ANNOUNCEMENT: SooFany shippers now have a new name.

Hello AFF chingus!

So, just as what the title says, SooFany shippers have a new name. The new name has officially been declared today in our Soofany thread in Soshified. I just wanted to inform those Soofany shippers and also Sones who are active here in AFF about this matter. So after several days of brainstorming and deliberation, we have finally come up with a perfect shipper name that will symbolize SooFany and their shippers. From now on, SooFany shippers will be called SeraphsSooFany Seraphs. :)

Why Seraphs? Well, Seraph was chosen by most of the shippers because of its definition; angelic or having characteristics that attract love or affection. We all know that Soo and Fany are both religious and angelic. Also, we are attracted to SooFany's love and at the same time we want other people to be attracted to their love as well. You must be thinking now why we had to change our former shipper name, SooFany Enlighters. Well, first of all, Enlighter is not even a word. The right word is Enlightener. Second, it doesn't symbolize SooFany. And lastly, it doesn't represent us shippers.

So, SooFany shippers are now called Seraphs. :) Mind to give us your opinion about the new name?

You may visit our SooFany thread in Soshified by clicking this link.:

By the way, if you don't have an account you won't be able to access the thread. So, I suggest you to create one and join us there. Let's spazz together! Hehe. ^^

You may also like SooFany's Facebook page:

That's all, chingus. Thanks for reading! Jal gayo! ;)


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wow i love the name... SERAPHS ♥
ShikMush #2
Love the meaning:>
eightaenine #3
Seraphs!! yay 8D