right?
16. What do you think it means to be a writer?
It's obvious that this answer will be different for everyone. Ah, for me....to be a writer, I think it means...well, that you might not agree with or like how reality is at the moment, or how it's always been, maybe your life in particular. But for me, it just means....that I've found what I love to do because I do enjoy writing and reading. There's no special reason, no jumping in to other worlds as much as many people say, I just really feel good when I write something I'm satisfied with and proud of, and it's my way of earning praise and giving others something to enjoy. You wouldn't believe the pressure I get sometimes (it's rare but still) to succeed in my area of talents when my older brother is always the star in the family because he's such an amazing artist. And writing is really all I have, like...that's it for me. There's no alternate thing for me to do. And it sounds lame but that's why I try to hard to improve and be better and be more real with what I write. Not to say that everything I write is non-fiction, that's for english essays and stuff, lol. But I just want to not give up on the thing that's been one of the main things to keep me going in life for so long. I think everyone has a destiny or a path they're meant to follow, not that they can't choose another, but I really hope that writing is mine because I really do love and enjoy it to the point where it's swallowed up my life and where everything I see or do feels like it's a part of my own story that has a long way to go before it ends, or really starts properly, because as people say, there is no end, only a new beginning <3


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