stop it..

to all outside there. my friends. pls stop to hurt eunmis and eric bastards friend. and also not rinni and eunmi. i wont care eric but whatever. stop hurting him too. i understand him. who wouldnt want me to die?! *chuckle bitter* but pls stop to say cruel things to my eunmi umma, rinni and her friends. i dont want my umma to be sad. i hope if any of u hurted my umma and rinni or friends then i hope u all stop it ! what u want by hurting them? what wil u get? its like mocking. thank you for reading. ps: THIS ISNT DEDICATED TO MY TEDDY! I KNOW NOTHING! JUST STOP WAR IN AFF U ALL!


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why would you help us?
I agree with endoice
AptonKey #3
No one wants death... We all want peace on AFF
nish_t #4
Um unnie u know right?
Whom this message will be indicated to.....
I can only say this...
Tell your friends to just ignore all those hurtful things.
Other's don't know about you all.
They are jealous because you are close to each others.
AFF is a place for us to relax and be happy, not a war zone.
Aww thanks baby! *hugs u*
But how did you know abot it?