You're probably wondering where in the world did this post come from and why is it here? I just gotta say that I can't hold my excitement anymore!!

Let's just say that I have been stuck at the same height (5'0'') for a while, 2 years, and grew 2 inches the next two years. Somewhere along the way, I grew an extra inch so that I was now 5'3.

Now I think I grew another inch, if not a couple of cm's. At my old house, I was able to tell if I was getting taller by standing under the cabinet above the sink (If it touched the top of my head, I grew something) but now that we moved, and these stupid dipsticks wanna change our cabinets, I can't do that anymore. So I had to find another way to measure myself (We can't do that tally marks on the wall method because we live in an apartment).

In my last post I mentioned this thing that unlocks your bedroom door from the outside in case you lock yourself out. Well, having a brain of a brother, he decided to lock me outta my room with him in it. I got the bright idea to see if I could reach the thing on my own and guess what?...

I touched it. I moved it. I dropped it! I EFFIN GREW! I'm getting tallah!

Some of you might not understand why I'm so excited... Back when my old friends were at my school, they would hug me and talk to me, but the catch was, they would hug my HEAD and talk OVER me. Now that I'm actually gaining height, I can look at their chins!!! 8D

Ah, the excitement of a short person :) lol off to waste my day away at school... Hopefully I won't die from burning up to much (I'm sick right now, again)

Bye-Yeom <3


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I'm happy for you hun!!! I'll see you when I come home for summer :3
I can totally understand your excitement~!! I'm 21 and I'm 4'10 1/2". I'm usually the one the younger kids measure themselves by...
They figure if they get taller than me they hit a milestone or something?