My Choise....

Rubin_Kitty on Aug 1, 2012 16:42:43 says:
Hmmm good idea~ ^^
Aishhhh~ I can die for you so to be sick is nothing~ *hold your head with my free hand* *kiss you deep so that you cannot speak*

ApriliaSihae on Aug 1, 2012 16:40:27 says:
maybe you can make it but not for published.. :\
*still struggling* no, I said NO! youre so stubborn! I dont want you to be sick, thats all..! *turn my head*

x Rubin_Kitty on Aug 1, 2012 16:32:41 says:
It wouldbe a good idea but of course i wouldn't make it a story ^^ it'our love story~ ^^
*pissed* it's not important ! It will be better believe me ^^ let us continue~ ^^ *hold both of your hands with my one hand* *kiss you*

ApriliaSihae on Aug 1, 2012 16:28:30 says:
you will make our love story to be a fic??? -,-
*struggling* w-wait! *try to push you* I saw ur status! now ur eyes feel heavy, while ur head swirling! what will happen next??? *try to get up* we will continue this sometimes later, now go take a rest!

x Rubin_Kitty on Aug 1, 2012 16:20:42 says:
Yeah yeah *still angry*
*smirk* *on top of you* *kiss you deeper*
Yesterday i read our first conversations and i laughed soo hard xD
Our y conversations would be a wonderful story xD we would have reallymuch subcriber xD



I will make LeoMoons Love story....

i know no oone will read...

but i will do it...



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