Seoul Witch ♡

Ok so like............ this is my second blogpost tonight. I'm in desperate need of ranting. Goddamn it Kim Jae Wook. I NEED TO MARRY HIM. I cannot with his existence urgh just take my ovaries asdfhjkl. He's on my wallpaper, everywhere possible LOL. What have you done to me, waffle boy? I hate you, you bloody life-ruiner asfghj just stay in the army forever -creys- BUT SERIOUSLY HAVE YOU GUYS HEARD SEOUL WITCH LIKE APPARENTLY IM THE SLOW ONE CUZ I JUST HEARD IT RIGHT NOW IM A TERRIBLE FAN -CRIES TO INFINITY- BUT IM IN LOVE WITH IT AND HE'S SO PERFECT AND NOW I JUST CANNOT GO TO SLEEP HIS VOICE JUST HIT ME RIGHT IN MY FEELS. If you haven't heard it, go right now. Your next four minutes will be the best in your entire life im just kidding but its so good. Listen to it then weep for humanity like im doing now urgh i need tissues


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